It is hard to get any agreement on the
accurate meaning of the term "social class". In everyday life, people tend to
have a different approach to those they consider their equals from that which
they assume with people they consider higher or lower than themselves in the
social scale. The {{U}}criteria{{/U}} we use to "place" a new acquaintance (熟人) ,
however, are a complex mixture of factors. Dress, way of speaking, area of
residence in a given city or province, education and manners all play a part.
A. to define the term social class does not involve much difficulty B. there is much alternation in people’s social classes C. to evaluate a person’s social class is a very complex procedure D. we can tell which social class a person belongs to by the way he behaves [判断题](2011年、 2012年)人民法院审理行政案件,可以对当事人双方进行调解,促其达成调解协议。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]发达国家成员的零关税包括哪些产品?
[单选题]新制造的AT钢轨超声波检测,轨头部分被检验面积不小于轨头截面积的( )。
A.0.6 B.0.7 C.0.8 D.0.9 [名词解释]半纵列式中间站 intermediate station with half longitudinal arrangement
[单选题](48031)线路允许速度200 km/h≥vmax>120km/h,焊缝凹陷大于( )时,应及时处理。(1.0分)
A.0.5㎜ B.1.5㎜ C.1mm D.0.3㎜ [判断题]“该机采用双天轮结构,驱动轮为渐开线形,负荷轮为圆形,并与驱动轮同轴固定在一起,负荷轮一侧悬挂抽油杆,另一侧悬挂曲柄平衡重。圆周运动曲柄通过钢丝绳带动驱动轮摆动,经负荷轮带动抽油杆做往复运动。”这段叙述指的是渐开线异形抽油机。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]“感觉到了的东西,我们不能立即理解它,只有理解了的东西,才能更深刻地感觉它。”这一观点说明()。
A. 感性认识对人认识事物本质没有实际意义 B. 感性认识是整个认识的起点 C. 感性认识是认识的初级阶段,理性认识是认识的高级阶段 D. 感性认识的局限性 [单选题]采用消弧线圈接地方式的变电站,()使用自动跟踪补偿装置。
A.严禁 B.可以 C.视情况而定 [单项选择]The market is a concept. If you are growing tomatoes in your backyard for sale you are producing for the market. You might sell some to your neighbor and some to the manager of the local supermarket. But in either case, you are producing for the market. Your efforts are being directed by the market. If people stop buying tomatoes, you will stop producing them.
If you take care of a sick person to earn money, you are producing for the market. (36) If your father is a steelworker or a truck driver or a doctor or a grocer, he is producing goods or service for the market. When you spend your income, you are buying things from the market. You may spend money in stores, supermarkets, gas stations and restaurants. Still you are buying from the market. When the local grocer hires you to drive the delivery truck, he is buying your labor in the labor market. The market may seem to be something abstract. But for each person or businessman who is making and selling something, A. Selling and Buying B. What Is the Market C. Everything You Do Is Producing for the Market D. What Can the Market Do for You [单项选择]在进行现场压实质量的评定时,施工单位自检人员的检测频率为2000m2检验 ( )点。
A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8 [单项选择]发售学生票的寒假期限为()。
A. 12月1日~12月31日 B. 12月1日~次年1月31日 C. 12月1日~次年2月28日 D. 12月1日~次年3月31日 [填空题]国际营销企业往往选择那些交易成本较低的市场作为()。
[单选题]传染性肝炎病人排泄物的处理最好选用( )
A.米苏 B.苯几溴铵 C.漂白粉 D.石碳酸 E.乳酸 [单项选择]广东农村信用社国际业务对进口业务的规定,在保证金关联的后续处理中,以下说法不正确的是()
A. 保证金关联删除成功后,需要打印相关的结售汇水单 B. 保证金关联调整删除成功后,可通过保证金关联主档查询和事件档查询来查看业务记录 C. 保证金关联调整一般在信用证金额调增时使用 D. 保证金关联调整一般在信用证金额调减时使用 我来回答: 提交