Communication by Phone in the U. S.
There are two main kinds of long distance calls: dial-direct and operator-assisted. You can dial direct calls in most parts of the U.S. Look in the white pages directory for long distance rates or for more information on making long distance calls. Or you can call the operator for help. If you need a phone number that’s not in your phone book, call Directory Assistance.
To make a long distance call, you’ll need to know the three-digit area code. Dial 1 plus the area code plus the number, and an operator or a computer voice will tell you how much money to deposit. On operator-assisted calls, the operator will ask you to deposit more money before your time is up. On dial-direct calls, you’ll be cut off at the end of the time you paid for unless you put more money in the slot.
Here are some more helpful things to know. Phone books have white, blue and yellow pages. The white pages list people with
IBM has just announced the invention of
the PAN—Personal Area Network — a set of devices that use humans as conductors
to relay detailed textual information from one person to another, simply by
touch. It is a relatively small conceptual step from the PAN processor that
relays a written message through one’s body by a shake of the hand to a
microcell sensory transmission system that relays ideas and sensations directly
to and from the most powerful processor in the world, the human brain. Within a few decades, PAN-type research will transform the Internet into the Life Net, a comprehensive sensory environment for human habitation. Our minds will be afforded wireless direct sensory interfacing with other people and various databases. A dramatically enhanced version of what we now call virtual reality will become as common as air conditioning. Telephon A. People will not need cars, clothing and physical tools. B. Tools and equipment will not break down. C. People will consume less. D. Few people will need cars, clothing, and physical tools. [判断题]电费差错率是指统计差错产生的电费金额占应收电费的比例。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]上海大厦()属于()风格,是()的端景。
[单选题]单相交流电路的有功功率计算公式P=( )。
A.UICosφ B.UIsinφ C.UI D.UI+UiCosφ [单选题]按照轴的的( )不同,可以把轴分为曲轴和直轴。
A.外形形状 B.轴线形状 C.断面形状 D.剖面形状 [配伍题]缺乏可导致佝偻病的元素是() |缺乏可导致克汀病和智力低下的元素是() |缺乏可导致生长发育停滞,皮肤、毛发损害,伤口愈合推迟的元素是()
A. 钠 B. 钙 C. 铁 D. 碘 E. 锌 [判断题]劳动合同由用人单位与劳动者协商一致,并经用人单位与劳动者在劳动合同文本上签字或盖章后生效。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]智能型水质分析仪主要测试内容:氢化物,甲醛,硫酸盐氟化苯酚,二甲苯酚,硝酸盐,磷,氯,铅等共计23种。( )(易)
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]“国际减灾十年”活动是由美国科学家弗兰克•普雷斯博士于1984年提出的世界性防灾减灾的战略构想。
A. 该合同无效 B. 保险人有权解除合同,退还保险费 C. 保险人可以解除合同,退还未到期责任的保险费 D. 保险人有权解除合同,并不退还保险费 [多选题]3.679. 第679题使用临时拉线的安全要求有( )。——
A. 不得利用树木或外露岩石作受力桩 B. 一个锚桩上的临时拉线不得超过3根 C. 临时拉线不得固定在有可能移动或其他不可靠的物体上 D. 临时拉线绑扎工作应由有经验的人员担任 [单项选择]病历摘要:患者男性,23岁,双眼视力下降三年,不伴有红、肿及眼痛症状,夜间视力下降更为明显,曾在当地医院作过治疗,具体用药不详,但无明显疗效。家族中无明显类似病者,父母非近亲结婚。否认有眼外伤、中毒与传染病史。依据病史与体征,你认为此患者是下列哪种疾病?()提示:病者双眼晶状体后部轻度混浊,玻璃体无明显混浊,眼底视盘边界清楚,颜色为腊黄,视网膜动脉较细小,视网膜表面可见骨刺样色素沉着,视野有环形暗点,EOG的LP/DT明显降低。FFA检查可见斑驳状高荧光。
A. 白内障 B. 先天性角膜白斑 C. 视神经炎 D. 视网膜色素变性 E. 视神经萎缩 F. 视网膜血管炎 G. 视网膜营养不良 H. 视网膜动脉阻塞 I. 视神经中毒 J. Leber氏视神经病变 [判断题]机车信号为一个半黄半红色灯光,表示要求及时采取停车措施,列车接近的地面信号机显示红色灯光。()J435
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]列车发生紧急制动停车后,车辆乘务员如何应对?
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