Commodity and specifications | Quantity | [多选题]大型商场灭火救援,进入浓烟区域时,内攻人员应沿( )等低姿行进,从同一方向共同进出,防止迷失方向。
A.救生照明线 B.导向绳 C.水带或墙体 D.外窗一侧 [多选题]暂态地电压局部放电检测仪器一般由传感器、()和电源管理单元等组成。
A.数据采集单元 B.数据处理单元 C.显示单元 D.控制单元 [单选题]下列选项中关于各 BIM 软件说法不正确的是()。
A.BIM 模型检查软件可以检查冲突与碰撞、模拟分析施工过程评估建造是否可行 B.BIM 结构分析软件可将结构分析软件和 BIM 核心建模软件两者之间实现双向信息交换 C.BIM 方案设计软件可以把业主设计任务书里面基于数字的项目要求转化成基于几何形体 的建筑方案 D.BIM 运营管理软件可以提高工作场所利用率,建立空间使用标准和基准,建立和谐的内部 关系,减少纷争 [多选题]现场管理,下列说法正确的有:( )
A. 公用具乱摆乱放 B. 废旧稻草定置堆放,无堵塞通道 C. 车辆拜访有序 D. 生产现场无吸烟想象 [单项选择]吸气性呼吸困难发生的机制是()
A. 上呼吸道狭窄 B. 细小支气管狭窄 C. 呼吸面积减少 D. 肺纤维化 E. 呼吸中枢受损 [不定项选择题]共用题干
1 Chimpanzees(黑猩猩)will soon be extinct(灭绝).If the present rate of hunting and habitat(栖息地)destruction continues, then within 20 years, there will be no chimpanzees living in the wild. But this is more than an environmental or moral tragedy(悲剧).Chimpan-zee extinction may also have profound implications(含意)for the survival of their distant relatives一human beings. 2 In 1975 the biologist Marie-Claire King and Allan Wilson discovered that the human and chimpanzee genomes(基因组)match by over 98%. Compare this to the mouse, used as model for human disease in lab tests,which shares only 60% of its DNA with us.In fact, chimpanzees are far more similar to humans than they are to any other species of monkey. As well as resembling us genetically,chimps are highly intelligent and able to use tools.These facts alone should be enough to make protection of chimps an urgent priority(优先).But there is another,more selfish reason to preserve the chimp. 3 The chimpanzees' trump card(王牌)comes in the field of medical research. Chimpan-zees are so similar to humans that veterinarians(兽医)often refer to human medical text-books when treating them. Yet chimpanzees do show differences in several key areas.In parti-cular,chimps are much more resistant to a number of major diseases.It is this ability that is so interesting. 4 For example,chimps seem to show a much higher resistance than humans to HIV,the virus that causes AIDS. Indeed,their use as experimental animals in AIDS research has de-clined because they are so resistant. 5 By sequencing the chimp genome and pinpointing(找到)the place where the chimpan-zee DNA sequence differs from that of humans,scientists hope to be able to discover which part of the genetic code gives chimps their increased resistance to some diseases. This,they hope,will allow them to develop new and more effective treatments for the human forms of these diseases. Such treatments could include the production of new drugs or even the altera-tion(改变)of the human genetic sequence. The recently completed human genome sequen-cing project has shown that such an effort is now well within our reach. There is a difference of less than 2%between the chimp and______. A.some human disease treatments B.some diseases C.human survival D.human genomes E.key areas F.healthier lifestyle [判断题]只要材料的绝缘电阻大,就可以作为制作带电作业工具的绝缘材料。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]OPT最初被称为最佳生产时间表,20世纪80年代以后才改称为最佳生产技术。( )
[多选题]背景调查应关注的重要问题包括( )。
A.对空缺职位的胜任能力模型要做到心中有数 B.应当采用恰当的询问方法 C.注意调查对象的选择 D.背景调查的内容应简明、实用 E.背景调查应确定明确的主题 [判断题]无损检测可实现100%的检验、但可能会破坏被检对象。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]乡镇企业有权拒绝任何非法摊派。
[多选题]高速铁路线路标志包括( )。
A.公里标 B.半公里标 C.信号标志(与工务有关的) D.警冲标 E.动车停车位置标志 我来回答: 提交