American suffers from an overdose of
work (51) who they are or what they do. They spend
(52) time at work than at any time since World War Ⅱ. In 1950,
the US had fewer working hours than any other (53) country.
Today, it (54) every country but Japan, where industrial
employees log 2, 155 hours a year compared (55) 1, 951 in the
US and 1, 603 (56) West employees. Between 1969 mad
1989, employed Americans (57) an average of 138 hours to
their yearly work schedules. The work-week (58) at about 40
hours, but people are working more weeks each year. (59) ,
paid time off-holidays, vacations, sick leave-- (60) 15
percent in the 1990s. As corporations have (61) stiffer competition and slower growth in productivity, they (62) employees to work longer. Cost-cutting layo A. arrived B. stopped C. set D. remained [单项选择]British Columbia is a province in the western half of Canada. It is the largest province in the western half of Canada, but two other provinces are larger.
The weather in the southern half of British Columbia is mild. In fact, it is the mildest in Canada. For this reason, many older people come to live in this area of Canada. There are about three and a half million people living in British Columbia. Only Ontario and Quebec have more people, about half of British Columbia’s people originally came from England. Many other people’s families came to Canada from Scotland, Ireland, and Germany. Today this province has a higher percentage of Asians than any of the Other nine provinces. Vancouver is the largest city in British Columbia. Many international visitors come to Vancouver. They come to see the natural beauty of the coast and the beautiful mountains. Many ships stop at Vancouver, and it is the largest port in all of Canada. The main idea of paragraph 3 is ______. A. the people in this province came from many places B. not many people from France or Spain came here C. there are more Asians in this province than in the other provinces D. the people in this province came from one place [单项选择]海晟烟叶生产经营管理信息系统(HS—YYMIS)中的烟叶收购管理系统模块主要适用于()
A. 基层站点 B. 县、市、省级公司业务科室 C. 县、市.省级公司公司领导 D. 市级调拨部门 [单选题]下列为听觉感受器的是
A.膜半规管 B.骨半规管 C.螺旋器 D.膜壶腹 E.连合管 [单项选择]空腹血糖测定的取血时间
A. 禁餐禁饮8小时以上 B. 摄入葡萄糖后任意时间 C. 进餐后任意时间 D. 定量摄入葡萄糖,饮第一口糖水时计时,2小时后测定血糖 E. 从吃第一口饭时开始计算时间,2小时取血 [单项选择]发梢向内或向外的平放盘卷,效果是()
A. 有平滑发梢贴靠的发型 B. 有平滑发梢翻翘的发型 C. 有卷曲发梢贴靠的发型 D. 有卷曲发梢翻翘的发型 [单项选择]各级党委应当定期召开党委民主生活会,()根据上级指示精神和单位实际确定。
A. 会议标语 B. 会议议程 C. 会议内容 D. 会议主题 [判断题]钢丝绳的钢丝磨损或腐蚀达到钢丝绳实际直径比其公称直径减少5%或更多者应报废。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]根据《超限运输车辆行驶公路管理规定》,《超限运输车辆通行证》的式样由( )统一制定,各()负责印制和管理。申请人可到许可窗口领取或者通过网上自助方式打印。
A. 公安部 省级公路管理机构 B. 交通运输部 省级公路管理机构 C. 公安部 收费站 D. 公安部 省级公安部门 [简答题]控制图是通过什么来表征生产工序的状况的?
[多选题]以下哪些操作需要做好防静电措施?( )
A.更换主机设备或存储设备的热插拔部件时 B.需停电更换主机设备或存储设备的内部板卡等配件时 C.更换网络设备或安全设备的热插拔部件时 D.更换网络设备或安全设备内部板卡时 [单选题]大电流接地系统中,任何一点发生单相接地时,零序电流等于通过故障点电流的(____)倍。
A.2 B.1.5 C.44199 D.44201 [单选题]飞机的实用装载包括:
A.机组、燃油、乘客和货物; B.机组、燃油、滑油和固定设备; C.机组、乘客、燃油、滑油、货物和固定设备; D.机组、动力装置、燃油、滑油、货物和乘客。 [多选题]雷电波侵入是指由于雷电对( )、( )或( )的作用,雷电波即闪电电涌,可能沿着这些管线侵入屋内,危及人身安全或损坏设备。
A.架空线路 B.电缆桥架 C.电缆线路 D.金属管道 [单选题]凡在容器、槽箱内进行工作,在可能发生有害气体的情况下,则工作人员不得少于( ),其中两人在外面监护。
A.两人 B.三人 C.四人 D.五人 [多选题]人民警察核心价值观是被全体民警共同认可、普遍遵循、自觉践行的主导价值观念和价
值追求。其中,为民是人民警察核心价值观的根本出发点和落脚点。下列内容体现人民警察“为 民”价值观的有: A.克己奉公 B.执法为民 C.执政为民 D.全心全意为人民服务 [单选题]PID控制回路中,当偏差为( )时,则调节器的输出将不变。
A.0 B.正值 C.负值 D.最大值 [单选题]生产性建设项目的总投资由( )三部分构成。
A.工程费用、建设期利息和流动资金 B.建设投资、建设期利息和流动资金 C.建筑安装工程费用、设备工器具购置费用和流动资金 D.建筑安装工程费用、工程建设其他费用和流动资金 [单选题] 《铁路旅客运输服务质量》规定,餐车灶台、排油烟罩、( )、排风扇无油垢。
A. 厨具 B. 水槽 C. 烟囱 D. 灶具 [填空题]国网公司战略专项行动总体要求,深化“(____)”三级项目实践模式
[单选题] 异位ACTH综合征引起的皮质醇增多症,最常见是以下何种病变所致?( )
A. 胃癌 B. 肝癌 C. 肺癌 D. 胰腺癌 E. 胸腺癌 [单项选择]塑料钞票起源于()。
A. 美国20世纪70年代 B. 英国20世纪80年代 C. 澳大利亚20世纪80年代 [多选题]国债余额管理包括()。
A.国债限额管理 B.国债全额管理 C.预算差额管理 D.国债发行额管理 E.国债储备额管理 [判断题]严禁在SF6设备饭薄膜附近停留。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]从鸦片战争到甲午战败,这个“数千年未有之大变局”的酿成乃是中国农耕文明( )与西方工业文明( )的双重结果。填入括号部分最恰当的一项是:
A.式微 侵凌 B.消亡 侵略 C.衰落 熏陶 D.变革 影响 [单选题] 会车前选择的交会位置不理想时,应怎样做?
A.加速选择理想位置 B.减速、低速会车或停车让行 C.向左占道,让对方减速让行 D.打开前照灯,示意对方停车让行 [多选题]检修后装置联锁系统试验应由( )人员共同进行。
A.属地车间 B.施工单位 C.仪表车间 D.电气车间 [单选题]盘柜内开关、继电器、控制模块均应设置设备标志牌。
A.A.正确 B.B.错误 [单选题]下列建设工程质量、造价、进度三大目标之间相互关系中,属于对立关系的是( )。
A.通过加快建设进度,尽早发挥投资效益 B.通过增加赶工措施费,加快工程建设进度 C.通过提高功能要求,大幅度提高投资效益 D.通过控制工程质量,减少返工费用 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Adult Education
1 Voluntary learning in organized courses by mature men and women is called adult education.Such education is offered to make people able to enlarge and interpret their experience as adults.Adults may want to study something which they missed in earlier schooling,get new skills or job training,find out new tech- nological developments,seek better self-understanding,or develop new talents and skills. 2 This kind of education may be in the form of self-study with proper guidance through the use of li- braries,correspondence courses,or broadcasting.It may also be acquired collectively in schools and colle- ges,study groups,workshops,clubs,and professional associations. 3 Modern adult education for large numbers of people started in the 18th and 19th centuries with the rise of the Industrial Revolution.Great economic and social changes were taking place:people were moving from rural areas to cities;new types of work were being created in an expanding factory system.These and other factors produced a need for further education and reeducation of adults. 4 The earliest programs of organized adult education arose in Great Britain in the 1790s,with the founding of an adult school in Nottingham and a mechanics institute in Glasgow.The earliest adult education institution in the United States was founded by Benjamin Franklin and some friends in Philadelphia in 1727. 5 People recognize that continued learning is necessary for most forms of employment today.For example,parts of the adult population in many countries find it necessary to take part in retraining programs at work or even to learn completely new jobs.Adult education programs are springing up constantly to meet these and other needs. Paragraph 3__________ A.Necessity for Developing Adult Education B.Early Days of Adult Education C.Ways of Receiving Adult Education D.Growth of Adult Education E.Institutions of Adult Education F.Definition of Adult Education [单项选择]绿杨公司因严重资不抵债向法院申请破产,法院已经受理其申请。在法院已经受理破产申请、尚未宣告绿杨公司破产之时,根据《破产法》的规定,下列各项中,不构成债务人财产的是( )。
A. 绿杨公司享有的未到期债权 B. 管理人撤销绿杨公司6个月前以明显不合理价格进行交易涉及的财产 C. 绿杨公司所有但已设定抵押的财产 D. 绿杨公司购买的正在运输途中的但尚未付清货款的货物 [单项选择]陈某,男,35岁。4天前劳累后外感,咽喉肿痛,发热,全身疼痛,1天后出现小便量少,24小时尿量300ml,血肌酐连续3天升高。现小便闭塞不通,发热不退,口干欲饮,头痛身痛,烦躁不安,舌质红绛,苔黄干,脉数。实验室检查:血肌酐426.8μmol/L,尿素氮23.9mmol/L。它的中医类型是()
A. 肝胆郁热证 B. 肾阴亏虚 C. 湿热中阻证 D. 热毒炽盛证 E. 膀胱湿热证 我来回答: 提交