As the new economy has cooled, there has Been a
steady drumbeat of layoff announcements. More than 36,000 dotcom employees were
cut in the second half of last year, including some 10,000 last month. But th6
firings went well beyond dotcomland. There were more than 480,000 layoffs
through November. General Motors is laying off 15,000 workers with the closing
of Oldsmobile. Whirlpool is trimming 6,300 workers; Aetna is letting go
5,000. The remarkable thing is that US unemployment has so far stayed strikingly low. While the NASDAQ plunged and growth trailed off last year, the unemployment rate fluctuated between 3.9% and 4.1%. That pales compared with the unemployment rates during Old Economy dark years like 1992 (7.5%) and 1982 (9.7%). And it gives the lie to an Old Economy article of faith--that there was a "natural r A. The workers who always change jobs don’t feel secure. B. The workers are under mental pressure. C. It can damage the structure of the society. D. All of the above. [判断题]总机构设在A地的某外商投资企业,在B地设有一销售分机构,对分机构生产经营所得应按A地企业所得税税率,由总机构汇总缴纳所得税。
[单选题]国家铁路的行李、包裹运价及客运杂费的尾数保留至( )。
A.角 B.元 C.5角 D.2.5角 [单选题]运营单位应制定相应的规章制度、建立服务( )。
A.质量管理体系 B.投诉体系 C.考核体系 D.评价体系 [单选题]粉煤灰细度检测用筛网尺寸和筛析时间分别为()。
A.45μm,2min B.80μm,2min C.45μm,3min D.80μm,3min [多项选择]室内给水系统一般组成包含了()。
A. 引入管 B. 室内给水管网 C. 用水设备 D. 排气装置 [单选题]279.甲状腺功能亢进病人的饮食应限制
A.高热量 B.高蛋白 C.高维生素 D.高纤维素 E.富含钾、钙 [多项选择]工作经验总结一般包括()
A. 标题 B. 导语 C. 正文 D. 落款 [单选题]下列核射线中穿透性最强的是( )。
A.α B.β C.γ D.以上都不是 [单选题]涵前积水升高,浸泡路基,危及行车安全,评定为()劣化。
A.A级AA等 B.A级A1等 C.B级 D.C级 [判断题]当接触器安装于密闭的箱中或当环境温度高于规定的条件时,应适当降容使用。( )
[单选题]根据《铁路旅客运输办理细则》规定,票价栏按收费种别分别填写在适当栏内。其他费用应在( )内注明收费种别和款额,卧铺栏前加“上、中、下”,不用栏用斜线划消,合计栏为所收款总计。
A.空白栏 B.记事栏 C.票价栏 D.不用栏 [多选题]煤矿粉尘中,全尘的特点是()。
A.悬浮于空气中 B.可以进入人体呼吸道 C.不能进入人体呼吸道 D.沉积在巷道中 E.略 F.略 [单项选择]急性间质性肾炎的病因分类中,错误的是()
A. 药物过敏性AIN B. 感染相关性AIN C. 特发性AIN D. 免疫相关性AIN E. 以上均不是 [单项选择]Rats that eat high levels of a natural sugar known as fructose (果糖) seem to age faster than other rats-and the same could be true for people who eat too much sweet (67) food, Israeli researchers said.
Fructose, found (68) in honey and fruit, is used widely in foods (69) from soft drinks to yogurt. But (70) its sweet taste is popular, the sugar could cause wrinkles and health problems, the researchers said. Dr. Moshe Werman and Boaz Levi of the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology (71) large amounts of fructose to laboratory rats. Writing in the Journal of Nutrition, they said the fructose-fed rats showed changes (72) the collagen (胶原质) of their skin and bones. Collagen, a fibrous protein found in connective tissue, bone and cartilage (软骨), basically holds the body together. The (73) of collagen is what causes sagging (松弛) and deep wrinkles in older people. The process affected, A. since B. as C. when D. while [单项选择]某件刺绣产品,需要效率相当的三名绣工8天才能完成;绣品完成50%时,一人有事提前离开,绣品由剩下的两人继续完成;绣品完成75%时,又有一人离开,绣品由最后剩下的那个人做完。那么,完成该件绣品一共用了()
A. 10天 B. 11天 C. 12天 D. 13天 [单项选择]下列关于敏感性分析的说法中,错误的是()。
A. 可分为单因素和多因素敏感性分析 B. 通常仅进行单因素敏感性分析 C. 敏感性分析中,评价指标对某种因素的敏感程度可以表示该因素按一定比例变化时使评价指标值的变化程度 D. 盈亏平衡分析属于敏感性分析的一种类型 [判断题] CCLM指的是接触网及供电设备地面监测装置。( )(《6C系统总体技术规范》术语和定义 4.1)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]当采用dis cpurusage查看交换机CPU利用率的时候发现VIDL一项达到90%, 则说明?
A.设备可能温度过高 B.设备可能出现环路 C.该项代表设备的CPU空闲率, 90%说明设备运行正常 D.设备可能遭到DDOS攻击 [单选题]以下是四类票务事故的处理的是?( )
A.扣发当月绩效工资70% B.视情节轻重给予当事人记过 记大过处分 C.对当事人给予警告处分 D.对当事人给予处室级内部通报批评 [单选题] 在空调运行期间,在保证卫生条件基础上哪种新风量调节措施不当?( )
A. 冬季最小新风 B. 夏季最小新风 C. 过渡季最小新风 D. 过渡季最大新风 [单选题]在Excel中,函数min(6,10,20)的值为()。
A.0 B.6 C.10 D.20 [多项选择]关于抵押人转让抵押物的说法,下列正确的有( )。
A. 抵押人在抵押期间全部转让抵押物的,无须经过商业银行便可办理 B. 抵押人全部转让抵押物时,具有独立的定价权 C. 抵押人全部转让抵押物所得的价款,应优先用于向商业银行提前偿还所担保的债权或存入商业银行 D. 抵押人在抵押期间部分转让抵押物时,须经商业银行同意后才可办理 E. 抵押人部分转让抵押物的,应保持剩余贷款抵押物价值不高于规定的抵押率 [单选题]飞机的最大起飞重量指( )
A.飞机离地时的重量 B.飞机开始滑行时的重量 C.飞机开始起飞滑跑时的重量 我来回答: 提交