男,59岁。半个多月来双颈部淋巴结无痛性进行性肿大,不规则发热达38℃以上。查体:双颈部各一个3cm×2cm肿大淋巴结,左腋下和右腹股沟各一个2cm×1cm肿大淋巴结,均活动,无压痛,临床考虑为非霍奇金淋巴瘤。 |
George Kamp is the kind of tough
English northerner who runs things his own way. Contrary to what is normal in
big corporations today, his company has no remuneration committee, it is short
on part-time directors and it has no qualms about employing family members.
Mr. Kamp is chairman and chief executive of the engineering firm William
Kamp, which has been a family business since the middle of the last century.
Until a week ago none of this would have made the headlines. But a
rival engineering company has changed this with its £58 million hostile takeover
bid, putting Kamp’s management style in the spotlight. Kamp is a fighter: "All
my career, I’ve battled. I’ve had to battle w A. wanted to make the future of the steel industry more secure. B. thought that his men were not working hard enough. C. needed to cut clown on the running costs of the company. D. believed it would encourage team spirit in his workforce. [单选题]以下行为做到“与人为善”的是()。
A.有人不小心贱了自己一身泥,自己总是非常生气 B.总是对人微笑 C.父母对自己的帮助都是应该的 D.对人对己都应该严格要求 [判断题]《局铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》乘坐旅客的车厢与机车相连接时,内、外端门锁闭。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]井下巷道内的电缆,沿线每隔一定距离,在拐弯或分支点以及连接不同直径电缆的接线盒两端,穿墙电缆的墙的两边都应设置注有()的标志牌,以便识别。
A.编号 B.用途 C.电压 D.截面 [单选题]高压试验不得少于两人,试验负责人应由( )担任。
A.有试验资质人员 B.工作负责人 C.班长 D.有经验的人员 [单项选择]放水时,如果水量突然变化,应当立即报告矿(),分析原因,及时处理。
A. 地测科 B. 调度室 C. 生产科 D. 通风科 [单选题]后缘襟翼系统有:
A.1个PDU,4个旋转作动器 B.2个PDU,4个旋转作动器 C.2个PDU,8个旋转作动器 D.1个PDU,8个旋转作动器 [判断题]遥信去抖时间设置越长越好。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 银行业金融机构要制定流动性风险应急预案,并至少每年进行( )测试和评估,报监管机构备案。
A.一次 B.二次 C.三次 D.四次 [单选题]( )是指在开关合闸前对电网进行绝缘监测,当电网对地绝缘值低于闭锁值时开关不能合闸,起闭锁作用。
A.A、风电闭锁 B.B、漏电闭锁 C.C、瓦斯电闭锁 我来回答: 提交