The difference between a liquid and a
gas is obvious under the conditions of temperature and pressure commonly found
at the surface of the Earth. A liquid can be kept in an open container and fill
it to the level of a free surface. A gas forms no free surface but tends to
diffuse(扩散)throughout the space available; it must therefore be kept in a closed
container or held by a gravitational field, as in the case of a planet’s
atmosphere. The distinction was a prominent feature of early theories describing
the phases of matter. In the nineteenth century, for example, one theory
maintained that a liquid could be" dissolved" in a vapor without losing its
identity, and another theory that held the two phases are made up of different
kinds of molecules. liquids and gases. The theories now prevailing take a quite
different approach by emphasizin A. a closed surface B. the gravity of the planet C. the field of space D. its critical point [单项选择]清宣降并用的方剂是()。
A. 柴葛解肌汤 B. 桑菊饮 C. 小青龙汤 D. 九味羌活汤 E. 麻黄杏仁甘草石膏汤 [单选题]【单选题】下列哪种行政强制执行行为是合法的()。(1分)
得分:0分 A.行政机关行政执法人员利用中秋节假日期间,对违法的建筑物进行强制拆除 B.在催告当事人履行行政决定期间,有证据证明当事人有转移或者隐匿财物迹象的,尽管催告期未满,行政机关仍然可以作出强制执行决定 C.当事人履行行政决定确有困难,行政机关决定终结执行程序 D.行政机关对逾期不履行行政决定的当事人采取停止供水、供电的方式迫使其履行 [单选题][T]BD007 5 1 3
常用修井转盘按结构形式分有船形底座转盘和( )转盘两种形式。 A.塔形底座 B.锥形底座 C.菱形底座 D.法兰底座 [多选题]银行业监督管理机构有篡改统计资料、编造虚假数据行为的,应视情节轻重,对有关责任人员给予( )的行政处分。
A.警告 B.记过 C.记大过 D.降级 E.撤职 F.开除 [判断题]事故发生单位负责人接到事故报告后,应当立即采取有效措施,组织抢救,防止事故扩大,减少人员伤亡和财产损失。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]乳腺癌术后三年患者现出现背痛,临床医生应首先申请何种核医学检查()。
A. Tc-MIBI肿瘤显像 B. Tc-(V)-DMSA肿瘤显像 C. Ga肿瘤显像 D. Tl肿瘤显像 E. Tc-MDP骨显像 [单项选择]男性,60岁。肝脏撞击伤施行不规则肝叶切除术后并发急性肝衰竭。下列治疗用药,不宜采用的是()。
A. 葡萄糖溶液 B. 脂肪乳剂 C. 醋谷胺(乙酰谷酰胺) D. 左旋多巴 E. 青霉素针剂 我来回答: 提交