In the 1950s, the pioneers of
artificial intelligence (AI) predicted that, by the end of this century,
computers would be conversing with us at work and robots would be performing our
housework. But as useful as computers are, they’re nowhere close to achieving
remotely resembling these early aspirations for humanlike behavior. Never mind
something as complex as conversation: the most powerful computers struggle to
reliably recognize the shape of an object, the most elementary of a
ten-month-old kid. A growing group of AI researchers think they know where the
field went wrong. The problem, the scientists say, is that AI has been trying to separate the highest, most abstract levels of thought, like language and mathematics, and to duplicate them with logical, step-by-step programs. A new movement in AI, on the other hand, t A. The only approach to building an artificially intelligent computer. B. The only way for them to win a prize in artificial intelligence research. C. The only area worth studying in computer science. D. The only game they would like to play in town. [单选题]根据《配电安规》,部分停电的工作,小于表3-1规定距离以内的未停电设备,应装设临时遮栏,临时遮栏可用坚韧绝缘材料制成,装设应牢固,并悬挂( )标示牌。
A.“止步,高压危险!” B.“禁止合闸,有人工作!” C.“在此工作!” D.“禁止合闸,线路有人工作!” [单项选择]女性,30岁。头部外伤2小时。CT检查发现右额颞硬膜下血肿,左颞骨骨折。行开颅血肿清除术,清除血肿后脑组织明显塌陷,10分钟后又出现脑组织膨出。最可能的原因是()。
A. 急性脑水肿 B. 血肿部位再出血 C. 对侧血肿 D. 急性脑积水 E. 以上都不是 [多项选择]对现场填筑土围堰的施工要求是( )。
A. 围堰填筑应自上游开始至下游合拢 B. 筑堰材料宜用黏性土,粉质黏土或沙夹黏土 C. 打木桩固定 D. 围堰底下河床底上的淤泥、石块、杂物应清净 E. 要分层夯实 [多选题] 《电力安全事故应急处置和调查处理条例》规定:事故发生后,事故现场有关人员应当立即向( )、( )或者本企业现场负责人报告。
A. 发电厂、变电站运行值班人员 B. 局长 C. 亲人 D. 电力调度机构值班人员 [单选题]有关SARS肺的病理特点,错误的是( )
A.肺泡腔中!肺细胞脱屑性改变 B.病程第1周常可见到肺泡内渗出物的机化 C.肺泡上皮内可见病毒包涵体 D.肺透明膜形成 E.肺间质淋巴细胞浸润 [多选题]处置隧道交通事故时现场侦察的内容有( )。
A.隧道的结构形式和各种洞口 B.事故类别 C.事故地点 D.困人员信息 [判断题]金属导体中电子流动方向就是电流的方向。()
[单选题] (中)《居民用户家用电器损坏处理办法》规定,电视机、音响等电子类家用电器的平均使用年限为( )年。
A.5 B.15 C.10 D.8 [判断题]在道路上施工应装设遮栏(围栏),并悬挂警告标示牌。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》, 对因建设工程施工可能造成损害的毗邻建筑物、构筑物和地下管线等,应当采取专项保护措施。
A. 勘察单位 B. 施工单位 C. 监理单位 D. 建没单位 我来回答: 提交