Until recently, the British system of
money was not based on the decimal system. But in February, 1971, Great
Britain (41) its currency to the decimal system(十进制). The
pound is still the basic monetary unit, but it is now made up of 100 pennies
(42) pence. In the new system, there are six coins. The coins
are known (43) their values. They have the following values:
1/2 pence or penny, 1 penny, 2 pence, 5 pence, 10 pence, and 50 pence. In Great Britain, the word note is used to refer to paper money. The notes you would most probably use if you (44) England are the one-pound note, the five-pound note, and the ten-pound note. It isn’t (45) for a country to convert(转换) its currency from one system to (46) . In England the Decimal Currency Board spent $ 3 million to explain the new system to the people A. for B. by C. to D. as [填空题]在一个链队中,如果front和rear是队首和队尾的指针,则插入一个结点s(的操作是 【2】 。
[多选题]计算机网络按地理范围可划分为( )。
A.局域网 B.城域网 C.广域网 D.互联网 [多选题]低压配电线路和设备检修,应断开所有可能来电的电源(包括解开电源侧和用户侧连接线),对工作中有可能触碰的相邻带电线路、设备应采取()措施。
A.停电 B.绝缘遮蔽 C.可靠 D.装设遮栏 [单项选择]场内申购、赎回ETF采用( )的方式。
A. 金额申购、份额赎回 B. 份额申购、金额赎回 C. 金额申购、金额赎回 D. 份额申购、份额赎回 [单选题]灾难恢复是指将信息系统从灾难造成的故障或瘫痪状态恢复到可正常运行状态,并将其支持的业务功能从灾难造成的不正常状态恢复到( )而设计的活动和流程。
A.理想状态 B.稳定状态 C.正常状态 D.可接受状态 [简答题]造成压架的原因有哪些?
[单选题]区别犯罪预备与犯罪未遂的关键在于行为人是否着手实施了( )。
A.有助于犯罪既遂的行为 B.有助于实现犯罪目的的行为 C.有助于犯罪结果发生的行为 D.刑法分则规定的犯罪实行行为 [简答题]圣保禄共有几次传教行程?
[单选题] 在加密技术中,把待加密的消息称为( )。
A.明文 B.密文 C.加密 D.解密 [多项选择]流转税及附加包括()。
A. 营业税 B. 城市维护建设税 C. 教育费附加 D. 房产税 我来回答: 提交