顾某外出经商多年下落不明,其妻钱某依法向人民法院申请宣告他死亡。顾某宣告死亡之日为2005年3月16日。由于顾某无遗嘱,其遗产按照法定继承处理。钱某继承的遗产中包括一台价值4180元的电冰箱。2006年1月16日,钱某与李某结婚。2006年2月,顾某突然出现,并申请人民法院撤销了其死亡宣告。 |
The United States (56)
a large part of the North American continent. Its neighbors are
Canada (57) the north, (58) Mexico
to the south. (59) the United States is a big country, it’ s
not the largest in the world. In 1964 its (60) was over
185,000,000. When this land first became a nation, after (61) independence from England, it had thirteen states, (62) of the states was represented on the American flag by a (63) . All the states were in the eastern part of the continent. As the nation grew towards the west, new states were in the eastern part of the continent. As the nation grew towards the west, new states were added and new stars (64) on the flag. For a long time, there were 48 states. In 1959, however, two (65) stars were added to the flag (66) the new states A. on B. in C. over D. of [多选题]根据《民法典》里,物权法的基本原则包括()。
A.物权公示原则 B.一物一权原则 C.物权法定原则 D.协商确定物权原则 [单项选择]( )oc以上热烟所到之处,遇到的可燃物都有可能被引燃起火。
A. 400 B. 500 C. 600 D. 700 [多选题]脚手架的( )应设1.2m高的护栏,0.6m处设中栏杆和不小于180mm高的挡脚板或设防护立网。临街或临近带电体的脚手架应采取封闭措施,架顶栏杆内侧的高度应低于外墙200mm。
A.外侧 B.平台 C.内侧 D.斜道 [单项选择]分化泌尿生殖系统的大部分器官的部分是()
A. 外胚层 B. 中胚层 C. 内胚层 D. 上胚层 E. 下胚层 [单选题]安全生产监督管理部门履行职业病防治监督检查职责时,有权进入()了解情况、调查取证。
A.用人单位 B.被检查单位和职业病危害现场 C.医疗卫生单位 [单选题]工作票只能延期( )。
A.一次 B.两次 C.三次 D.四次 [多选题]关于DSZ3水准仪的说法,正确的有( )。
A.配合双面尺,可以用于三等水准测量 B.下标数字3表示每公里往返测高差中数的中误差不超过3mm C.字母Z表示自动 D.DSZ3水准仪没有管水准器,不需要精平 E.DSZ3水准仪观测精度高于微倾式S3水准仪 [判断题]选用滑轮时,轮槽宽度应比钢丝绳直径大1~2.5mm。
A. 综合实力 B. 军事 C. 经济 D. 外交 我来回答: 提交