Most people have experienced the
feeling, after a taxing mental work-out, that they cannot be bothered to make
any more decisions. If they are forced to, they may do so intuitively, rather
than by reasoning. Such apathy is of ten put down to tiredness; but a study
published recently in Psychological Science suggests there may be more to it
than that. Whether reason or intuition is used may depend simply on the
decision-maker’s blood-sugar level—which is, itself, affected by the process of
reasoning. E.J. Masicampo and Roy Baumeister of Florida State University discovered this by doing some experiments on that most popular of laboratory animals, the impoverished undergraduate. They asked 121 psychology students who had volunteered for the experiment to watch a silent video of a woman being interviewed t A. people are not able to make important decisions when hungry. B. decisions made on an empty stomach may be unreasonable. C. people are less intelligent when they are hungry. D. people are more intelligent when they are hungry. [单选题]第三次长江源考察结果显示,长江源区自2000年至今,水土流失面积呈递增趋势,出现了冻土及冻土环境退化、植被退化、冻融侵蚀和土地荒漠化等四大生态环境问题。下列关于生态环境的表述,不正确的是( )。
A.青藏高原冻土区是世界中、低纬度地带海拔最高、面积最大的冻土区 B.热带雨林是热带雨林气候及热带海洋性气候的典型植被 C.冻融作用表现形式主要为冰融风化、冻融扰动和融冻泥流等 D.我国土地荒漠化有风蚀荒漠化、水蚀荒漠化、土壤盐渍化这三种类型 [多项选择]骨折的早期并发症有
A. 周围神经损伤 B. 内脏损伤 C. 缺血性肌挛缩 D. 脂肪栓塞 E. 损伤性骨化 [单选题] 50Hz轨道电路微相敏接收器驱动执行继电器为( )。
A.JWJXC-H125/0.44 B.JYJXC-160/260 C.JPXC-1000 D.JWXC-1700 [判断题]1551消雷器是利用金属针状电极的电磁感应原理,使雷云电荷被中和,从而不致发生雷击现象。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]股票和基金可以通过综合协议交易平台进行交易。( )
A.机体右侧 B.机体左侧 C.电气操作箱 [简答题]凝结器铜管防腐措施有哪些?
[单选题]气体灭火系统机械应急操作装置应设在( ) 。
A. 防护区内 B. 无管网灭火系统中 C. 贮瓶间或防护区外便于操作的地方 D. 泄压口 [填空题]坠陀串最下面一块坠陀底面至基础面的距离称为补偿器的()。
[单选题]12.交通安全的关键在于( )。
A.环境 B.车辆 C.人 D.道路 我来回答: 提交