A young woman was driving through the
lonely countryside. It was dark and raining. Suddenly she saw an old woman by
the side of the road, holding her hand oat as if she wanted a lift. "I can’t leave her out in this weather," the woman said to herself, so she stopped the car and opened the door. "Do you want a lift she asked. The old woman nodded and climbed into the car. After a while, she said to the old woman, "Have you been waiting for a long time " The old woman shook her head, "Strange," thought the young ’woman. She tried again. "Bad weather for the time of year," she said. The old woman nodded. No matter what the young woman said, the hitchhiker (搭便车的人) gave no answer except for a nod of the head or a shrug (耸肩). Then the young woman noticed the hitchhiker’s hands, which were large and hairy. Suddenly she realized that the A. That she kept nodding her head. B. That she was unable to speak. C. That she gave no answer to her questions. D. That she had large and hairy hands. [单选题]关于乳腺癌术后患侧上肢功能锻炼描述正确的是
A.术后24h后开始活动手指 B.术后第4天开始活动肘部 C.术后第5天活动肩部 D.术后第6天开始全范围关节活动 [单选题]合理选择油嘴,对保护油层,延长油井自喷期非常重要,主要根据( )变化对油嘴大小进行经常性的优化。
A.油井温度 B.油压和套压 C.油井含水率 D.产液量 [单项选择]BAT接通,飞机没有接通交流电源时,可工作的灯光有:()
A. 位置灯 B. 客舱照明 C. 货舱照明 D. 部分P5面板指示灯 [单项选择]痰液的采集,哪项是不正确的()
A. 可采用自然咳痰法 B. 以清晨第一口痰最佳 C. 留取痰标本前应该先用清水漱口 D. 细胞学检查采用清晨第一口痰,易于细胞形态观察 E. 注意不要有唾液或鼻咽分泌物混入 [单选题]JYJXC-135/220型极性保持继电器3-4线圈的电阻为( )Ω。
A.220 B.135 C.355 D.850 [单项选择]患儿,女,10个月,10kg,因晚期肠套叠肠坏死伴重度脱水,需急症手术,术前需快速补入的液体应为
A. 1/2张力液体200ml B. 1/4张力液体200ml C. 等张力液体200ml D. 高张力液体200ml E. 1/3张力液体200ml [简答题]机车中修时,应测量直流辅助电机换向器工作面( )和电枢绕组对地绝缘电阻值。
A. 争议解决的替代方案 B. 问题处理机制 C. 操纵解决方法 D. 仲裁 [单选题]停电线路、设备的断开点,应有能够反映线路、设备运行状态的电气和机械等指示。无明显断开点也无电气、机械等指示时,应断开()。
A.同级电源 ) B.下一级电源 C.上一级电源 D.断路器(开关 [单项选择]下列关于ADSL的特点,表述不正确的是()。
A. 一条电话线可同时接听、拨打电话并进行数据传输,两者互不影响 B. 需要缴付额外的电话费 C. 数据传输速率是根据线路的情况自动调整的 D. 传输的数据不通过电话交换机 [多选题]在()等复杂路况行驶时,应注意观察,控制车速,谨慎驾驶,防止操作失误,必要时下车指挥引导,或组织乘车人员下车徒步通过;。
A.狭窄 B.陡坡 C.急弯 D.松软路面 [单选题]停电超过一星期但不满一个月的电缆,重新投入运行前,应摇测绝缘电阻,与上次试验记录相比不得降低( )
A.20% B.30% C.50% D.50‰ [单选题]站内线路、道岔发生故障时,应立即通知车站值班员( ),防止机车、车辆通往该故障地点,同时按规定设置停车信号防护。
A.封锁线路 B.限速运行 C.扣车 D.采取措施 [单项选择] Mother Nature Shows Her Strength
Tornadoes (龙卷风) and heavy thunderstorms moved across the Great Lakes and into Trumbull County on Saturday evening. The storms were dramatic and dangerous. George Snyder was driving the fire truck down Route 88 when he first noticed that a funnel (漏斗状的) cloud was behind him. "I stopped the truck and watched the funnel cloud. It was about 100 feet off the ground and I saw it go up and down for a while. It was moving toward Bradley Road and then suddenly it disappeared," Snyder said. Snyder only saw one of the funnel clouds that passed through northeastern Ohio on Saturday. In Trumbull County, a tornado turned trees onto their sides. Some trees fell onto houses and cars. Other trees fell into telephone and electrical wires as they went down. Amanda Symcheck was having a party when the storm began. "I knew something was wrong," she said. "I saw the sky go green and pink (粉红色). Then it sounded like a train rushing to A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned [简答题]词语辨析。(每题2分,共10分)“你喜欢喝茶还是喝咖啡”一句中的“还是”能不能换作“或者”?为什么?
A. 磨合初期防止拉缸 B. 防止缸套与活塞接触 C. 在运行中起导向作用 D. 减轻振动,防止撞击 我来回答: 提交