It’s never easy for a mighty military
to tread lightly on foreign soil. In the case of American forces in South Korea,
protectors of the nation’s sovereignty since the Korean War, the job is made
doubly difficult by local sensitivities arising from a history of foreign
domination. So when a few GIs commit particularly brutal crimes against the
local populace, it’s easy for some South Koreans to ask. Who will guard us from
our guardians That kind of questioning grew more insistent on January 20, when police found the body of a 30-year-old Korean woman, Kang Un-gyong, in the apartment she shared with her American boyfriend. An autopsy showed Kang, who had bruises over most of her face and chest, died after being hit on the back of her head with a blunt object. Her boyfriend, Henry Kevin McKinley, 36, an electrician at the United Sta A. have been used as a pretext by some for their own expedient political purposes B. have caused damage to the reputation of every individual U. S. Serviceman in South Korea C. have delayed the plan to move the U. S. base to another location D. have worsened the official bilateral relation of U. S. and South Korea [判断题]同无限大功率电源供电情况下三相短路一样,短路电流中的非周期分量将逐渐衰减到零,基频周期分量保持不变。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]液压速度控制回路中调整工作行程速度的方法主要有( )。
A. 节流调速 B. 换向调速 C. 容积节流调速 D. 容积调速 E. 制动调速 [填空题]下面是一个JavaApplet程序,请将程序补充完整使它的功能为计算数组各元素的平均值。
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.*;
public class Exam extends Applet{
public void paint(Graphics g){
int a[ ]={1,3,5,7,9,10};
int total=0;
float ave;
for(int i=0; i<A.length;i++)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]关于心迷走神经的叙述,错误的是()。
A. 其节前纤维起源于延髓 B. 与心内神经节形成突触联系 C. 节前神经纤维递质为乙酰胆碱 D. 节前神经纤维递质为去甲肾上腺素 E. 节后神经纤维递质为乙酰胆碱 [多选题]0.4kV不停电作业初步确定火线、零线后,作业人员在工作前用()进行测试或测量。
A.电压表 B.电流表 C.验电器 D.低压试电笔 [单选题]下列关于学习策略的说法,不正确的一项是( )
A.凡是有助于提高学习效果和效率的程序、规则、方法、技巧及调控方式均属于学习策略 B.学习策略等于具体的学习方法,是学习方法的集合体 C.学习策略不能与具体的学习方法截然分开,要借助具体的学习方法表现出来 D.学习策略是调节如何学习、如何思考的高级认知能力,是会不会学的标志 [单选题]某一爆炸品所需的最小起爆能,即为该爆炸品的敏感度。敏感度越低,则爆炸危险性()。
A.不受影响 B.不变 C.越小 D.越大 [单选题] 火灾探测器响应时间不应大于 ( )。
A.30s B.60s C.90s D.120s 我来回答: 提交