Interruption, more surely than anything else, kills conversation. The best of talkers interrupt (1) in conversation. However, the (2) interruption of the habitual interrupter and the unintentional, conscious interruption of the (3) talker are two very different things. All habitual interrupters are totally unaware that they continually (4) speeches of their converses and literally knock their very words back (5) their mouths.
Inability to (6) is responsible for one phase of interruption to conversation. It is the (7) eye that tells one’s words have not been heard. "The person next to you must be (8) by my conversation, for it is going into one of his ears and out of the other," said a talker to an inattentive dinner-companion whose absent-minded and (9) replies had been snapping the thread of the thought (10) it grew intolerable.
Because it often (11)
A. when
B. after
C. until
D. while
Standard usage includes those words and
expressions understood, used, and accepted by a majority of the speakers of a
language in any situation regardless of the level of formality. As such, these
words and expressions are well defined and listed in standard dictionaries.
Colloquialisms, on the other hand, are familiar words and idioms that are
understood by almost all speakers of language and used in informal speech or
writing, but not considered acceptable for more formal situations. Almost all
idiomatic expressions are colloquial language. Slang, however, refers to words
and expressions understood by a large number of speakers but not accepted as
appropriate formal usage by the majority. Colloquial expressions and even slang
may be found in standard dictionaries but will be so identified. Both Colloquial
usage and slang are more co A. disappearance B. influence C. qualification D. tolerance [单项选择]精密度取决于随机误差,随机误差的影响()加以修正,只能用标准偏差来评估。
A. 可以 B. 无法 C. 随时 D. 不必 [单选题]CRH380B(L)安装新闸片,作业人员确认闸片入闸片托架的导轨中。确认圆柱销定位销检查确认( )完全复位到闸片托定位孔中。
A.圆柱销 B.闸片 C.止铁 D.锁铁 [单项选择]利用基础内钢筋网作为接地体时,在周围地而以下距地面应不小于( )。
A. 0.3m B. 0.5m C. 0.7m D. 1.0m [单选题]1.4不属于专门查验区必须要求的是_______。
A.施划有标志标线 B.安装有视频监控系统 C.配备机动车外廓尺寸自动测量装置 D.配备有查验工具柜(箱) [判断题]B-002 C 3 5
地下水“监测站编号”按照《全国水文测站编码方法》编制的监测站编号,也可由各行政区域自行编号。 A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]邮件的生产传递过程大致可分为收寄、()、运输和投递4个基本环节。
A. 分拣封发 B. 交接 C. 中转 D. 派班 [单选题]飞机在地面,当A/P出现多个故障时,ASA上显示:
A.LAND 3 B.LAND 2 C.NO LAND 3 D.NO AUTOLAND [单选题]安全通信由( )标识。
Demands for stronger protection for wildlife in Britain sometimes hide the fact that similar needs are felt in the rest of Europe. [单选题]最低油量的宣布值:该油量是在考虑到规定的燃油油量指示系统误差后,最多可以供飞机在飞抵着陆机场后,能以等待空速在高于机场标高450米(1500英尺)的高度上飞行()分钟。121-R5
A.45 B.30 C.60 D.90 [判断题]高处作业区周围的孔洞、沟道等应设盖板、安全网或围栏有固定其位置的措施。同时,应设置安全标志,夜间还应设红灯示警。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]本文开头便指出Help to buy 政策等同于help to vote,由此可知,该篇文章属于政治类。本文主人公George Osborne 提出一项help to buy 政策,而本段接下来便说IMF和其他经济观察组织指出这项政策十分疯狂。第二、三段中,作者为Osborne进行辩护,这项政策开始时的确发挥了积极的作用。而且他们的团队的确积极推行。第四段说英国财政部也积极配合,使得这个项目与房地美和房利美有本质不同。第五段话锋一转,说这个项目很好的证明了英国金融房地产政策的鲁莽政策。并从几个角度进行了具体分析。第六段说英国二三十岁的年轻人就开始希望拥有房产,而其他几个国家则普遍到四十岁以后考虑买房子,并用数据支持。第七段引用经济学家的观点说,国家补贴购房的政策不仅为通货膨胀的虚高的房价推波助澜,而且还会影响到真正需要住房的人。第八段说,新增住房的增加只会对目前awesome 的房地产存量雪上加霜。第四题问为什么作者比较了英国和其他几个国家,用意何在。
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