One busy day, I was racing around
trying to get too much done, and I exclaimed to my three kids in the car, "We
can get both things done and kill two birds with one stone!" My daughter Annie
quietly suggested, "You mean feed two birds with one crumb, Mom, don’t you" I
stopped short, realizing how steeped my language is in the culture of war. I had
used "weapon" language without even knowing it. I was embarrassed and yet felt a
grace: if a child can become conscious of using a new language of peace, then
there is hope. Think about the business language: strategies, bullets, high-caliber, power point; about win-lose sports language like "decimate", "attack", "destroy the other team", not to mention the movies and video games that simulate the most gruesome annihilations over and over. The lies of propaganda, one-sided media coverage, A. The public is surrounded by various violence and lies. B. So far we are deeply immersed in the culture of war. C. Nuclear weapons are vivid expression of a culture of war. D. There is another arms race in someplace of the world. [填空题]普通喷枪一般每分钟用气量为()立方米。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]著名科学家彭加木为寻找水源多次深入到新疆哪里而失踪?
A.A.可对周围环境中的气体与液体提供最完善保护;它是一套完全封闭的、防化学品的服装.手套及靴子,以及一套隔绝式呼吸防护装置 B.B.在有毒气体对皮肤危害不严重时,仅用于呼吸防护;与A级不同,它包括一套不封闭的、防溅洒的、抗化学品的服装,它可以对液体提供如A级一样的保护,但不是密封的 C.C.它包括一种防溅洒的服装、配有面部完全被覆盖过滤式防护装置 D.D.仅限于衣裤相连的工作服或其他工作服、靴子及手套 [单选题]国家垄断资本主义的产生和发展从根本上说是( )。
A.国内市场竞争激化的结果 B.国际竞争激化的结果 C.垄断统治加强的结果 D.生产社会化与资本主义私人占有制之间矛盾发展的结果 我来回答: 提交