{{B}}U.S. Life Expectancy Hits New
High{{/B}} Life expectancy rates in the United States are at an all-time high, with people born in 2005 projected to live for nearly 78 years, a new federal study finds. The finding reflects a continuing trend of increasing life expectancy that began in 1955, when the average American lived to be 69.6 years old By 1995, life expectancy was 75.8 years, and by 2005, it had risen to 77. 9 years, according to the report released Wednesday. "This is good news," said report co-author Donna Hoyert, a health scientist at the National Center for Health Statistics. "It’s even better news that it is a continuation of trends, so it is a long period of continuing improvement." Despite the upward trend, the United States still has a lower lif A. nearly 3 years behind B. nearly 4 years behind C. nearly 6 years behind D. nearly 8 years behind [简答题]非接触式火灾报警器是根据什么进行探测的?原理是什么?
A. 换血疗法 B. 纠正缺氧及酸中毒 C. 光照治疗 D. 生后1天内输白蛋白 E. 输注免疫球蛋白 [填空题]Ideally, the teacher-student relationship at universities is characterized (51) trust. The "honor system," imposed by the teacher and the university, demands that the student (52) honest in all areas of school work. Thus, (53) on tests, plagiarizing in written work, presenting others’ ideas as original, and (54) in homework completed by someone are all prohibited.
Violation of the honor system can result in a student’s failing a course, having a permanent record of the violation placed in the student’s school files, or even being (55) from the university. Many students are also aware that they can jeopardize their rapport with fellow students if they are (56) . Students who (57) may lose the respect of other students, particularly those who study for exams and work independently. When leaving the classroom while students are (58) an exam, an instructor may or may not say, "I expect you all to abide (59) the honor syste [判断题]远视力正常的人就是正视眼
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]站务中心组织的各类安全规章考试满分为100分,80分以上为及格。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]国有企业分类改革战略。
[多选题]安装电力通信设备前,宜对( )等是否符合安全要求进行现场勘察。
A.机房作业现场基本条件 B.电力通信电源负载能力 C.有限空间内气体含量 D.接地保护范围 [多选题]变压器的分析往往从空载运行开始,()是变压器空载状态。
A.一次绕组接交流电源 B.二次绕组开路 C.一次绕组接直流电源 D.二次绕组短路 [填空题]John was playing by a ball in the street. 76.______
He kicked it too hard and broke the 77.______ window of Mrs. Green’s house. The ball fell 78.______ inside. Mrs. Green came to the window with the ball and shouted to John. So John ran 79.______ away but he did not want his ball back. A 80.______ few minutes later John returned and knocked at the door. When Mrs. Green answered it, he said," My father’s not going to come and 81.______ fix your window very soon." After a few minutes a man came to the door by tools in his hand, so Mrs. Green let 82.______ John take his ball in. When the man finished 83.______ fixing the window, he said to Mrs. Green, "That will spend you exactly ten dollars." 84.______ "But aren’t you the father of that young boy" Mrs. Green asked, looked very 85.______ surprised. The man was equally surprised and he answered, "No. Arch’t you his mot [判断题]在三相电路中,流过各相绕组或各相负载的电流称为线电流。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]同一区域同时进行多项施工作业时,同一配合人员可以配合{|*|}作业。同一区域是指贯通的具有独立功能的空间处所,各车站,控制中心,车辆段,停车场,各主变电所视为同一区域。
A.传感器 B.电感器 C.电控单元 D.点火提前器 [单项选择]若有以下定义和语句: int a[]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10),*p=a; 则值为3的表达式是______。
A. P+=2,*(p++) B. p+=2,*++p C. p+=3,*p++ D. p+=2,++*p [判断题]156.公司准备在某市郊区建一座化工厂,向某市规划局、土地管理局、环境保护局和建设局等职能部门申请有关证照。拟建化工厂附近居民对核发该项目许可证照享有申请听证的权利。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]站内信号机故障时,根据影响范围登记停用该信号机或故障灯位,具备机械引导条件时应注明。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]处理保护装置异常时,调度下令停用保护后,解除跳闸出口压板后,专业人员履行工作许可手续后即可对装置进行处理。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [单选题]心肺复苏时,每做30次按压,需做()人工呼吸,然后再在胸部重新定位,再做胸外按压,如此反复进行,直到协助抢救者或专业医务人员赶来。
A.A.3次 B.B.2次 C.C.1次 D.D.4次 E.略 F.略 G.略 [单选题]正常操作中,防滞的参考速度由BSCU依据来源于______的水平加速来决定。
A.ADIRU1和3 B.ADIRU1或2或3 C.ADIRU2和3 [多选题]根据《国家电网有限公司基建安全管理规定》,下列关于施工分包安全管理说法正确的是()。
A.业主项目部考核评价工程项目各参建单位分包管理工作 B.监理项目部动态核查进场分包队伍的人员配备 C.施工企业应与分包商签订规范的分包合同及安全协议 D.施工项目部对分包队伍施工活动组织安全检查 [多选题]化纤绳(迪尼玛绳)的使用要求有( )。
A.使用前应进行外观检查 B.使用直接系结的方式绑扎固定 C.使用时应避免刮磨或与热源接触 D.使用时与带电体有可能接触时,应按规定进行试验、干燥、隔潮 [多选题]手动变速器不能挂进某个档位的故障原因可能是( )等。
A.离合器分离不彻底 B.操纵机构调整不当 C.该档位自锁弹簧太软 D.该档位锁环磨损 E.该档位啮合套内花键磨损 [单选题]党的十五大把“三步走”战略的第三步具体化,提出了三个阶段性目标,第一步是( )。
A.21世纪第一个10年,实现国民生产总值比2000年翻一番,使人民的小康生活更加富裕,形成比较完善的社会主义市场经济体制 B.再经过10年的努力,到建党100周年时,使国民经济更加发展,各项制度更加完善 C.到21世纪中叶新中国成立100周年时,基本实现现代化,建成富强民主文明的社会主义国家 D.21世纪的第二个10年,到建党100周年时,基本实现现代化 [判断题]特种设备检验机构接到定期检验要求后,应当按照安全技术规范的要求及时进行安全性能 检验。特种设备使用单位应当将定期检验标志置于该特种设备的显著位置。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]质量文化主要由三个层次构成,其中制度文化层就是指通过各种规章制度来约束员工行为和组织行为。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 区间及车站水淹应急处置原则有(____)(1.0分)
A.坚持高度集中、统一指挥的原则。 B.坚持“先救人,后救物;先全面,后局部”原则。优先组织人员疏散、伤员抢救,同时兼顾重点设备和环境的保护,将损失降至最低限度。 C.坚持就近处理的原则:水淹发生时,在上一级应急处置负责人到达现场前,员工按下表规定担任现场第一应急处置负责人;在上一级应急处置负责人到达现场后,则由上一级应急处置负责人担任现场指挥工作。 D.员工在应急处置过程中要注意自身安全,在完成乘客疏散及伤员救助至安全区域后,全部撤离至安全区域。 [单项选择]管理过程通常由以下哪4个方面组成()
A. 分析前、分析中、分析后、咨询服务 B. 计划、组织、领导、控制 C. 人力、资金、设备、信息 D. 准确、及时、经济、安全 E. 观察、统计、报告、纠正 [多选题] 车站值班操作员CCTV监控终端账号具有下列哪些权限()。
A.下载录像 B.调看录像 C.设置轮巡 D.设置球机预置位 我来回答: 提交