Immigrants to New York used to be
greeted with signs like "Help Wanted: No Irish Need Apply." But these days,
newcomers from Dublin are more likely to be mobbed by luxury property developers
trying to hawk them $1 million condos (a handful of new buildings in the city
are marketed mainly to rich Irish). Manhattan, like other posh areas of America,
is now full of homes meant for foreigners. One in five American real estate
agents sold a house to an expatriate last year. The reason is obvious: From Rio
to Riyad, dollar assets are a bargain. The shift, which has been coming for several years now and will be much discussed at the World Economic Forum in Davos this week, is seismic. Since the end of World War Ⅱ, the dollar’s unique role as the international currency has afforded Americans a tremendously privileged place in the A. promoting international travel. B. encouraging consumption abroad. C. increasing financial aids to poor countries. D. earning a unique place in the world. [单项选择]The physicists propose that our attention ________ the use of special methods of thinking and acting.
A. would be directed towards B. should be directed towards C. is directed towards D. directs towards [判断题]暴雨预警信号预警信号级别由低到高分别为暴雨橙色预警信号、暴雨黄色预警信号、暴雨红色预警信号
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题])人民警察判明有暴力袭击人民警察并危及人民警察人身安全时,以下说法不符合规定的是()。
A.必须警告无效才可以使用武器 B.可以不经警告就使用武器 C.来不及警告的,可以直接使用武器 D.警告后可能导致更为严重后果的,可以直接使用武器 [简答题]什么是飞行计划?它的目的是什么?
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题] 胶带运输机的中心线和胶带的中心线不重合时就叫( )。
[判断题] 1931 年 9 月, 赣南和闽西根据地联成一片, 以南昌为中心的中央革命根据地正式形成。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]电动自行车(又称电动单车)
[多选题]在特别潮湿或周围均属金属导体的地方工作时,如在( )以及其他金属容器或水箱等内部,行灯的电压不准超过12V。
A.蜗壳 B.钢管 C.尾水管 D.油槽 [单项选择]凉开剂中长于镇惊安神的方剂是()
A. 安宫牛黄丸 B. 至宝丹 C. 牛黄清心丸 D. 紫雪 E. 苏合香丸 [单选题]引火线制造过程中不属于物的危险因素的有()。
A.违章操作 B.温度计、湿度计失效 C.车间内安全间距不足 [单选题] 某市西城区建委根据市政府总体规划,对某大街实施改造,张某房屋位于改造区。某日,西城区建委改造建设指挥部下达住房安置通知,张某未搬迁。数日后,受区建委委托的该市某拆迁公司强行拆除了张某房屋,张某不服申请行政复议。下列哪个选项是本案的被申请人?()
A.某拆迁公司 B.西城区建委 C.西城区建委改造建设指挥部 D.市政府 我来回答: 提交