China’s Mineral
Deposits{{/B}} China’s vast territory and complicated geological formations create favorable conditions for mineralization. Rich mineral deposits are found on the plains and in the mountains. Reserves of over 50 metals and nearly 80 non-metals have been discovered, in addition to rich fuel-bearing deposits. These include rich deposits of nonferrous metal, rare-earth metal, coal and certain non-metals. The proved reserves of a number of minerals are among the richest in the world, including rare earth, coal, iron, copper, tin, lead, zinc and aluminum. The prospects for petroleum and natural gas are also bright. The abundance of minerals provides a solid material basis for the country’s modernization. Nevertheless, there are also some inadequacies. Most of the minerals ar A. To develop China’s mining industry. B. To develop China’s heavy industry. C. To develop China’s oil industry. D. To distribute minerals evenly in China. [多选题]( )2.国家对传染病防治的方针是什么?()
A.预防为主 B.防治结合 C.分类管理 D.依靠科学、依靠群众 [单项选择]下列关于大叶性肺炎的描述中,错误的是()
A. 是由肺炎链球菌感染引起的化脓性炎 B. 患者常有胸痛及咳铁锈色痰 C. 炎症以纤维素渗出为主 D. 炎症不破坏肺泡壁结构 E. 病变分为:充血水肿期、红色肝样变期、灰色肝样变期和溶解消散期 [单选题]各站区提前()个工作日全面排查AFC设备及票务备品状态,有故障及时报修,确保节假日及大型活动期间AFC设备正常使用。
A.3 B.5 C.7 D.10 [单选题]A.间歇性无痛性全程肉眼血尿
A.血尿伴尿频、尿急和尿痛 B.尿频、排尿困难 C.下腹部包块 D.前列腺增生 [多项选择]球罐组装常用的方法有( )。
A. 正装法 B. 倒装法 C. 卧装法 D. 分片法 E. 环带法 [单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》工作许可的相关规定,“以手触试”环节,应在厂站工作许可人会同( )到达 作业现场核实工作票所列安全措施已经完成后,在办理工作许可手续签名前,由( )进行。
A.工作负责人,工作票签发人 B.值班负责人,工作许可人 C.工作负责人,专责监护人 D.工作负责人,工作许可人 [单选题]用单色光照射金属表面,使金属释放光电子,增大单色光的频率,但同时减小它的强度,则光电子的实际动能( )
A.增大 B.减小 C.不变 D.无法判断 [单项选择]{{B}}第三篇{{/B}}