Text 3 Consumers and producers obviously make decisions that mold the economy, but there is a third major element to consider — the role of government. Government has a powerful effect on the economy in at least four ways: Direct Services. The postal system, for example, is a federal system serving the entire nation, as is the large and complex military establishment. Conversely, the construction and maintenance of most highways is the responsibility of the individual states, and the public educational systems, despite a large funding role by the federal government, are primarily paid for by county or city governments. Police and fire protection and sanitation services are also the responsibilities of local government. Regulation and Control. The government regulates and controls private enterprise in many ways, for the A. Postal system. B. Military establishment. C. Funding the public educational systems. D. Police and fire protection service. [判断题]电伤最危险,因为电伤是电流通过人体所造成的内伤。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Horse thieves, cattle rustlers, bank robbers, train and stagecoach robbers, highwaymen, murderers, these were but some of the criminals who infested the American frontier during the 19th century. In English legend Robin Hood can be considered a bandit, but the outlaws of the Old West were far more violent men and women without any scruples when it came to taking property or life.
The careers of many outlaws have been glamorized through fictional accounts of their deeds and their exploits have been the basis for many movie scripts. The era of the American outlaw lasted about 100 years roughly from 1800 to 1900.There had been lawlessness during the Colonial Era. Frontiers have always attracted misfits, failures and renegades who hope to profit by being beyond the reach of government. In the years just before the Revolutionary War, gangs of horse thieves in the back country of South Carolina were broken up by organized bands of farmers called regulators. As frontier s A. are materials of many fictions B. have been glorified in some movies C. are criticized by people in our time D. have been recorded [判断题]( ) 超长列车原则上在中间站应办理通过,不得停车会让
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]资本主义经济危机产生的根源是( )
A.资本主义生产方式的基本矛盾 B.社会两大部类的比例失调 C.商品供给和需求的矛盾 D.国家宏观调控的缺失 [简答题]《保护工业产权的巴黎公约》在工业产权的国际保护方面确立了哪些原则?
A.三误 B.四误 C.五误 [单项选择]MX2800单台最多支持()个AP。
A. 6 B. 48 C. 256 D. 512 [单选题] 下列行为应以玩忽职守罪论处的是( )。 (1分)
A. · 法官执行判决时严重不负责任,因未履行法定执行职责,致当事人利益遭受重大损失 B. · 检察官讯问犯罪嫌疑人甲,甲要求上厕所,因检察官违规打开械具后未跟随,致甲在厕所翻窗逃跑 C. · 值班警察与女友电话聊天时接到杀人报警,又闲聊10分钟后才赶往现场,因延迟出警,致被害人被杀、歹徒逃走 D. · 市政府基建负责人因听信朋友介绍,未经审查便与对方签订建楼合同,致被骗300万元 [单项选择]《合同法》中规定的合同履行抗辩权,是指合同履行过程中当事人任何一方因对方的违约而 ( )的行为。
A. 解除合同 B. 变更合同 C. 转让合同 D. 中止履行合同义务 [判断题]存款资信证明不能转让,不可流通,不得质押,不具有任何担保作用,不得融资和变相融资;若发生遗失,不办理挂失,遗失不补。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]依照《联合国海洋法公约》设立的国际海底管理局,()可以成为其当然成员。
A. 联合国会员国 B. 美国 C. 牙买加 D. 所有《联合国海洋法公约》缔约国 [简答题]简述学习动机与学习效果的关系。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )处罚是所有治安管理处罚种类当中涉及面最宽,适用范围最广的一种处罚。
A.行政拘留 B.刑事拘留 C.司法拘留 D.拘留审查 [多选题] 下列哪些可以成为行政许可决定公开的例外情况?
A.涉及国家机密、 商业秘密的内容 B.其公开有可能损害社会公益的内容 C.涉及到个人隐私的内容 D.涉及到单位各部门之间的冲突 [单选题]以下不符合麻痹性肠梗阻临床特点的是
A.持续性腹部胀痛 B.呕吐呈溢出性 C.肠鸣音亢进 D.均匀性全腹胀 E.停止排便排气 [单选题]消防部队参加的各种事故的抢险救援主要有:危险化学品泄漏事故、建筑物倒塌事故、交通事故等。( )(易)
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]中国歌舞音乐的开拓者是____________,他创作的_________是我国近代的第一首流行歌曲。
[多项选择]下面的( )是风险的定性评价方法。
A. 随机网络法 B. 决策树法 C. 专家打分法 D. 层次分析法 E. 蒙特卡罗模拟法 [单选题]HXN3机车其动力系统特别是电气室内存在非常高的具有潜在危险的()电压。
A.A.高 B.B.直流环节 C.C.低 [单选题]交流380V的异步电动机各相绕组之间和每相绕组与地(机壳)间的绝缘电阻应大于( )以上才可使用。
A. 0.5MΩ B. 1MΩ C. 1.5MΩ D. 2MΩ [多选题]一氧化碳中毒症状主要表现在( )
A. 轻度中毒:头痛、恶心、呕吐 B. 中度中毒:行动失调、出现幻觉、意识模糊 C. 重度中毒:深度昏迷、心率失常、呼吸衰竭 [单选题]电气设备倒闸操作时,发令人和受令人应先互报单位和姓名,发布指令的全过程(包括对方复诵指令)和听取指令的报告时应()。
A.录音 B.录音并作好记录 C.记录 D.汇报 我来回答: 提交