Global warming could cause drought and
possibly famine in China, the source of much of Hong Kong’s food, by 2050, a new
report predicts. Hong Kong could also be at risk from flooding as sea levels
rose. The report recommends building sea walls around low-lying areas such as
the new port and airport reclamations and uses the most recent projections on
climate change to point to a gloomy outlook for China. By 2050 about 30 to 40 percent of the country will experience changes in the type of vegetation it supports, with tropical and sub-tropical forest conditions shifting northward and hot desert conditions rising in the west where currently the desert is temperate. Crop-growing areas will expand but any benefit is expected to be negated by increased evaporation of moisture, making it too dry to grow crops such as rice. The g A. Mainly favorable. B. Critical. C. Supportive in theory. D. Admiring. [不定项选择题][不定项选择题]针对该病人的护理措施,正确的是( )
A. 静脉滴注给药宜快速 B. 6-8L/分氧气吸入 C. 安慰病人,减轻精神压力 D. 安置病人取端坐位 E. 建立静脉通路 [判断题]对确实无法收回的不良贷款,经办机构按照相关规定对贷款进行核销后,不需要继续追索。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]风险识别是制定风险应对计划的依据,其作用主要有()。
A. 风险识别还可以帮助我们找出最重要的合作伙伴,为以后的管理打下基础 B. 风险识别为风险分析提供必要的信息,是风险分析的基础性工作 C. 通过风险识别可以确定被研究的体系或项目的工作量 D. 风险识别是系统理论在项目管理中的具体体现,是项目计划与控制的重要基础性工作 E. 通过风险识别,有利于项目组成员树立项目成功的信心 [单选题]医师王某,在去年8月至今年6月的执业活动中,为了从个体推销商手中得到好处,多次使用未经批准的药品和消毒药剂,累计获得回扣8205元。根据《执业医师法》的规定,应当依法给予该医师的行政处罚是
A.警告 B.没收非法所得 C.罚款1万元 D.吊销执业证书 E.责令暂停9个月执业活动 [判断题]()测电流时要戴绝缘手套握电流表防止手指触电
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]动火区域划分为()。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题]引起幼虫移行症的寄生虫是
A.血吸虫尾蚴 B.丝虫丝状蚴 C.曼氏迭宫绦虫裂头蚴 D.人蛔虫幼虫 E.旋毛虫幼虫 [单选题] 凸轮机构中,为了保证从动件顺利地运行,当移动从动件在推动过程时,压力角一般应小于或等于( )。
A.60 B.45 C.30 D.15 我来回答: 提交