Text 4
A report consistently brought back by visitors to the US is how friendly,, courteous, and helpful most Americans were to ’them. To be fair, this observation is also frequently made of Canada and Canadians, and should best be considered North American. There are, of course, exceptions. Small-minded officials, rude waiters, and ill-mannered taxi drivers are hardly unknown in the US. Yet it is an observation made so frequently that it deserves comment.
For a long period of time and {n many parts of the country, a traveler was a welcome break in an otherwise dull existence. Dullness and loneliness were common problems of the families who generally lived distant from one another. Strangers and travelers were welcome source ofdiversion, and brought news of the outside world.
The harsh realities of the frontier also shaped this tradition of hospitality. Someone traveling alone, if hungry, injured, or ill, often had nowhere to turn except to th
A. rude taxi drivers are rarely seen in the US
B. small-minded officials deserve a serious comment
C. Canadians are not so friendly as their neighbors
D. most Americans are ready to offer help
(1) In trying to understand and control
youth gangs, investigators and scholars have assembled what amounts to
anthropological studies of gang characteristics. Police files record everything
from the face that the Crips in Los Angeles wear blue while rival Bloods wear
red to intricate details of the Satanic rituals and grave desecrations committed
by white gangs known as "atones" or "heavy metalers." These and other rituals
make it clear that youth gangs ate fat more than mere social clubs or business
organizations--they are highly developed {{B}}subcultures.{{/B}} (2) The key determinant of gang’s culture is the neighborhood, known bu blacks and Hispanic gangs members as "the’ hood." Hispanic gangs, especially, identify strong with their "barrios," swatches of land often sandwiched between freeways an A. distinctive clothing or uniform B. customs and ways of behaving C. relationships with other gangs D. control of a particular neighborhood [填空题]When some 19th New Yorkers said "Harlem", they meant almost
all of Manhattan above 86th Street. Toward the end of the century, however, a group of citizens in upper Manhattan want, perhaps, to 62. ______ shape a closer and more precise sense of community designated a section that they wished to have known as Harlem. The chosen area was the Harlem which Blacks were moving in the first decades of the 63. ______ new century as they left their old settlements on the middle and lower blocks of the. West Side. As the community became predominantly Black, file very word "Harlem" seemed to lose its old mean. At times it was easy to forget 64. ______ that "Harlem" was originally the Dutch name "Harlem", the 65. ______ community it described had been founded by people from Holland, and that for most of its three centuries--it was first settled in the sixteen hundreds—it had been preoccupied by White New Yorkers. 66. ______< [单选题]下列为病毒的特殊结构的是( )
A.核心 B.衣壳 C.刺突 D.核衣壳 [单选题]长期休风应进行炉顶点火,并保持()。
A.任意状态 B.长明火 C.熄灭状态 [单选题]调节暖箱适中温度的依据是( )
A.暖箱的型号 B.患儿的呼吸频率 C.患儿出生体重及生后日龄 D.患儿的体温 E.患儿的心率 [填空题].影响迁移的主要因素有相似性、( )和学习的心向与定势。
A..涉及退税的情形,不办理汇算清缴,也不需要承担任何责任 B..根据税收征管法第六十二条规定可能涉及到行政处罚 C..会记入个人纳税信用档案。 D..可以选择并入下一年度一并办理汇算清缴 [单项选择]
关于下列细胞器的叙述中,正确的是()。 A. ①③ B. ①④ C. ②③ D. ②④ [单选题]箱型驳船正浮时,对于漂心纵向和横向坐标Xf、Yf,下列_____成立。
A. Xf随吃水不同而变化 B. Xf=0、Yf=0 C. 漂心在船中前后一定变化距离内 D. Xf≠0,Yf=0 [单选题]综合实践课主要包括( )几部分。
A.信息技术教育、研究性学习、社区服务与社会实践、劳动技术教育 B.信息技术教育、合作性学习、社会实践、劳动技术教育 C.劳动技术教育、社区服务实践、研究性学习、合作性学习 D.信息技术教育、合作性学习、社区服务与社会实践、劳动技术教育 [填空题]夜间调车时指挥机车向显示人方向来时要求加速手信号的显示方式<--NRC-->。
[配伍题]丹毒() |急性蜂窝织炎()
A. 局部鲜红、边缘清楚,一般不化脓 B. 常有局部反复发作史 C. 两者均存在 D. 两者均不存在 E. 以上均不存在 [多选题] 装卸工具连接件主要( )组成。(港具002)
A.钩头 B.卸扣 C.钢丝绳 D.链条 [填空题]组织分离时,每天都要检查组织块的萌发情况,否则()后期不易挑出。
A.交叉跨越 B.接触 C.平行 D.邻近 [判断题]大型商场发生火灾时,火势可沿楼梯间.内装修或堆积的可燃商品,以及沿外墙窗口向上蔓延,在很短的时间内便可形成立体燃烧。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]枳壳主产于
A. 海南省 B. 江西、四川、湖北等 C. 安徽、湖北、四川等 D. 广东、云南、海南 E. 柬埔寨、泰国、越南、印度尼西亚 [判断题]焦炉加热时所用空气一般不经过预热便直接进入燃烧室。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]犀角地黄汤用于治疗哪型肝癌
A.湿热瘀毒 B.肝肾阴虚 C.肝郁脾虚 D.气滞血瘀 E.热毒伤阴 [单项选择]患者,男,50岁。进行性胸闷、气促、咳嗽5年,诊断为弥漫性肺间质纤维化,请问下面哪项为该病的特征性体征
A. 吸气相高调爆裂音 B. 小水泡音 C. 痰鸣音 D. 大水泡音 E. 呼气相干鸣 [单选题]V 形天窗接触网检修作业使用的工作票( )应加盖“上行”红色、“下行”蓝色印章。
A.左上角 B.右上角 C.上部正中间 D.正中间 [判断题]架空配电线路和高压配电设备验电应有人监护。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]门径管理的范围确定阶段,主要目标包括()。
A. 完成项目构思的市场评估 B. 决定项目的技术和市场优势 C. 完成前期技术评估 D. 完成前期商业与财务评估 [判断题]银行汇票、银行本票和银行承兑汇票都是由银行签发的。( )
[多选题] 公安群众工作更需要我们每个社区民警在坚持“( )”的要求下创造性地开展社区警务工作
A. 因地制宜 B. 讲究实效 C. 警力有限 D. 民力无穷 [判断题]充电设备巡视人员每组应不少于1人,根据配电《安规》规程和上级业务部门要求,按期执行车联网平台巡视计划。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]运用中的电气设备,系指()的电气设备。
A.全部带有电压 B.一部分带有电压 C.一经操作即带有电压 D.检修中 [单选题]车站每月( )需对备用金进行一次盘点,根据盘点情况填写于《车站备用金盘点表》,当班值班站长、客运值班员签字确认,区域站站长于月底前做好复核并签名确认。
A.24日 B.25日 C.26日 D.28日 [单项选择]张三与李四约定,待张三母亲去世后,张三将自己一套房屋卖给李四,双方签订了书面合同。该合同是()。
A. 附条件合同 B. 附期限合同 C. 效力待定合同 D. 无效合同 [单选题]用人力来操纵实现制动和缓解作用的制动机为( )。
A.人力制动机 B.真空制动机 C.空气制动机 D.电磁制动机 我来回答: 提交