Telegrams have just passed into history
in America, following the announcement by Western Union, once the colossus of
the industry, that it was discontinuing its telegram service at the end of
January. Yet in a sense, the technology pioneered by Samuel Morse has been
reborn with a modern twist, in the form of text messages sent between mobile
phones. For years, foreigners have wondered why Americans, usually at the
vanguard of technological adoption, were so reluctant to embrace texting. But
now they have adopted the technology with enthusiasm. What happened America’s apathy towards texting was easy to explain. Voice calls on mobile phones are cheaper than in other countries, which gives cost-conscious users less incentive to send texts instead; several different and incompatible wireless technologies are in use, which made A. Americans pioneered the use of texting as they did with other technologies. B. contrary to expectations, Americans were slow to adopt texting. C. America’s telegram service played a role in its late adoption of texting. D. Americans’ enthusiasm for texting has surprised foreigners. [单选题]水带一旦沾上油、酸、碱和有害药品,要用( )洗净,并及时晾干。
A.汽油 B.四氯化碳 C.清水 D.清洗剂 [判断题]电力电缆由上至下依次为高压动力电缆、低压动力电缆、控制电缆、信号电缆。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]检修工作时凡一经合闸就可送电到工作地点的断路器和隔离开关的操作手把上应悬挂:( )。
A. 止步,高压危险 B. 禁止合闸,有人工作 C. 禁止攀登,高压危险 [单选题]焊接电弧是一种气体放电现象,当电源两端分别与被焊零件和焊枪相连时,在电场的作用下,电弧阴极产生电子发射,阳极吸收电子,电弧区的中性气体粒子在接受外界能量后电离成正离子和电子,正负带电粒子相向运动,形成两电极之间的气体空间导电过程,借助电弧将电能转换成热能、机械能和光能。
A.对 B.错 [单项选择]债券的评级,实际上主要是评定()的大小。
A. 收益大小 B. 通货膨胀 C. 到期偿债能力 D. 营运状况 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Thirst for Oil
Worldwide every day,we devour the energy equivalent of about 200 million barrels of oil. Most of the energy on Earth comes from the Sun. In fact enough energy from the Sun hits the planet's surface each minute to cover our needs for an entire year,we just need to find an efficient way to use it. So far the energy in oil has been cheaper and easier to get at. But as supplies dwindle,this will change,and we will need to cure our addiction to oil. Burning wood satisfied most energy needs until the steam-driven industrial revolution,when energy-dense coal became the fuel of choice. Coal is still used,mostly in power sta-tions,to cover one quarter of our energy needs,but its use has been declining since we star-ted pumping up oil. Coal is the least efficient,unhealthiest and most environmentally dama-ging fossil fuel,but could make a comeback,as supplies are still plentiful:its reserves are five times larger than oil's. Today petroleum,a mineral oil obtained from below the surface of the Earth and used to produce petrol,diesel oil and various other chemical substances,provides around 40% of the world's energy needs,mostly fuelling automobiles. The US consumes a quarter of all oil,and generates a similar proportion of greenhouse gas emissions. The majority of oil comes from the Middle East,which has half of known reserves. But other significant sources include Russia,North America,Norway,Venezuela and the North Sea. Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge could be a major new US source,to reduce reliance on foreign imports. Most experts predict we will exhaust easily accessible reserves within 50 years,though opinions and estimates vary. We could fast reach an energy crisis in the next few decades, when demand exceeds supply. As conventional reserves become more difficult to access,oth-ers such as oil shales and tar sands may be used instead. Petrol could also be obtained from coal. Since we started using fossil fuels,we have released 400 billion tonnes of carbon,and burning the entire reserves could eventually raise world temperatures by 13℃ .Among other horrors,this would result in the destruction of all rainforests and the melting of all Arctic ice. What is NOT the result of consuming fossil fuels according to the last paragraph? A.Rainforests will be destroyed. B.Arctic ice will be melted. C.The earth's temperature will be raised. D.The sea level will go up. [多选题] 《非金融机构支付服务管理办法》中所称的预付卡不包括:( )
A.仅限于缴纳电话费等通信费用的预付卡; B.仅限于乘坐公共交通工具的预付卡; C.仅限于发放社会保障金的预付卡; D.发行机构与特约商户为同一法人的预付卡; [多项选择]下列内容不属于房地产开发策划方案的有()。
A. 融资方式与资金结构的分析与选择 B. 区位分析与选择 C. 开发时机的分析与选择 D. 实物分析和选择 E. 物业管理方案的分析和选择 [多选题]附着式升降脚手架必须具有( )的安全装置。
A.防倾覆 B.防坠落 C.同步升降控制 D.上下限位 E.固定卡 [单选题]以下哪些不属于“两学一做”学习教育中的具体内容?
A.学党章党规 B.学系列讲话 C.做合格党员 D.做先进党员 [多选题] 下列民警因违纪公安机关拟予以辞退。如有下列情形不得辞退的是( )。
A. 甲因公负伤致残被确认为部分丧失工作能力 B.乙因车祸受伤但已过规定的医疗期 C.丙正在哺乳自己的婴儿 D.丁怀孕后做了流产手术正在产假期间 [单选题]( )把党在社会主义初级阶段的基本路线概括为:领导和团结全国各族人民,以经济建设为中心,坚持四项基本原则,坚持改革开放,自力更生,艰苦创业,为把我国建设成为富强、民主、文明的社会主义现代化国家而奋斗。( )
A.中共十一届三中全会 B.中共十二大 C.中共十三届四中全会 D.中共十四大 [单项选择]
传统中国画讲究“知白守黑”,其含义是“黑者为画,白者为空白”。画面上留的空白要像画的形象那样被重视。换句话说,留出的空白要合理,要符合构图规则。最忌空白大小形状相同,最忌空白似圆、似方,最忌空白散乱如星。好的空白有大有小,都是不规则的三角形,所留空白完整统一。 A. 传统中国画的笔法特点 B. 传统中国画的构图原则 C. 鉴赏传统中国画的角度 D. 传统中国画的用墨技巧 [名词解释]肾脊角
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]现代工程中最典型的合同类型有_______、_________、_________。
A. 可控 B. 监控 C. 在控 D. 能控 [单项选择]细菌对青霉素类产生耐药性的主要原因是:()
A. 产生水解酶 B. 产生钝化酶 C. 改变代谢途径 D. 改变细胞膜通透性 [单项选择]消除疏失误差的方法是( )。
A. 抛弃错误的测量结果 B. 多次测量结果取平均 C. 对测量仪表进行校正 D. 正、负消除法 [判断题]双手控制安全装置迫使操作者应用两只手来操纵控制器,它不能对操作者提供保护。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交