Passage 3 Security is required on loans for several reasons. One of the most common is probably the borrower’s financial weakness. Such weakness may be indicated by several factors, including heavy obligations to creditors, poor management, and insufficient income. Borrowers in this financial condition can strengthen their credit by pledging certain assets. Having a secured loan may also be a psychological advantage for a bank. As long as the borrower has greater equity in the pledged assets than does the bank and the bank is in a preferred position and can foreclose in the event the loan agreement is broken, the borrower has a strong incentive to repay the obligation. The length of a loan also has a bearing on whether it will be secured. As the term of the loan lengthens, the risk of non-repayment increases. Loans for purchasing rea [单项选择]在第三段结尾处的横线上填入的最恰当文字是:
A. 当然是比较合理并可以实现的 B. 显然是过于简单而不够客观的 C. 就过于一厢情愿,太没有水平了 D. 虽然有理论依据却令人难以接受 [填空题]列车运行是以车站、线路所所划分的区间及自动闭塞区间的通过信号机所划分的( )作间隔。
[多选题]按照培训的地点,把培训方式分为( )。
A.课堂培训 B.班级培训 C.个别学习 D.培训条件、培训时间 [单选题]以下有关帧中继网的描述中不正确的是( )。
A.帧中继在虚电路上可以提供不同的服务质量 B.在帧中继网中,既可以适应流式业务,又可以适应突发式业务 C.帧中继网中帧长不变 D.帧中继中第三层被简化 [简答题]《儒林外史》的讽刺艺术表现在哪些方面?
[单选题] ( )是按照政府统一规划、建设达到一定规模、基础设施配套齐全、适合生产企业单位集中开展生产经营活动的区域。
A.写字楼物业 B.商业综合体物业 C.工业物业 D.产业园区 [单项选择]在Word2003中快速输入中文省略号的快捷键是()。
A. Ctrl+2 B. Alt+4 C. Shift+6 D. Ctrl+. [多选题]灭火救援方法优化、创新应从( )等几个方面作为切入点。
A.人员素质 B.消防装备 C.信息技术 D.人员数量 [多选题]心肺复苏术操作是否正确,主要靠平时严格训练,掌握正确的方法。而在急救中判断复苏是否有效,可以根据以下()、出现自主呼吸几方面综合考虑。
A.瞳孔 B.面色(口唇 C.颈动脉搏动 D.神志 [单项选择]How about ______ some money
A. to give me B. give to me C. giving me D. given to me [简答题]什么是仪表的基本误差?什么是仪表的测量误差?
A. 阶级 B. 国家 C. 所有社会管理机构 D. 战争 [简答题]外汇倾销
A. PMN是牙周组织重要的防御细胞 B. PMN不引起牙周组织的破坏 C. PMN可穿越袋上皮进入龈沟 D. PMN的数量和功能不足与牙周病有关 E. 局部和全身因素可通过影响PMN的功能影响牙周病的发生 我来回答: 提交