Compact International{{/B}} This year has been an excellent year for Compact International. Our total sales have reached £42 million and sales in the UK show {{U}} (29) {{/U}} impressive 8% growth. In 2004 we {{U}} (30) {{/U}} forced to invest heavily in new technology. But the initial problems this caused have been balanced {{U}} (31) {{/U}} the excellent progress we have made. We are producing 23% more than three years {{U}} (32) {{/U}} Our success is partly due to our sales staff, {{U}} (33) {{/U}} have managed to find many new customers. {{U}} (34) {{/U}} hard work is a model for us all. [单选题]推送挂车时,如距停留车不足55m时显示()信号。
A.减速 B.三车距离 C.五车距离 D.接近连挂 [单选题]工作负责人(监护人)、工作许可人应由有一定工作经验、熟悉安全规程、熟悉工作范围内的设备情况,并经()批准的人员担任。
A.工区(车间) B.主管领导 C.安监部门 D.本单位 E./ F./ [单项选择](二)、浙江富达栀灯有限公司(加工贸易A类管理企业)2008年从境外购进一批价值30万美元的不锈钢材料(加工贸易限制类商品),用于加工出口栀灯。该企业为此向海关申领了加工贸易手册。在生产过程中,由于富达公司没有电镀设备,经海关批准将半成品运至安徽海印电镀公司加工后,运回富达公司继续加工成栀灯成品,加工完毕后栀灯全部出口,剩余部分不锈钢原料与生产过程中产生的不锈钢废碎料(属数量合理的工艺性损耗)一起作内销处理,内销价格分别为55000元和8800元人民币。
A. 无需设立银行保证金台帐 B. 设立银行保证金台账,无须缴付保证金 C. 设立银行保证金台账,按不锈钢原料应征税款的50%缴付保证金 D. 设立银行保证金台账,按不锈钢原料应征税款的100%缴付保证金 [判断题]( )加药搅拌机在料槽内无料液下可以开启搅拌机。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]静脉滴注两性霉素B的适宜溶媒是
A.0.9%氯化钠注射液 B.5%葡萄糖注射液 C.50%葡萄糖注射液 D.复方氯化钠注射液 E.低分子右旋糖酐注射液 [判断题]工务机械车倒顺位(编组)作业变更调车计划的规定:无论勾数多少,必须停止作业,重新编制、传达书面调车作业通知单,确认有关人员清楚后,方可进行调车作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]生产经营单位的从业人员是指该单位从事生产经营活动各项工作的所有人员,包括管理人员、技术人员和各岗位的工人,但不包括临时聘用的人员。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]对于结核性胸腔积液穿刺抽液时,一次抽液量不超过
A. 100ml B. 500ml C. 300ml D. 1000ml E. 1500ml [单选题]战备工作落实,要求保持( )的备战状态。
A.昂扬的工作 B.良好的精神 C.枕戈待旦、快速反应 D.积极训练 [单项选择]In the writer's view, because of suburbanization,______.
A. many women are forced to move to the suburban areas B. many women are forced to move away from the suburban areas C. many women hate to go to the inner city D. many women in the suburban areas are forced to stay where they are [多选题]实现伟大梦想必须做到哪些?( )
A.进行伟大斗争 B.建设伟大工程 C.开展伟大建设 D.推进伟大事业 [单项选择]乙酰半胱氨酸可用于()
A. 剧烈干咳 B. 痰粘稠不易咳出 C. 支气管哮喘咳嗽 D. 急、慢性咽炎 E. 以上都不是 [单项选择]绝缘材料的导电能力很差,常用玻璃、塑料、陶瓷、()等。
A. 油漆 B. 水 C. 木材 D. 云母 [单项选择]需用棉花堵塞排除大气温度影响的是()
A. 鼻咽测温 B. 口腔测温 C. 鼓膜测温 D. 膀胱测温 E. 食管测温 [简答题]人民币的水印图案有固定水印和白水印。
[多选题] 有下列关于个人银行结算账户描述正确的是()
A.使用支票、信用卡等信用支付工具的,可以申请开立个人银行结算账户 ; B.办理汇兑、定期借记、定期贷记、借记卡等结算业务的,也可以申请个人银行结算账户; C. 自然人可根据需要申请开立个人银行结算账户,也可以在已开立的储蓄账户中选择并向开户银行申请确认为个人银行结算账户 ; D. 客户可开立多个个人银行结算账户,但不能在异地开立个人银行结算账户 [单项选择]Questions from 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:
Generally, cargo is carried in containers, but sometimes it is still shipped as breakbulk cargo. During the voyage, goods may be stacked on top of or come into violent contact with other goods. And the cargo might be dragged, pushed, rolled, or dropped during unloading, while moving through customs, or in transit to the final destination.
Moisture is a constant concern because condensation may develop in the hold of a ship even if it is equipped with air conditioning and a dehumidifier(除湿机). Another aspect of this problem is that cargo may also be unloaded in precipitation, or the foreign port may not have covered storage facilities.
Buyers are often familiar with the port systems overseas, so they will often specify packaging requirements. If the buyer does not specify this, be sure the goods are prepared using these guidelines:
Pack in strong containers, adequately sealed and filled when possibl
A. when possible, pack in strong containers and adequately sealed and filled B. moisture-resistant materials for packages including packing filler should be used C. the more expensive packaging material, the better D. observing packing requirements for any product-specific hazardous materials [单项选择]定义风险参照水准是()活动常用的技术。
A. 风险识别 B. 风险预测 C. 风险评估 D. 风险控制 [单项选择]腹痛拒按,大便溏滞不爽,小便短赤,舌红苔黄腻,应辨为()。
A. 寒邪内阻 B. 湿热壅滞 C. 中虚脏寒 D. 气滞血瘀 E. 饮食积滞 [判断题]集中评级授信时:主调查人由评级授信小组成员中的信用社主任或副主任签字,经办调查人由小组其他成员签字。
A. 消谷善饥 B. 饥不欲食 C. 突然食多 D. 不饥少食 E. 厌食恶油 [单项选择]急非淋白血病M2与M1型主要区别()
A. Auer小体多少 B. 过氧化物酶染色阳性程度 C. 中性粒细胞碱性磷酸酶活性程度 D. 原始粒细胞和早幼粒细胞以下阶段所占比例 E. 骨髓增生程度 [单选题]张某(男,15周岁)因要外出打工,需要申领居民身份证。关于申领居民身份证,以下说法正确的是( )。
A.张某的朋友李某可以代为申领 B.张某自行至公 安机关申领 C.张某的父亲代为申领 D.因张某未成年,申领时可不登记指纹信息 [判断题]浮选生产过程中,当浮选机室中发出金属碰撞或摩擦声,可能是定子盖板下沉,或金属器件掉入,应立即停车检查处理。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交