[判断题]尽量使用直流水、喷雾水扑救电气火灾。( ) A.正确 B.错误
[单选题]与一定的抽样极限误差相对应的置信度(1-α)表示( )。 A.抽样估计的误差率 B.对抽样误差的估计精度 C.抽样误差的最大范围 D.对抽样误差的估计的可靠程度
[简答题]It's impossible not to like imho.If you've spent any time online,you've seen the word at least a dozen times.It usually sets off an opinion from the text around it Those jeans don't look very good imho But it's a pliable little devil.Depending on its context,imho can function as a gentle nudge or a punch in the gut.It can ease you into the persuasive mode:This is all smart but imho you need to talk to him again.It can spring-load sarcasm:imho this column is Absolutely Correct.It can set off a punch line:Nuclear war sounds pretty bad imho.Much like lol or omg,it can convey a huge range of possible meanings.It can even be a little phatic Yet on we ednesday imho suffered an apparent crisis.Employees at BuzzFeed reportedly coule not agree on what the letters in imho represented.Some staffers claimed they meant"in my humble opinion."Others said that imho stood for"in my honest opinion.They turned it into content and posted a poll(which is silly,because democracy alone cannot determine correct usage).The debate soon metastasized across the English-speaking internet At press time,their poll showed"honest"in the lead with about 11,000 more votes.Here at The Atlantic,my colleague Alexis Madrigal has already weighed in on the debate:According to dozens guidebooks dating back to the early days of the internet,imho stands for in my humble opinion.What's more,there are many books that list humble alone,and many that list humble and honest.But there are none that list only honest Etymologically speaking,Alexis is correct.The h in imho clearly did originate from humble.But he's wrong about what imho means today.Sorry,Alexis-I'm just being honest.Think about it Honest and humble have two wildly different meanings.They’re not even talking about the same quality Honest conveys something about the truth value of the statement that follows.Humble communicates its tone and emotional charge If imho could legitimately mean either humble or honestand half of us have been using it one way,and the other half the other-then we live in semantic anarchy.We were all typing,clickety-clacking with our fingers,but we werent communicating anything.If imho can mean humble or honest,then the internet is full of noise and empty of soul But of course this isn't the case.We all know what imho means It is a set of letters that can introduce friendly advice,a stern caesura,or a joke.In other words,imho is a word.It joins the many other initialisms that have been ratified into ordinary words:snafu,radar,laser,zip code.Specifically,imho is a discourse marker-a word or phrase like however,well,or anyway that acts as glue in a piece of writing.And it's a pretty good word imho.It's a lot cuter than the other discourse markers.But then again,what do I know?I'm not a linguist or anything fwiw.
[单选题]机动车辆转向突然不灵失控应急处置正确是( )。 A.使用紧急制动 B.迅速拉紧驻车制动 C.换入低速档
[单项选择]患者上腹被汽车撞伤4小时,面色苍白,四肢厥冷,血压60/45mmHg,脉搏104次/分,全腹压痛及反跳痛明显,肠鸣音减弱。应考虑 A. 胆囊破裂,胆汁性腹膜炎 B. 小肠破裂,弥漫性腹膜炎 C. 肝脾破裂,血性腹膜炎 D. 严重腹壁软组织挫伤 E. 胰十二指肠破裂,腹膜炎
[单选题]从导电性能上来看,物质材料可以分为三大类,导体.()和绝缘体。 A.氧化硅 B.金属 C.固体 D.半导体
[判断题]列车操纵示意图是以《机车操作规则》和列车运行图为依据。( ) A.正确 B.错误
填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是: A.巨变 方向 B.蜕变 可能 C.转变 选择 D.激变 途径
[单选题]国家对从事涉及公共安全、人身健康、( )等特殊工种的劳动者,实行职业资格证书制度。 A. 国家财产 B. 消费者利益 C. 生命财产安全 D. 国家重大工程
[多选题]施工机具的保管、检查和试验规定,其中正确的是() A.应有专用库房存放,库房要经常保持干燥、通风。 B.应定期进行检查、维护、保养。施工机具的转动和传动部分应保持其润滑。 C.对不合格或应报废的机具应及时清理,不准与合格的混放。 D.起重机具的检查、试验要求应满足附录N的规定。
[单项选择]某篮球比赛14:00开始,13:30允许观众入场,但早有人来排队等候入场,假设从第一个观众来到时起,每分钟来的观众人数一样多,如果开3个入场口,13:45时就不再有人排队;如果开4个入场口,13:40就没有人排队,那么第一个观众到达的时间是:() A. 13:00 B. 13:05 C. 13:10 D. 13:15
[判断题]对自动重合闸的基本要求之一是:不允许任意多次重合。( ) A.正确 B.错误
[单选题]雾凇是我国北方冬季一种常见的自然现象。下列有关雾凇的说法错误的一项是)。 A.我国是最早记载雾凇的国家,在《春秋》一书中就有相关的记载,但是“雾凇”一词在南 北朝时期才正式出现 B.雾凇是一种类似霜降的自然现象,我国一般只有在北方才,能看到这种冰雪美景 C.雾凇是一种非常迷人的自然景象,但是它有时候也会成为自然害 D.雾凇是在空气层中水汽直接凝华,或过冷却雾滴直接冻结在地物迎风面上的乳白色 冰晶
[单项选择]对董事会提议分配的现金股利,正确的处理是( )。 A. 计入“应付股利”科目核算 B. 计入“应收股利”科目核算 C. 备查登记 D. 不进行会计处理,在会计报表附注中披露
[单选题]在交流电路中,电压与电流的相位差为“0”,该电路必定是纯电阻电路。 A.对 B.错
[单选题]航空安全员队伍由公共航空运输企业( )实行统一管理。 A.运控部门 B.保卫部门 C.客舱服务部门 D.飞行管理部门
[多项选择]急诊饱胃患者的处理包括() A. 使用H-组胺受体阻滞药 B. 静脉诱导插管时结合压迫环状软骨法 C. 放置粗胃管负压吸引 D. 表麻清醒气管插管 E. 慢诱导
[多选题]动火工作票不准代替() A.A:设备服役手续 B.B:检修工作票 C.C:工作任务单 D.D:事故紧急抢修单
[单项选择]DDRII内存有()个缺口。 A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
[单选题]停放制动施加时制动力由()提供 A.电制动 B.空气制动 C.空气制动 D.弹簧力
[单选题] 在汛期,水库、闸坝和其他水工程设施的运用,()水位以上的防洪库容的运用,必须服从有关的防汛指挥机构的调度指挥和监督。 A.正常蓄水 B.校核 C.设计 D.汛期限制
[单选题]听觉信号,长声为3s,短声为1s,重复鸣示时需间隔为()s。 A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5
[单选题]一般被称为物业基础资料档案的是( )。 A.物业介入期档案 B.物业承接查验期档案 C.物业入住期档案 D.物业日常管理期档案
[多选题]大跨度厂房(仓库)火灾扑救重点是内攻灭火救人和建筑倒塌风险评估,应建立专家现场辅助决策制度,对( )等进行安全评估,为组织指挥和救人灭火行动提供技术支持。 A.着火建筑结构 B.耐火极限 C.倒塌风险 D.着火时间
[单选题]打开钱箱钥匙必须加封放于保险柜保管,取下钱箱的钥匙由()负责管理,不能带入票务管理室。 A.行车值班员 B.客运值班员 C.值班站长 D.站区管理人员
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