Until recently most historians spoke
very critically of the Industrial Revolution. They (31) that
in the long run industrialization greatly raised the standard of living for
the (32) man. But they insisted that its (33)
results during the period from 1740 to 1840 were widespread poverty
and misery for the (34) of the English population.
(35) contrast, they saw in the preceding hundred years from 1640
to 1740, when England was still a (36) agricultural country,
a period of great abundance and prosperity. This view, (37) is generally thought to be wrong. Specialists (38) history and economics, have (39) two things: that the period from 1640 to 1740 was (40) by great poverty, and that industrialization certainly did not worsen and may have actually improved the conditions for A. On B. With C. For D. By [单选题]唇边生疮,红肿疼痛的临床意义是
A.燥热津伤 B.阴虚火旺 C.心脾积热 D.胃火亢盛 E.肺热炽盛 [判断题]儒家的管理思想以“仁”为本。代表人物是老子
A. 律文 B. 疏议 C. 问答 D. 注 [单选题]下列哪一种不属于我国现行法定职业性尘肺()。
A.矽肺 B.石棉肺 C.炭黑尘肺 D.铍尘肺 E.云母尘肺 [判断题] 劳动能力鉴定是指劳动功能障碍程度和生活自理障碍程度的等级鉴定。劳动功能障碍分为四个伤残等级,最重的为四级,最轻的为一级。 (是非题)
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]动车组晚点15分钟及以上、其他旅客列车晚点30分钟及以上时要公告旅客。列车长应根据客调、段值班室、车站的通报,向旅客公告列车晚点信息,说明( )。向旅客通报时,列车广播每次间隔不超过30分钟。
A.晚点原因 B.晚点时间 C.做好宣传解释、安抚和服务工作 [单项选择]女性,18岁,确诊为暴发型流行性脑脊髓膜炎,应首选的治疗药物是
A. 头孢唑啉 B. 头孢呋辛 C. 青霉素G D. 环丙沙星 E. 氟康唑 [判断题]在控制系统中,最终完成控制功能是执行器。因此执行器是控制系统的核心。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]德育方法包括教育者的______方式和受教育者的______方式。
A. 补体缺陷症 B. 器官移植发生排斥反应 C. 全身性细菌感染 D. 慢性肉芽肿 E. 糖尿病 [单项选择]"This school" (para. 5) refers to people who ______.
A. believe in the absolute superiority of Western culture. B. hold drastically different views from Landes. C. are very cautious in linking Western culture and modernity. D. follow in the footsteps of Nazism and communism. [单选题]电磁式电压互感器现场检验一次对二次及一次对地工频耐压试验按出厂试验电压的85%进行,二次绕组之间及对地工频耐压试验为(____)kV。
A.0.5 B.1 C.2 D.$5 [判断题]LKJ运行记录数据格式处理软件由机务段负责管理和维护,格式处理软件配套的司机数据库由电务段负责维护或提供。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在计算复杂电路的各种方法中,最基本的方法是(____)法。
A.支路电流 B.回路电流 C.叠加原理 D.戴维南原理 [判断题]党的百年历史,也是我们党不断保持党的先进性和纯洁性,不断防范被瓦解、被腐化的危险的历史。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 在开展水域救助行动时,要选择精干人员入水救助,同时部署预备力量轮换。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]专责验收需对导线、装置上遗留物检查,配套金具规格检查。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题](77307)分解、组装钩舌及其他零部件时,两脚成()须站稳。(1.0分)
A.八字型 B.一字型 C.半蹬姿势 D.半跪姿势 [多选题]货物车辆抱闸检查内容有( )(应知应会-《行规》第151条)
A.人力制动机是否拧紧 B.车轮踏面是否有熔渣 C.在车辆制动机处于缓解状态下检查制动缸活塞杆是否伸出。 D.货物装载状态 我来回答: 提交