For most of us, work is the central,
dominating fact of life. We spend more than half our conscious hours at work,
preparing for work, traveling to and from work. What we do there largely
determines our standard of living and the status we are accorded to a
considerable extent as well. It is sometimes said that because leisure has
become more important the indignities and injustices of work can be pushed into
a corner, that because most work is pretty intolerable, the people who do it
should compensate for its boredom, frustrations and humiliations by
concentrating their hopes in the other parts of their lives. I reject that as a
counsel of despair. For the foreseeable future the material and psychological
rewards which work can provide, and the conditions in which work is done, will
continue to play a vital A. the type of work they do B. the place where they work C. the time they spend at work D. the amount of money they earn [多选题]动力和照明宜共用变压器。当属于下列情况之一时,应设专用变压器:( )
A.当照明负荷较大或动力和照明采用共用变压器严重影响照明质量及光源寿命时,应设照明专用变压器; B.单台单相负荷较大时,应设单相变压器; C.采用不配出中性线的交流三相中性点不接地系统(IT 系统)时,应设照明专用变压器; D.采用660(690)V 交流三相配电系统时,应设照明专用变 压器。 [多项选择]
患者男,60岁,行走时感左足跟部疼痛、跛行3d来诊,既往有足跟部、膝关节及踝关节疼痛史。 根据已有的检查结果应考虑的疾病有(提示超声检查显示跟腱体部约2/3连续性中断,局部低回声;RF70U/ml,血ESR53mm/h。)()A. 跟腱腱病 B. 跟腱断裂 C. 跟腱下滑囊炎 D. 类风湿关节炎 E. 糖尿病足 [多项选择]脊柱叩击痛的常见原因有()
A. 腰背肌纤维劳损 B. 腰背肌纤维织炎 C. 椎间盘突出 D. 脊柱结核 E. 脊柱骨折 [判断题]电子束焊在实际应用中以真空电子束焊接居多。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]为减少支气管扩张患者肺部继发感染和全身中毒症状,最关键的措施是( )
A.加强痰液引流 B.选择广谱抗生素 C.使用呼吸兴奋剂 D.使用支气管扩张剂 E.注射流感疫苗 [判断题]斜探头和直探头的不同处就是多了一个透声的斜楔块。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]乙烯难溶于水,所以无论在什么条件下,它都不会与水作用。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]以下不属于直接接触电击防护措施的是()。
A. 绝缘 B. 24V及以下安全特低电压 C. 限制放电量 D. 电气隔离 [单选题]在梯子上工作时,梯子与地面的斜角度为( )°左右。作业人员应登在距梯顶不少于1m的梯磴上工作。
A.55 B.60 C.65 D.70 [单项选择]JZ—7制动机作用阀上共有()根管。
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 [填空题]在公务接待中,分别有()()()三种接待规格。