The American love of sports (11)
to a pitch never before known. (12) the middle of
the century we were practically without sports and even until some fifteen years
ago there (13) very little enthusiasm aroused by sports
(14) the fever that has within the past decade and a half swept
over the country. (15) the passionate fervor has been increasing,and the coming season promises to be the most enthusiastic of all. (16) England the Romans brought their sports;then the Saxons and the Normans added others,and there were football matches and archery games. In 1618 King James I issued a book of sports stating what sports were (17) after church service on Sundays;but intense anger was (18) among those who strictly observed the principles of the Bi A. Year in and year out B. Year with year C. Year by year D. Year after year [单选题]某企业采用基本工资+计件工资相结合的方式,某职工5月份基本工资1500元,生产合格品35件,料废品5件,加工失误产生废品2件,计件单价为6元,应付计件工资为是()。
A.1500 B.1710 C.1728 D.1740 [单选题]应某客户请求,银行客户经理向其简要介绍了几类保险产品,其说法中符合保险合规销售规定的有( )
A.投资连结保险可获得较高的收益,且保险公司为收益提供了相应的担保。 B.万能保险现在的每月结算利率达到6%,你的本金收益比储蓄存款的收益还要高。 C.分红保险每年分红水平不定,往年分红水平只能作为参考。 D.重大疾病保险能够为在您接受诊疗期间发生的医疗费用支出提供保障。 [单选题]党员犯罪情节轻微,人民检察院依法作出不起诉决定的,或者人民法院依法作出有罪判决并免予刑事处罚的,最低要给予__( )__处分。(《条例》第32条)
A.警告 B.严重警告 C.撤销党内职务 [单选题] 事故调查处理的原则是( )。
A.平等协商 B.实事求是、尊重科学 C.四不放过 D.客观、公正、公平 [填空题]Dee:
Clinton’s supporters have their own cognitive-dissonance theory: Americans have been bamboozled by a vicious, well-financed conservative opposition, and by an unsympathetic press corps, into believing that Clinton is deeply morally flawed. But they support his policies and perhaps will come to reappraise him personally on the basis of his manifest desire to make life better for them. Madse: Some Clinton opponents have an even darker psychological explanation, which is that Americans have become so cynical about politics that they expect their elected officials to be morally compromised—liars, unprincipled political opportunists, financial finaglers—and no longer hold egregious vices against the politicians they vote for. A variation on this theory blames the press and the press and the political system for scandal overload. Overdosing on exposes and special prosecutors, the public—while amiably willing to believe in general that politicians are corr [多选题]基本养老保险包括( )。
A.职工基本养老保险 B.新型农村社会养老保险 C.生育保险 D.城镇居民社会养老保险 E.失业保险 [单选题]作业人员应具备必要的电气知识和业务技能,且按工作性质,熟悉本规程的相关部分,并经()。
A.A.专业培训 B.B.考试合格 C.C.技能培训 D.D.现场实习 [判断题]( )工务机械车应凭调度命令进出封锁区间。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]套管程序中( )主要是用于封隔难以控制的复杂地层,以使钻井工作安全顺利地进行。
A.导管 B.表层套管 C.技术套管 D.油层套管 [单选题]生产经营单位为了保证安全资金的有效投入,应编制安全技术措施计划,其核心是落实( )。
A.可行性研究报告 B.技术方案 C.安全技术措施 [单选题]短期养护作业是定点作业时间(___)的各类养护作业。
A.A.4h<时间<=24h B.B.3h<时间<=24h C.C.2h<时间<=24h D.D.1h<时间<=24h [单项选择]环磷酰胺治疗肾病综合征一般每日用量及疗程是()
A. 2~3mg/kg,疗程4~6个月 B. 2~3mg/kg,疗程8周~3个月 C. 3~5mg/kg,疗程6周~3个月 D. 1~2mg/kg,疗程8周~6个月 E. 3~5mg/kg,疗程3~6个月 [填空题]报警内容包括:事故单位.事故发生地点.时间.化学品名称和泄漏量.事故性质().危险程度.有无人员伤亡以及()和联系电话。
[多选题]固定式架车机变频器故障导致电机不动作,使得与其他举升柱出现超差的处理方法( )。
A.检查变频器电源模块,控制模块有无损坏,接线有无松动 B.重启变频器,依次按下变频器面板上Reset键和Auto On键 C.若仍无法恢复,将对应坑内变频器故障报警线拆除,并采用接触器模式进行操作 D.检测光电开关(行程开关)是否损坏,进行更换 [判断题]当闸板关井后,井口井压愈高,井压对闸板前部和顶部的助封作用愈强。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]直接熨烫毛、棉混纺织物时,选择熨斗的温度为()。
A. 约100℃ B. 约150-180℃ C. 约125-145℃ D. 约200-250℃ [判断题]对点型感烟火灾探测器进行外观检查,检查探测器表面是否有污渍、划痕、磨损,如果破损严重应更换探测器。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]在原工作票的停电及安全措施范围内增加工作任务时,应由工作负责人征得( )同意,并在工作票上增填工作项目。
A.工作票签发人 B.工作许可人 C.专职监护人 D.工作班成员 [多选题]阀门安装前应做哪些实验()。
A.压力实验 B.强度实验 C.拉伸实验 D.严密性实验 [多选题]住宅使用说明书的内容包括( )。
A.结构类型 B.装修、装饰注意事项 C.有关设备、设施安装预留位置的说明 D.配电负荷 E.燃气、热力、通信、消防的类型 [填空题] 事故调查处理应坚持以事实为依据,以法律、法规、规章为准绳,认真调查分析,( ) ( )( )( )总结教训,提出整改措施。
Fishing adds only about one percent to the global economy, but on a regional basis it can contribute extremely to human survival. Marine fisheries contribute more to the world’s supply of protein than beef, poultry or any other animal source. [判断题]操作中需要移动酒泵时可以只断掉电源不取插头,不能未断电或将电源线拖在地上移动酒泵。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]城市低收入困难、城市低收入家庭认定审批管理时间是什么?