The climate of earth has fluctuated
quite a bit over the last 4.6 billion years of our planet’s history and it can
be expected that the climate will continue to change. One of the most intriguing
questions in earth science is whether the periods of ice ages are over or arc we
living in an "interglacial" period of time between ice ages The geologic time period we are now living in is known as the Holocene (全新世). This epoch began about 11,000 years ago which was the end of the last glacial period and the end of the Pleistocene (更新世) epoch. The Pleistocene was an epoch of cool glacial and warmer interglacial periods which began about 1.8 million years ago. Since the glacial period known as the "Wisconsin" in North America and "Wrm’ in Europe when over 10 million square miles (about 27 million km2 ) of A. Has the Pleistocene Epoch Ended B. Another Ice Age in the Geologic Future Is Coming C. The Ice Ages: Are They Over D. Glacial Ice Will Be Present in Different Places [单项选择]8个甲级队应邀参加比赛,先平均分成两组,分别进行单循环赛,每组决出前两名,再由每组的第一名,另一组的第二名进行淘汰赛,获胜者角逐冠、亚军,败者角逐第3、4名,整个赛程的比赛场数是( )。
A. 16 B. 15 C. 14 D. 13 [判断题]A-E-G-001 5 1 3
减速地点标,设在需要减速地点的两端各20m处。减速地点标的正面表示列车应按规定限速通过地段的始点,背面表示列车应按规定限速通过地段的终点。 A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]有A、月、C三种货物,甲购A物3件、月物5件、C物1件,共付款20元;乙购A物4件、月物7件、C物1件,共付款25元;丙购A、月、C物各1件,共应付款多少元( )
A. 8 B. 9 C. 10 D. 12 [填空题]人体内的血液流量大约是体重的()。
[单项选择]甲公司是专营进料加工的外商投资企业,该公司设在武汉,海关经营企业分类为 B类。2007年6月该投资企业委托南京某进出口公司与韩国某企业签订一批原材料的进口合同,合同金额为800万美元,该批货物属于允许加工类商品。合同中已规定,40%进口料件加工成品内销,60%加工成品销往韩国,料件在7月底从上海入境。10月份该企业与韩国企业签订了加工成品出口合同,货物在杭州湾装船出境, 出口日期为11月底。
根据上述案例,回答下列问题。 本案例中的外商投资企业应在( )申领《外商投资企业履行产品出口合同登记手册》。 A. 上海海关 B. 杭州海关 C. 南京海关 D. 武汉海关 [判断题]当电磁控制器接到开启信号时, 常开电磁阀关闭, 常闭电磁阀打开,活塞内压力减少, 活塞 两侧压力差大于弹簧压力,从而使主阀开启。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]Windows98允许用户按照自己的习惯和风格来布置桌面。
[多选题]以下属于天然气压缩机联锁的有( )
A.二级进气压力小于500KPa B.润滑油压力大于750KPa C.二级排气压力>2760KPa D.润滑油压力<150KPa [单项选择]
England is not a big country: from north to south and from east to west it is only about three hundred miles across. But for a small country it has a surprising range of climate. People who have never visited England or who have visited only one part of it often makes the mistake of thinking that it is a cold and wet country. Except for the summer months of June to September, this is probably true of the north of England and the Midlands. In the south, however, the climate is much more pleasant. One result is that when people retire from the job in the north, they often prefer to move down to the south. [简答题]1按照《国家电网有限公司关于加大安全生产违章惩处力度的通知》(国家电网安监〔2021〕418号),动火作业前,------------,------------,------------是III类严重违章。
A.驾驶人员、船员 B.装卸管理人员 C.押运人员 D.申报人员 E.运输车辆、船舶维修人员 [单选题]根据支付清算系统业务差错处理管理办法规定补正金额超过()含以上的,补正交易需提交客户身份证件种类和证件号码,系统对证件信息进行核验,未通过核验的,拒绝补正请求。
A.1000 B.10000 C.50000 D.100000 [填空题]居民医保目前共有( )个病种可以享受门诊慢性病报销待遇。
[单选题](49232)25型客车车体底架采用无( )结构。(1.0分)
A.侧梁 B.横梁 C.枕梁 D.中梁 [判断题]实行企业全员安全生产责任制度,建立健全自我约束、持续改进的内生机制。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]依据《职业病防治法》,( )、劳动保障行政部门依照本法和国务院确定的职责,负责全国职业病防治的监督管理工作。国务院有关部门在各自的职责范围内负责职业病防治的有关监督管理工作。
A.国务院卫生行政部门 B.国务院应急管理部 C.国务院 [单选题]Q235钢种牌号中的235指的是( )。
A.屈服强度 B.抗拉强度 C.延伸率 D.晶粒度 [填空题]个体工商户,是指从事() ,个体工商户承担 (),缴纳()。
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