A--personal belongs insurance
B--health insurance
C--automobile insurance
D--life insurance
E--whole life insurance
F--endowment insurance
G--residence insurance
H--liability insurance
I--industrial insurance
J--fire insurance
K--unemployment insurance
L--employer’s liability insurance
M--participating insurance
N--birth insurance
O--medical care insurance
P--parcel post insurance
() is a one-way function that takes an arbitrarily long piece of plaintext and from it computes a fixed-length bit string. () is a protocol that most USENET machines how use it to allow news articles to propagate from one machine to another over a reliable connection. () is an approach preferred by cable TV providers. In this solution the fiber terminates at an optoelectrical converter and the final segment is a shared coaxial cable. () is a device used to connect two separate network that use different communication protocol. () js a digital-to-digital polar encoding method in which the signal level is always either positive or negative.
() is a protocol that most USENET machines how use it to allow news articles to propagate from one machine to another over a reliable connection.ISDN是在 (1) 基础上建立起来的网络,能够提供的最高速率 (2) 。常用的有D和B两种标准化信道,其中D信道主要用来传输 (3) 。使用基本速率接口传输声音,一路话音占用的数据传输率是 (4) ,占总带宽的比例是 (5) 。
3()已知某房地产开发商出售房地产的增值额为15万元,扣除项目金额为10万元。 |
Mr. Faugel was convinced that student nervousness had affected their scores; to reduce the anxiety of these students who had already been tested, he gave 22 of them a beta blocker before readministration of the test. Their scores improved significantly. The other 8 students (who did not receive the beta blockers) improved only slightly. Second-time test-takers nation-wide had average improvements which were similar to those in Faugel’s non-beta blocker group. Beta blockers are prescription drugs which have been around for 25 years. These medications, which interfere with the effects of adrenalin, have been used for heart conditions and for minor stress such as stage fright. Now they are used for test anxiety. These drugs seem to help test-takers who have low scores because of test fright, but not those who do not know the material. Since there can be si A. increased scores less than the national average. B. increased scores the same as the national average. C. decreased scores. D. increased scores much more than the national average. [单选题]寒湿困脾证与湿热蕴脾证的共同症状是
A.身热不扬 B.脘腹痞闷 C.面黄不泽 D.手足震颤 E.白带量多 [不定项选择题]结合有关数理统计方法评定项目及规定内容,回答下列有关问题。(4)弯沉代表值温度影响系数K?计算参数有( )。
A.K? B.T C.Ha D.E0 [名词解释]奥氏体的起始晶粒度
[多选题]EI32-JD型计算机联锁系统,当两台联锁机失去同步时,在( )s内备机应脱离联机状态,若( )s之内不能恢复同步,则备机重启,重新同步。
A.5 B.10 C.15 D.20 [判断题]浮尘子、粉虱和蚜虫同属一个目。
[判断题]调车作业,每台机车在特殊情况下可由二个调车指挥人指挥。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
韩国某外交官说:“如果外国人对韩国歌手有更多的关注,逐渐地他们就会喜欢上韩国……如果他们喜欢韩国,他们就会购买更多韩国产品。这就是我们试图推广的。”这启示我们()。 A. ①② B. ①③ C. ②④ D. ③④ [单项选择]盐酸去氧肾上腺素
A. 非水滴定法 B. 双相滴定法 C. 溴量法 D. 亚硝酸钠滴定法 E. 沉淀滴定法 [单项选择]患者因头痛、头晕20天,加重伴烦躁、频繁呕吐1天入院。入院体检:生命体征不平稳。头部MRI显示第四脑室肿瘤伴幕上脑室扩大。针对上述情况需再次进行的处理为()。
A. 脱水药物 B. 利尿药物 C. 神经营养药物 D. 脑室引流 E. 开颅手术 [单项选择]当施工承包合同在已经履行或已经履行完毕后被确认为无效合同,并将已完成的工程判给发包方所有,由发包方给承包人折价补偿时,折价补偿的计算办法应遵循( )规定。
A. 发包方按合同规定的计量支付办法支付 B. 发包方按合同规定的计量支付办法,但扣除利润与上级企业管理费后的结果支付 C. 发包人付给承包人的是承包人付出的劳动 D. 不按合同的报价,而是依据概、预算的方法,且应计入利润计算 [多项选择]户内配电所运行标准:绝缘工具及操作工具配置原则为()。
A. 绝缘手套一套 B. 绝缘鞋一套 C. 绝缘杆或专用的户内开关操作工具一套 [单项选择]无烟草专卖零售许可证经营烟草制品零售业务的违法行为应当移送当地()。
A. 烟草专卖行政主管部门 B. 海关 C. 公安机关 D. 工商行政管理部门 [多项选择]利用价格需求弹性可以区分出______。
A. 生活必需品 B. 奢侈品 C. 经济商品 D. 免费物品 E. 物美价廉商品 [单选题]在检查兆欧表时应使转速达到( )
A.120r/min B.130r/min C.140r/min D.150r/min [判断题]处理水域事故,需要潜水作业时,可以由会游泳的人员着潜水服下水,并采取安全措施。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列选项中既是公民权利,又是公民义务的是()。①劳动②受教育③纳税④宗教信仰自由??
A.①② B.②③ C.③④ D.①④ [多项选择]我国期货交易所在确定商品期货套期保值额度时,需审核申请者所申请的()与其生产经营规模、历史经营状况、资金等情况是否相当。
A. 套期保值时间 B. 买卖数量 C. 交易部位 D. 套期保值品种 我来回答: 提交