W: I’m really exhausted! But I don’t want to miss that documentary that comes on at eleven.
M: If I were you, I’d skip it. We both have to get up early tomorrow, and anyway, I’ve heard it’s not that exciting.
Before a big exam, a sound night’s
sleep will do you more good than poring over textbooks. That, at least, is the
folk wisdom. And science, in the form of behavioral psychology, supports that
wisdom. But such behavioral studies cannot distinguish between two competing
theories of why sleep is good for the memory. One says that sleep is when
permanent memories form. The other says that they are actually formed during the
day, but then "edited" at night, to flush away what is superfluous. To tell the difference, it is necessary to look into the brain of a sleeping person, and that is hard. But after a decade of painstaking work, a team led by Pierre Maquet at Liege University in Belgium has managed to do it. The particular stage of sleep in which the Belgian group is interested in is rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, when brain a A. how dreams are modified in their courses. B. the difference between sleep and wakefulness. C. why sleep is of great benefit to memory. D. the functions of a good night’s sleep. [多项选择]土壤腐殖质的作用主要有()。
A. 促进种子萌发 B. 促进根的生长 C. 降低光合强度 D. 植物呼吸减弱 E. 抑制植株生长 [判断题]PDH采用的数字复接方法一般为异步复接。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]空压站的空气压缩机的安全阀、压力表应定期校验,一般要求( )检验一次铅封。
A. 半年 B. 1年 C. 2年 D. 3年 [填空题]大多数煤气中均含有CO,CO是一种()的气体,但CO可与人体血液中的血红蛋白结合而导致组织缺氧,造成中毒,俗称()。
[单选题] 行车中遇列队横过道路的学生时,应怎样做?( )
A.提前加速抢行 B.停车让行 C.降低车速、缓慢通过 D.连续鸣喇叭催促 [单选题] 从犯,是指在共同犯罪中起()
A. 从属作用的犯罪分子 B. 协助作用的犯罪分子 C. 非重要作用的犯罪分子 D. 次要或辅助作用的犯罪分子 [单项选择]某区疾病预防控制中心为了掌握各社区卫生服务中心健康教育服务项目的实施情况,除了从报表中了解各中心开展活动的次数、内容、参加对象外,还可用来评价的指标为()
A. 居民健康管理率 B. 居民健康知识知晓率 C. 疾病控制率 D. 病情稳定率 E. 患者发现率 [单选题]男性,50岁,门静脉高压大出血,急诊行脾切除、贲门周围血管离断术,术后2天再次呕血,三腔管压迫和药物治疗后出血停止,停药后又有呕血,且患者有嗜睡,轻度黄疸。为控制出血,进一步处理应该是
A.内镜下硬化剂注射或套扎治疗 B.脾肾静脉分流术 C.限制性门—腔分流术 D.肠系膜上静脉—下腔静脉分流术 E.血管造影加栓塞术 我来回答: 提交