Mark Twain once observed that giving up
smoking is easy. He knew, because he’ d done it hundreds of times himself.
Giving up for ever is a trifle more difficult, apparently, and it is well known
that it is much more difficult for some people than for others. Why is this
so Few doctors believe any longer that it is simply a question of will power. And for those people that continue to view addicts as merely "weak", recent genetic research may force a rethink. A study conducted by Jacqueline Vink, of the Free University of Amsterdam, used a database called the Netherlands Twin Register to analyze the smoking habits of twins. Her results, published in the Pharmacogenomics Journal, suggest that an individual’ s degree of nicotine dependence, and even the number of cigarettes he smokes per day, are strongly genetically influenced. The A. her research is not based on the study of twins but on questionnaires. B. her research does not emphasize the contrast between two kinds of twins. C. her research is interested in the smoking habits of fraternal twins. D. her research only focuses on the study of the DNA of adult twins. [单项选择]以动物为主的人兽共患病是()
A. 炭疽 B. 结核病 C. 旋毛虫病 [判断题]CRH2A型动车组驾驶台显示灯(图1)中“准备未完”红灯亮的含义是表示动车组辅助风压压力不足尚未具备升弓合主断条件。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( )判断电线或用电设备是否带电,可以用试电器,或用手背去触摸。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]配电线路( )以上的转角杆拉线应按线路导线方向分别设置。
A.25° B.30° C.35° D.40° [简答题]“日月之行,若出其中,星汉灿烂,若出其里”是出自曹操哪部作品中的名句?
A. 动力机构 B. 转换锁闭机构 C. 表示锁闭机构 D. 手动安全机构 [单选题]下列选项中,不属于对贷款客户的限制性条款内容的是( )。
A.是否已提供项目的审批 B.办理具体贷款业务品种、额度、期限及保证金比例的要求 C.贷款担保方面的要求 D.对资产负债率等核心偿债能力、流动性、盈利性等财务指标的要求 [单项选择]烹饪原料食用价值的高低主要取决于安全性、营养性、______三个方面。
A. 价格性 B. 季节性 C. 适口性 D. 地区性 [单项选择][*]
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]
依据《安全生产法》的规定,矿山企业应当建立应急救援组织,生产规模较小的,可以不建立应急救援组织,但应当( ) A. 指定兼职的应急救援人员 B. 指定专职的应急救援人员 C. 与政府监管部门签订救援协议 D. 与保险公司签订意外伤害保险 [判断题]在化工薄壳容器的设计中,如果开设了人孔和测量孔,一定要进行补强处理。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交