Although Beethoven could sit down and
make up music easily, his really great compositions did not come easily at all.
They cost him a great deal of hard work. We know how often he rewrote and
corrected his work because his notebooks are still kept in museums and
libraries. He always found it hard to satisfy himself. When he was 28, the worst difficulty of all came to him. He began to notice a strange humming(嗡嗡声) in his ears. At first he paid little attention; but it grew worse, and at last he consulted doctors. (46) {{U}}They gave him the worst news any musician could bear: he was gradually going deaf.{{/U}} Beethoven was in despair; he was sure that he was going to die. He went away to the country, to a place called Heiligenstadt, and from there he wrote a long farewell letter to his brothers. He longed to die, an A. Beethoven was so sad that he gave up composing B. Beethoven wrote his music better than ever before C. Beethoven’s compositions became worse and worse D. Beethoven asked his brothers for help [多选题]下列有关朱砂炮制方法的叙述,正确的是
A.研磨水飞法毒性最小 B.朱砂水飞时洗涤次数越多游离汞的含量越低 C.水飞后朱砂应晾干 D.杂质的主要成分为游离汞 E.水飞朱砂时应忌用铁器 [单选题]下列哪项不是执行医嘱时“三查八对”的内容()
A.床号 B.姓名 C.药名 D.下达医嘱的医师 [单项选择]下列关于细胞分化的叙述,正确的是()
A. 由于遗传物质改变导致分化 B. 由于基因重组导致分化 C. 已分化的不同细胞遗传物质不同,转录翻译的信息不同 D. 已分化的不同细胞遗传物质相同,转录翻译的信息不同 [单选题]COPD患者使用鼻导管吸氧,告诉病人应保持吸氧流量为( )
A.1~2L/min B.2~3L/min C.3~4L/min D.4~5L/min E.5~10L/min [判断题]电源外部的导线和负载电阻称为外电阻。(易)( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]MSG9000作为MRFP时候,SSS配置MEGCO的版本号为( ),MGW作为MRFP时候,SSS配置MEGCO的版本号为( )
A.提高漏斗 B.按摩胃区 C.挤压胃管中胶球 D.挤搓胃管 [单项选择] Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.
Now, listen to the conversation. There were ______sports in the first Modem Olympic Games in Athens in 1896. A. seventeen B. three C. nine D. seven [单项选择]肺结核咯血患者应采取哪种体位( )
A. 半卧位 B. 端坐位 C. 仰卧中凹位 D. 平卧位头偏向一侧 E. 俯卧位 [单选题] 在三相四线制供电系统中,中性线是( )装熔断器的.
A. 可以 B. 不可以 C. 必要时可以 D. 必须 [单选题]深井救人时,使用大型工作机械进行救援,应有()进行指挥,避免塌方加重险情。
* A.上级领导 B.指战员 C.专业人士 D.机械驾驶员 [单项选择]If it is left______, this fast spreading disease is likely to affect millions of Asian and African children, including more and more injured grown-ups.
A. unchecked B. uncontrolled C. aggravated D. contaminated 我来回答: 提交