{{U}}Children are a relatively modem
invention{{/U}}. Until a few hundred years ago they look like adult, wearing
grown-up clothes and grown-up expressions, performing grown-up tasks. Children
did not exist because the family as we know it had not evolved. Children today not only exist; they have taken over in no place more than in America, and at no time more than now. It is always Kids Country here. Our civilization is child-centered, child-obsessed. A kid’s body is our physical ideal. {{U}}In Kids Country we do not permit middle-aged{{/U}}. Thirty is promoted over 50, but 30 knows that soon his time to be overtaken will come. We are the first society in which parents expect to learn from their children. Such a topsy-turvy situation has come to abort at least in part because, unlike the rest of the world, ours is an immigrant society, and for A. were exactly the same as adults a few hundred years ago B. did not exist at that time because there were no families yet C. were not different from adults in physical appearance D. were not different from adults [填空题]铁路视觉信号中黄色的含义是( )或减低速度。J409
[单项选择]规范( ),各级公安政工部门是训练工作的主管部门,负责规划、管理训练工作.
A. 训练类别 B. 训练网络 C. 训练方式 D. 训练组织 [简答题]在超声波探伤中,37度斜探头主要用于探测什么缺陷?
[简答题]尽头线(牵出线除外)换算容车数计算方法:为有效长减去( )m安全距离以及距挡车器安全距离计算(端部站台的货物线除外)。
A. 自身利益 B. 国家利益 C. 人民利益 [判断题]华侨学生和港澳台学生回家时,车票发售至境内车站。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]党的十八报告指出,德治是治国理政的基本方式。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]一般事故由事故发生地()负责调查。
A. 县级人民政府 B. 设区的市级人民政府 C. 省级人民政府 [单选题]起吊前应检查起重设备及其安全装置;重物吊离地面约()cm时应暂停起吊并进行全面检查,确认良好后方可正式起吊。
A.5 B.10 C.15 D.20 [多选题]遇()的高空救援,首先通知待救者的亲人和相关人员及时到达现场,协同救援人员,说服待救者放弃轻生的念头。
A.自杀倾向 B.精神不正常 C.债务纠纷人员 D.高空作业人员 [单选题]对残疾、老年旅客,( )为他们提供方便
A.尽可能的 B.必须 C.视情况 D.可以 [多选题]过山车大部分都由()等部分组成。
A.轨道 B.站台 C.车辆 D.提升装置 [判断题]最高运行速度不超过140 km/h的机车,机车信号设备与列车运行监控装置(LKJ)结合使用。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在室外高压设备上作业时,应在作业地点的四周设围栏,其出入口要围至邻近道路旁边,并设有( )的安全标志牌。
A.“从此进出!” B.“在此工作!” C.“止步,高压危险!” D.“禁止攀登,高压危险” E.略 F.略 [单选题]工作完毕,将所动设备恢复原状,检查现场(),经运维人员验收后方可离开工作现场。
A.A、表计运行正常 B.B、现场打扫干净 C.C、无遗留工器具和材料 D.D、接线正确 我来回答: 提交