Visitors exploring one of Britain’s many historic buildings might expect to see beautiful objects and learn more about history. What they won’t expect is to meet one of the former residents, and to be able to talk to them about their life and times. But, don’t worry. Although many old buildings are said to be frequently visited by ghosts (幽灵), these people are not ghosts at all.
All across Britain historic sites will be brought to life by real people. They will be dressed in period costumes (clothes worn in an earlier time in history) and will recreate life as it was once lived at different times during Britain’s history. Activities like these are called "living history", and have become increasingly popular in recent years.
An organization named English Heritage, which maintains historic buildings and sites across England, will organize over 500 living history events, ranging from reenactment (再次展现) of battles to traditional stor
A. Beautiful objects.
B. Historic events brought to life.
C. Local residents.
D. Old buildings visited by ghosts.
The cellphone, a device we have lived
with for more than a decade, offers a good example of a popular technology’s
unforeseen side effects. More than one billion are (1) use
around the world, and when asked, their (2) say they love
their phones for the safety and convenience (3) provide.
People also report that they are (4) in their use of their
phones. One opinion survey (5) that "98 percent of Americans
say they move away from (6) when talking on a wireless phone
in public" (7) "86 percent say they ’never’ or ’rarely’
speak (8) wireless phones" when conducting (9)
with clerks or bank tellers. Clearly, there exists a (10)
between our reported cellphone behavior and our actual
behavior. Cellphone users that is to say, most of us are (11) instigators and victims of th A. careful B. careless C. courteous D. cautious [单选题]经互感器接入电能表的装拆、现场校验工作,应有防止电流互感器二次侧( )、电压互感器二次侧短路和防止相间短路、相对地短路、电弧灼伤的措施。
A.开路 B.短路 C.接地 D.过载 [多项选择]根据《工伤保险条例》的规定,不认定为工伤的情形有()。
A. 因犯罪或者违反治安管理伤亡的 B. 醉酒导致伤亡的 C. 在上下班途中,受到机动车事故伤害的 D. 自残或者自杀的 [判断题]采用窒息法灭火时,应确认灌注、封堵空间人员已全部撤离。
* A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]调车作业必须提前排风、摘管,核对计划,确认进路,检查线路、道岔、停留车及车辆防溜等情况。
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择]甲股份有限公司(以下简称甲公司)2007年至2015年度有关业务资料如下:(1)2007年1月1日,甲公司股东权益总额为23250万元(其中,股本总额为5000万股,每股面值为1元;资本公积为15000万元;盈余公积为3000万元;未分配利润为250万元)。2007年度实现净利润200万元,按实现净利润的10%提取法定盈余公积,股本与资本公积项目未发生变化。①2008年3月1日,甲公司董事会提出如下预案:分配现金股利150万元;以2007年12月31日的股本总额为基数,以资本公积(股本溢价)转增股本,每10股转增2股,计1000万股。②2008年5月5日,甲公司召开股东大会,审议批准了董事会提出的预案。③2008年6月10日,甲公司办妥了上述资本公积转增股本的有关手续。(2)2008年,甲公司发生净亏损1571万元。(3)2009年至2014年,甲公司分别实现利润总额100万元、150万元、200万元、250万元、300万元和300万元。假定甲公司适用的所得税税率为25%,无其他纳税调整事项。(4)2015年5月9日,甲公司股东大会决定以法定盈余公积弥补2014年12月31日账面累计未弥补亏损。假定:2008年发生的亏损可用以后连续5个会计年度内实现的税前利润弥补。要求:根据上述资料,不考虑其他因素,分析回答下列第(1)-(5)小题。(答案中金额单位用万元表示)根据上述业务,下列分录错误的是()。
A. 计提盈余公积:借:利润分配-提取法定盈余公积260-提取任意盈余公积260贷:盈余公积-法定盈余公积260-任意盈余公积260 B. 计提盈余公积:借:利润分配-提取法定盈余公积200-提取任意盈余公积200贷:盈余公积-法定盈余公积200-任意盈余公积200 C. 以资本公积和法定盈余公积转增资本:借:资本公积-资本溢价500盈余公积-法定盈余公积300贷:实收资本800 D. 以资本公积和法定盈余公积转增资本:借:实收资本800贷:资本公积-资本溢价500盈余公积-法定盈余公积300 [多选题]对于安全生产管理人员职业道德准则,下列说法正确的有( )。
A.处罚违章行为,为企业多创收 B.遵章守法、服从安全生产指令 C.参加安全生产教育培训,提高安全素质 D.安全至上,不默许、不纵容安全违法违规行为 E.不伪造、不冒用、不出借专职安全生产管理人员资格证书 [判断题]凡申请出境居住半年以上的中国籍人员,必须持有卫生检疫机关签发的健康证明。()
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