Individualism, independence, and
self-reliance are perhaps the most distinctive American characteristic. American
"individualism" is {{U}} (26) {{/U}} a good thing, it does not mean being
{{U}} (27) {{/U}}, each person is expected to make {{U}} (28)
{{/U}} for himself or herself about all aspects of life {{U}} (29)
{{/U}}, career, and home. The nuclear family (mother, father, and children)
is an important aspect of American society. {{U}} (30) {{/U}} usually has
much less influence on the behavior of any individual in it {{U}} (31)
{{/U}} it generally true in china. Children are {{U}} (32) {{/U}}
from an early age to be self-reliant taking care of their clothes and bedrooms,
perhaps helping to cook and {{U}} (33) {{/U}} and to begin thinking for
themselves and even learning to manage their own money. Parents provide advice
and assistance A. practically B. unusually C. specially D. especially
[单选题]低压配电网中的开断设备应易于操作,并有明显的()指示。 A.仪表 B.信号 C.开断 D.机械
[填空题]LFC41197 低电压穿越( )能力是指风力发电机组端电压跌落到一定值的情况下风力发电机组能够维持并网运行的能力。(√)
[单项选择]在葡萄糖负荷条件下,关于18F-FDG心肌显像中存活心肌与坏死心肌的图像,下列表现正确的是() A. 存活心肌摄取↑,坏死心肌不摄取 B. 存活心肌摄取↓,坏死心肌不摄取 C. 存活心肌摄取↑,坏死心肌摄取↑ D. 存活心肌不摄取,坏死心肌摄取↑ E. 存活心肌摄取↓,坏死心肌摄取↓
[单选题]维生素D缺乏性手足搐搦症的主要表现是 A.惊厥 B.昏迷 C.手足徐动 D.高热 E.肌阵挛
[单选题]密封性检验不能检查的缺陷是( )。 A.漏水 B.渗油 C.内部气孔 D.漏气
[单项选择]在Windows中,ping命令的-n选项表示______。 A. ping的次数 B. ping的网络号 C. 数字形式显示结果 D. 不要重复,只ping一次
[判断题]中性点直接接地和中性点不直接接地系统均可发生铁磁谐振。 A.正确 B.错误
[单选题]驾驶机动车在下列哪种情形下不能超越前车? A.前车减速让行 B.前车正在左转弯 C.前车靠边停车 D.前车正在右转弯
[单选题]用于限制病人坐起的约束方法是 A.约束手腕 B.约束踝部 C.固定肩部 D.固定一侧肢体 E.固定双膝
[单选题] 在列车运行状态下修改车次号,在站内修改时,应在车次号( )即进行修改。 A.进入区间前 B.进入区间后 C.进入股道前 D.进入股道后
[单项选择] Passage 6
New Yorkers watching the televised
bombing of Baghdad yesterday said they were riveted by the raw and (1)
display of American military might. But (2) , the
bombing brought back particularly visceral and (3) memories.
They (4) thinking about Sept. 11, and how New York, too, was
once under assault (5) . On that day, Eva
Temple, 47, was one of (6) people working in Lower Manhattan
who (7) the rumbling dust cloud that accompanied
(8) of the World Trade Center. And for (9)
a few days after, she collected prayer cards (10)
the street prophets and doomsday preachers whose advice she would ordinarily
(11) . It made her feel better. Now, because
of the war, Ms. Temple is collecting those cards again. She (12)
to the war, yes, but (13) A. already boarded B. already boarded on C. had already boarded D. had already boarded on
[判断题]下载注册青岛农商银行直销银行,即可轻松实现投资理财,多种产品可供选择,支持其他银行的银行卡直接购买,安全方便收益高。截至2018年末,直销银行客户数达37万户,累计交易金额突破300亿元,线上信贷产品服务客户2.4万户,信贷余额5.8亿元。 A.正确 B.错误
[单项选择]信用工具的票面收益与其市场价格的比率是( )。 A. 名义收益率 B. 到期收益率 C. 实际收益率 D. 当期收益率
[单选题]班组管理影响着公司生产决策的实施,因为决策再好,如果执行者不得力,决策也很难落到实处。所以( )影响着决策的实施,影响着企业目标利润的最终实现。 A.团队 B.深入 C.班组管理 D.班组监管
[单选题]( )进行操作时,若听到电力调度电话铃响,应立即停止操作,迅速接听电力调度电话,问清原因后才继续操作。在操作过程中,若发现设备有异常情况或操作顺序有问题而危及人身、设备或系统安全时,应立即停止并报告电调。 A.接令人 B.受令人 C.值班员 D.工作领导人
Most plants can make their own food from sunlight, (1) some have discovered that stealing is an easier way to live. Thousands of plant species get by (2) photosynthesizing, and over 400 of these species seem to live by pilfering sugars from an underground (3) of fungi(真菌). But in (4) a handful of these plants has this modus operandi been traced to a relatively obscure fungus. To find out how (5) are (6) , mycologist Martin Bidartondo of the University of California at Berkeley and his team looked in their roots. What they found were (7) of a common type of fungus, so (8) that it is found in nearly 70 percent of all plants. The presence of this common fungus in these plants not only (9) at how they survive, says Bidartondo, but also suggests that many ordinary plants might prosper from a little looting, too.
Plants have (10) relations to get what they need to survive. Normal, (11) A. in time B. overtime C. at times D. behind time
[单选题]城区、( )或交通道口和通行道路上施工时,工作场所周围应装设遮栏(围栏),并在相应部位装设警告标示牌。 A.山区 B.郊区 C.有人区域 D.人口密集区
[判断题]对谎报火警的,阻碍消防车.消防艇执行任务的,依照《治安管理处罚法》的规定进行处罚。( ) A.正确 B.错误
[单选题]空气中允许的CO浓度为不大于( )mg/m3。 A.20 B.24 C.30 D.34
[判断题]熔焊时,被熔化的母材在焊道金属中所占的百分比叫做熔合比 A.正确 B.错误
[判断题]测量报告上报方式在LTE中分为周期性上报和事件触发上报两种。 A.正确 B.错误
[填空题]转辙机托板应与岔枕联结牢固,并与道岔直股基本轨 。
[单项选择]离心泵停泵时必须()。 A. 先慢慢关人口,后停电机 B. 先停电机,再慢慢关出口阀 C. 关出口和停电机同时进行 D. 先慢慢关出口,后停电机
[多选题] 机房监控人员可以通过OMC将以下哪些eNB设备日志上传到本地() A.eNB异常日志 B.eNB黑匣子文件 C.eNB告警日志 D.eNB事件日志
[单选题]下列哪一种药物应用时可引起血糖升高( ) A.咪达唑仑 B.依托咪酯 C.羟丁酸钠 D.丙泊酚 E.氯胺酮
[单选题]FX2n PLC 中使用 SET 指令时必须( ) A.串联互锁按钮 B.配合使用 RST 指令 C.配合顺控指令 D.并联停止按钮
[多选题]从线路纵断面上区分,冻害外部表现形式主要有:( ) A.驼峰状; B.凹谷状; C.阶梯状; D.错牙状
Music comes in many forms; most countries have a style of their own. (1) the turn of the century when jazz was born, America had no prominent (2) of its own. No one knows exactly when jazz was (3) ,or by whom. But it began to be (4) in the early 1900s. Jazz is America’s contribution to (5) music. In contrast to classical music, which (6) formal European traditions, jazz is spontaneous and free-form. It bubbles with energy, (7) the moods, interests, and emotions of the people. In the 1920, jazz (8) like America. And (9) it does today. The (10) of this music are as interesting as the music (11) . American Negroes, or blacks, as they are called today, were the jazz (12) . They were brought to the Southern states (13) slaves. They were sold to plantation owners and forced to work long (14) . When a Negro died his friends and relatives (15) a process A. classical B. sacred C. light D. popular
[单项选择]诊断下呼吸道感染时,痰细菌定量培养分离病原菌数需() A. ≥103cfu/ml B. ≥104cfu/ml C. ≥105cfu/ml D. ≥106cfu/ml E. ≥107cfu/ml
[多选题]电能质量的两个基本指标是( )和( )。 A. 电压 B. 电量 C. 频率 D. 电功率
[单选题]下列哪项不属于个人史 A. 受教育程度 B. 业余爱好 C. 工业毒物接触情况 D. 经济情况 E. 计划生育状况
[单项选择]外感热病极期,邪热深入营血的舌象是()。 A. 舌青紫而湿润 B. 舌瘦薄而色淡 C. 舌绛而少津 D. 舌红苔白滑腻 E. 舌淡白胖嫩
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