{{B}}Engineering Ethics{{/B}} Engineering ethics is attracting increasing interest in engineering universities throughout the nation. At Texas A&M University, evidence of this interest in professional ethics culminated in the creation of a new course in engineering ethics, as well as a project funded by the National Science Foundation to develop material for introducing ethical issues into required undergraduate engineering courses. A small group of faculty and administrators actively supported the growing effort at Texas A&M, yet this group must now expand to meet the needs of increasing numbers of students wishing to learn more about the value implications of their actions as professional engineers. The increasing concern for the value dimension of engineering [单项选择]标签、说明书用语应当科学、易懂,便于消费者自行判断选择和使用的药品是()
A. 处方药 B. 西药 C. 中药材 D. 非处方药 E. 中成药 [单选题]左后转弯时,指挥口令的动令落在( )。
A.左脚 B.右脚 C.都可以 [单选题] 疏散走道及其转角处的安全指示标志宜设置在( )。
A.走道地面上 B.走道顶部 C.距地面1m以下墙面上 D.距地面1m以上墙面上 [单选题] 易贷卡通过渠道放款单笔借款金额( )。
A.大于等于2000元且是1000元的整数倍 B.大于等于3000元且是1000元的整数倍 C.大于等于5000元且是1000元的整数倍 D.大于等于10000元且是1000元的整数倍 [判断题]对工作不力导致生产安全事故人员伤亡和经济损失扩大,或者造成严重社会影响负有主要领导责任的地方党政领导干部,应当从重追究责任。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]Last month we bought our two - years - old daughter 76.______
a little dog. There are no many children of her 77.______ age near where we live, and we think a dog would 78.______ make her less alone. We were right. They play 79.______ together happily all day. Our daughter now smile 80.______ and laughs more than she used to. In a way it is 81.______ like having two children at home. All of them are 82.______ very untidy and they cry when they can’t get that 83.______ they want. They are more easier to look after now 84.______ than before. We are living a happiest life. 85.______ [单项选择]第1—5 题为套题:
各国养老保险制度受不同历史文化背景及社会传统的影响而呈现出不同的特征,各国的养老保险改革也具有多样性。根据各国在原有制度模式和改革路径上的特点,将国际养老保险改革的模式,分为欧美模式、拉美模式和经济转轨国家模式。20 世纪80 年代,苏联、东欧等经济转型国家对其养老保险制度进行了改革, 改革措施主要包括( )。
A. ②③④ B. ①②③ C. ①②④ D. ①③④ [单选题]在Excel中,区域是指连续的单元格,一般用( )标记。
A.A:单元格:单元格。 B.B:行标:列标。 C.C:左上角单元格名:右下角单元格名。 D.D:左单元格名:右单元格名。 E.略 F.略 [单选题]74.调车信号机的显示以( )为定位。
A.允许运行信号 B. 注意信号 C. 停车信号 D. 无显示 [填空题]I want to rent a( meet) ______ room for negotiation.
A.耕地占用税 B.利息支出 C.取得土地使用权时缴纳的契税和过户手续费 D.地价款 E.根据金融机构借款和其他借款所占的比例分别适用房地产开发费用5%以内和10%以内的计算方法 F.只能选择10%以内计算扣除房地产开发费用的方法 G.只能选择5%以内计算扣除房地产开发费用的方法 H.不能同时适用10%以内和5%以内计算扣除房地产开发费用的方法,只能选择其一 [多项选择]桅杆扳转法吊装技术按工件和桅杆的运动形式可为()。
A. 单砖法 B. 单桅杆扳转发 C. 双转法 D. 双桅杆扳转法 E. 单吊点扳吊 [填空题]链码装置的作用是________________________。
[简答题]两不同高程的点,其坡度应为两点高差与其平距之比,再乘以100%( )
[单项选择]Even in fresh water sharks hunt and kill. The Thresher shark, capable of lifting a small boat out of the water, has been sighted a mile inland on the Fowey River in Corn-wall. Killer sharks swim rivers to reach Lake Nicaragua in Central America; they average one human victim each year.
Sewage and garbage attract sharks inland. When floods carry garbage to the rivers they provide a rich diet which sometimes stimulates an epidemic of shark attacks. Warm water generally provides shark food, and a rich diet inflames the shark’s aggression. In British waters sharks usually swim peacefully between ten and twenty miles off- shore where warm water currents fatten mackerel and pilchards for their food. But the shark is terrifyingly unpredictable. One seaman was severely mauled as far north as Wick in Scotland. Small boats have been attacked in the English Channel, Irish Sea and North Sea. Most of the legends about sharks are founded in ugly fact. Even a relatively small shark--a A. They prefer warm water to cold water. B. They see best in deep water. C. They are afraid of man. D. That is where their food is. [填空题]A good many (build) have been burnt during the fire.
A. 肝火上炎 B. 脾经有热 C. 胃火上攻 D. 胃阴虚损 E. 肾火上炎 [单项选择]下列有关镇咳药的叙述,哪一条不对()。
A. 磷酸苯丙哌林又称咳快好 B. 镇咳药既能镇咳又能祛痰 C. 枸橼酸喷托维林又称咳必清 D. 氢嗅酸右美沙芬又称右甲吗喃 [单选题]心脏病患者拔牙应视为禁忌证的是
A.一年前发生的前壁心肌梗死 B.血压170/100mmHg C.未控制的心率不齐 D.心功能Ⅱ级 E.心功能正常的心脏病 [单选题]HXD3C机车停放制动减压阀(B40.05)整定值为( )。
A.450±20kPa B.500±20kPa C.550±20kPa D.600±20kPa [单项选择]自定义异常类的父类可以是( )。
A. Error B. VirtuaMachineError C. Exception D. Thread [多选题]装表接电作业应由两人及以上协同进行,如需登高作业,应使用(),并做好()和()的安全措施。
A.安全、可靠、绝缘的登高工具 B.防止触电 C.高处坠落 D.防止机械伤害 [判断题]各农商银行应充分认识到国家安全机关侦查工作的特殊性和敏感性,不得擅自对国家安全机关提交的涉案账户迸行信息标注,不得将其作为本机构报送反洗钱信息、调整征信记录工作的依据。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交