America is a country on the move. In
unheard of numbers, people of all ages are exercising their way to better
health. According to the latest figures, 59 percent of American adults exercise
regularly-up 12 percent from just two years ago and more than double the figure
of 25 years ago. Even non-exercisers believe they would be more attractive and
confident if they were more active. It is hard not to get the message. The virtues of physical fitness are shown on magazine covers, postage stamps, and television ads for everything from beauty soaps to travel books. Exe A. About 70%. B. Nearly 60%. C. Almost 50%. D. More than 12%. [多选题]TYJL-ADX型计算机联锁,驱动板的驱动点表示绿灯点亮,但被驱动的继电器不吸起( )。
A.继电器至驱动板之间连线断线 B. 驱动回线至继电器之间的连线断线 C.被驱动的继电器本身故障 D. 接口架相应的插座接触不良 [单项选择]()属于微生物肥料。
A. 尿素 B. 绿肥 C. 厩肥 D. “五四○六”抗菌肥 [单项选择]燃气调压站内的地上管道进行严密性试验时,试验压力应为设计压力,且不得小于()。
A. 0.1Mpa B. 0.2Mpa C. 0.3Mpa D. 0.4Mpa [多选题]下列属于确认致癌物的是( )。
A.芳香胺 B.锌 C.石棉 D.氯乙烯 [单选题]线路上的伤损钢轨应用白铅油做好标记,( )的标记是|←△△△→|。
A.连续重伤 B.一点重伤 C.连续轻伤 D.一点轻伤 [单选题]在理性情绪疗法的修通阶段最常用的技术方法是()。
A.家庭作业 B.行为技术 C.产婆术式辩论 D.合理情绪想象技术 [单选题]旅客列车在给水站进站前、开车后,列车员应通过水压表、水位计、液位仪核实水箱水量,并在( )记录水量刻度数。(运营客管电[2009]2194)
A.沿途给水情况记录薄 B.客车给水交接单 C.列车水箱记录簿 D.站车给水交接簿 [单选题]煤尘(游离SiO2含量<10%)呼尘接触限值为()毫克/立方。
A.4 B.1.5 C.2 D.2.5 [判断题]公共关系的实质就是一个人与另一个人的私人关系。
[单选题]下列关于经济性贬值的说法中,错误的是( )。
A.资产的经济性贬值是指由于运营中的资产利用率下降,甚至闲置、运营收益减少等造成的资产价值损失 B.间接计算法主要测算因资产利用率下降导致的经济性贬值 C.直接计算法主要测算因收益额减少导致的经济性贬值 D.评估对象不可能存在经济性溢价的情形 [多选题]焊条电弧焊运条手法一般包括( )方面。
A.焊条角度 B.摆动方式 C.焊接电流 D.焊接电压 [单项选择]It was not until he arrived at the railway station{{U}} {{/U}}he realized he had forgotten his ticket.
A. before B. since C. when D. that [单项选择]有一实验室要对刚进的诊断试剂进行评价,除对试剂的生产商的资质核查外,还检查了试剂的国内(或国外)批准文号、推荐资料以及实验室与临床观察资料以及说明书内容,内外包装,有效期长短等。除评价试剂的敏感度、特异性外,还必须考察试剂的精密度,表示精密度的指标是()
A. 真阳性率 B. 精密度 C. 变异系数 D. 约登指数(Youden′sindex) E. 假阳性率 [判断题]所有者权益是指企业的所有者对企业资产的要求权。( )
[单项选择] The United States is well-known for its 【B1】 of major higher highways designed to help a 【B2】 get from one place to another in the shortest possible time. 【B3】 these wide modem roads are generally 【B4】 and well maintained, with much sharp curves and many straight 【B5】 ,a direct route is not always the most 【B6】 one. Large 【B7】 of- ten pass by scenic areas and interesting small towns.
Furthermore, these highways generally 【B8】 large urban centers, which means that they become crowded with 【B9】 traffic during rush hours, 【B10】 the" fast, direct" route becomes a very slow route. However, there is still al- ways another route to take 【B11】 you are not in a hurry. Not far from the 【B12】 new" superhighways", there are often older, 【B13】 ______heavily traveled roads which go through the countryside. All of these are good two-lane roads; others are uneven roads 【B14】 through the country. These secondary routes may 【B15】 ______steep slopes, along high 【B16】 , or down frightening hillside
A. view B. variety C. visit D. virtue [多选题]该警情应调派( )。(多选)
A.水罐消防车 B.抢险救援车 C.举高消防车 D.供气、供液、器材保障等战勤保障车 E.远程供水系统 [单项选择]