In January 2002, during the first weeks
of a six-month stay at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia for leukemia
(白血病) treatment, Michael wandered over to his hospital window in search of
relaxation. The{{U}} (36) {{/U}}first-grade Watched a construction
crew{{U}} (37) {{/U}}on a 10-story addition to the hospital.{{U}}
(38) {{/U}}Michael’s third-floor window, Ritchie, an iron-worker from
the East Falls section of Philadelphia,{{U}} (39) {{/U}}and saw "this
kid with no hair{{U}} (40) {{/U}}face was pressed up to the window. I
waved, and he smiled and{{U}} (41) {{/U}}. I’ll never forget that," says
Ritchie, a father of three. As winter{{U}} (42) {{/U}}spring, Michael watched, fascinated (着迷), as 3 000 tons of steel{{U}} (43) {{/U}}formed the skeleton of the building. A. cheered B. lighted C. called D. woke [填空题]半透膜是一种只能让溶液中的()单独通过而不能让溶质通过的选择透性膜。
[单选题]在正常使用下,关于房地产开发企业对商品住宅最低保修期限的说法,正确的 是( )。
A.屋面防水为1年 B.电器开关为1年 C.地面开裂为1年 D.卫生间防渗漏为2年 [判断题] 1.6.2质量流量计使用前不需要预热。
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]属于抗肿瘤植物药中常用药物的是
A.喜树碱类 B.放线菌素类 C.嘌呤类核苷酸拮抗药 D.二氢叶酸还原酶抑制药 E.亚硝脲类 [单项选择]货车滚动轴承早期故障轨边声学诊断系统()
A. THDS B. TFDS C. TADS D. TPDS [单选题]对于铜管,下列说法错误的是( )。
A.导热系数较大 B.低温力学性能好 C.价格昂贵 D.高温力学性能好 [简答题]男性,40岁,因高空作业不慎坠落,双下肢不能活动lh,急诊入院。入院检查神清,烦燥,BP100/80mmHg,HR94次/分,R24次/分,大小便失禁。诊断为第五、六颈椎损伤,伴不完全截瘫。入院后给予颅骨牵引,留置导尿。既往体健,吸烟20年,每日1包。问:(1)列出病人目前2个主要护理诊断或问题。(2)列出预防病人肺部并发症的护理要点。(3)列出有效颅骨牵引的注意事项。
A. 迟发性血肿压迫 B. 椎管内纤维组织增生压迫 C. 脊髓血运障碍 D. 黄韧带增厚 E. 环椎迟发性前脱位 [单项选择]下列不属于宫外孕范畴的是()
A. 输卵管妊娠 B. 卵巢妊娠 C. 腹腔妊娠 D. 阔韧带妊娠 E. 宫颈妊娠 我来回答: 提交