When I appeared before you on a
previous occasion, I had seen nothing of American art save the Doric columns and
Corinthian chimney-pots visible on your Broadway and Fifth Avenue. I find that
what your people need is not so much high imaginative art but that which hallows
the vessels of everyday use. I suppose that the poet will sing and the artist will paint regardless whether the world praises or blames. He has his own world and is independent of his fellow-men. But the handicraftsman is dependent on your pleasure and opinion. He needs your encouragement and he must have beautiful surroundings. Your people love art but do not sufficiently honor the handicraftsman. I find one great trouble all over is that your workmen are not given to noble designs. You cannot be indifferent to this, because art is n A. few people are indifferent to high imaginative art B. handicrafts and decoration work lack artistic quality C. handicraftsmen find it difficult to live a decent life D. most artists seem to indulge in fancy day-dreaming [多选题]各级公安机关及督察部门必须牢固树立的督察理念有( )。
A.服务全局.紧扣中心.狠抓落实 B.以人为本.注重预防.和谐督察 C.实事求是.依法督察.严格公正 D.与时俱进.尊重首创.创新发展 [单选题]―年4月8日起实施的集团《上海轨道交通电动列车上线试运行及投用管理规定》中指出,列车正线试运行期间,故障处置责任主体是( )。
A.车站调度 B.维护人员 C.值班站长 D.列车司机 [判断题]免费乘车的儿童单独使用卧铺时,应购买全价卧铺票,有空调时还应购买半价空调票。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]What is the exact meaning of ageism, according to the passage
A. A negative period of impotency and incompetency. B. A negative and/or stereotypic perception of older adults. C. A definition of stereotypic and often negative attitudes. D. A denotation against the negative bias of older adults. [单选题]建筑物倒塌的种类有倾斜状倒塌.“V”型倒塌.树状倒塌以及( )。
A.梯形倒塌 B.平降倒塌 C.侧向倒塌 D.内敛式倒塌 [单选题]一般情况下,柜面互通柜面取款单笔取款最高限额为( )(含),当日取款累计金额不超过( );
A.10,20 B.20,50 C.10,50 D.20,20 [判断题]几个作业组同时作业,当作业结束时,每个作业组要分别向供电调度申请消除停电作业命令。 (注明出处:《普速铁路接触网安全工作规则第85条》)( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]散剂制备的一般工艺流程是()
A. 物料前处理→筛分→粉碎→混合→分剂量→质量检查→包装储存 B. 物料前处理→粉碎→筛分→混合→分剂量→质量检查→包装储存 C. 物料前处理→混合→筛分→粉碎→分剂量→质量检查→包装储存 D. 物料前处理→粉碎→筛分→分剂量→混合→质量检查→包装储存 E. 物料前处理→粉碎→分剂量→筛分→混合→质量检查→包装储存 [多选题]机房附属设备的检修注意事项有( )。
A.检修时将制冷剂从设备排出 B.制冷剂排出后,对检修的设备抽真空数次 C.抽真空后将设备与系统其他设备断开,再与大气接通 D.接通大气后,确认设备无制冷剂后才进行维修 [单选题]575.更换钻井泵阀座时,要按( )顺序进行。①停泵放回水;②倒好组装阀门;③卸开阀箱螺纹圈;④取出阀总成。
A.A、①②③④ B.B、①②④③ C.C、①④②③ D.D、①③②④ [单项选择]One of the qualities that most people admire in others is the willingness to admit one’s mistakes. (79) It is extremely hard sometimes to say a simple thing like "I was wrong about that," and it is even harder to say, "I was wrong, and you were right about that. "
I had an experience recently with someone admitting to me that he had made a mistake fifteen years ago. He told me he had been the manager of a grocery store in the neighbor-hood where I grew up, and he asked me if I remembered the egg cartons. Then he related an incident and I began to remember vaguely the incident he was describing. I was about eight years old at the time, and I had gone into the store with my mother to do the weekly grocery shopping. On that particular clue, I must have found my way to the dairy food department where the incident took place. (80) There must have been a special sale on eggs that day because there was an im-pressive display of eggs in dozen and half-dozen cartons. T A. It’s Harder to Admit One’s Mistake. B. I Was Once the Culprit. C. I Remember an Incident. D. A Case of Mistaken Identity. [多选题]对小微企业工资表检查的内容包括( )。
A.查验企业报告期工资总额、 工人人数 B.工资发放的及时性 C.与上期和上年同期数据进行对比 D.分析企业用工情况是否正常 [单项选择]龟甲的主要归经是()
A. 肺、胃、肾经 B. 肺、脾、肾经 C. 心、脾、肾经 D. 心、肝、肾经 E. 心、肝、脾经 [单选题] 防灾安全监控系统是保证高速铁路列车运行安全的重要基础装备之一,属重要的( )设备。
A.安全 B.行车 C.信号 D.技术 [单项选择]按照宪法修改程序的不同,可将宪法分为( )。
A. 社会主义宪法和资本主义宪法 B. 成文宪法和不成文宪法 C. 刚性宪法和柔性宪法 D. 钦定宪法、民定宪法和协定宪法 [单选题](单选题). 电气平面图是按简图形式绘制的,平面图中的设备和线路的安装及敷设可用( )。
A.图形符号,文字符号,项目代号 B.图形符号,文字符号, 安装代号 C.图形符号,位置代号,敷设代号 D.图形符号,种类代号,安装代号 [判断题]并联电容器所接的线停电后,必须断开电容器组。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 用钳表测量电动机空转电流时,可直接用小电流档一次测量出来。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
In the U.S., people prefer waiting for a table to sitting with people they don’t know. This means a hostess may not seat a small group until a small table is available, even if a large one is. If you are sitting at a table with people you don’t know, it is impolite to light up a cigarette without first asking if it will disturb them. [单选题]精密量距的基本操作程序是( )。
A.定线、打桩、量距、测高差 B.定向、打桩、量距、测高差 C.定线、量距、拉标准拉力、测温度 D.定线、打桩、拉标准拉力、量距 我来回答: 提交