This country, as Lincoln said, belongs
to the people. So do the natural resources which make it rich. They supply the
basis of our prosperity now and hereafter. In preserving them, which is a
national duty, we must not forget that monopoly is based on the control of
natural resources and natural advantages, and that it will help the people
little to conserve our natural Wealth unless the benefits which it can yield are
given back to the people. Let us remember, also, that conservation does not stop with the natural resources. The principle of making the best use of all we have requires that we stop the waste of human life in industry and prevent the waste ’of human welfare which flows from the unfair use of concentrated power and wealth in the hands of men whose eagerness for profit blinds them to the cost of what they do. We A. Their greed for profit makes them ignore the expense. B. They have accumulated too much wealth and power. C. They make profits by pretending to be blind. D. They make profits by cheating. [单选题]以下哪种不是CCTV系统视频编码格式( )。
A.H.264 B.TCP/IP C.MPEG D.WMV [多项选择]某生产企业宣传自己制造的产品质量好价格便宜,引来众多消费者购买其产品。事后许多消费者发现产品质量有严重问题,于是许多人分别向同一有管辖权的法院提起了诉讼,那么以下表述正确的是:
A. 这是一个必要的共同诉讼,法院应当合并审理 B. 这些消费者可以推选代表人进行诉讼,代表人的所有诉讼行为对代表的消费者都发生效力 C. 人民法院认为可以合并审理,还需要经原告同意才能合并审理 D. 这些起诉的消费者可以推选2—5人为诉讼代表人代表进行诉讼 [多项选择]新生儿断脐护脐不洁易发生()
A. 感冒 B. 咳嗽 C. 脐湿 D. 脐疮 E. 脐风 [单项选择]在各类财产保险中,依据标的价值在订立合同时是否确定将保险合同分为()。
A. 定值保险合同与不定值保险合同 B. 补偿性保险合同与给付性保险合同 C. 个别保险合同与集合保险合同 D. 足额保险合同与不足额保险合同 [单选题]关于磁共振对比剂增强技术的描述,错误的是
A.MRI对比剂本身可以产生磁共振信号 B.MRI对比剂对邻近质子可产生影响 C.MRI对比剂与质子相互作用影响T1驰豫时间 D.MRI对比剂与质子相互作用影响T2驰豫时间 E.MRI对比剂的应用可以提高病变对比 [单选题]下列PTN单板不支持热插拔有()
A.FAN B.CXP C.EG2 D.PIU [单项选择]银行征收利息税,税率为利息的20%,即储蓄利息的20%由银行代扣收,某人在银行存人人民币若干元,年利率为2.25%,一年到期后,纳利息税36元,则他存入银行人民币( )
A. 800元 B. 180元 C. 1800元 D. 8000元 [多选题]在行式自助设备的日常巡检内容包括( ) 。
A.对自助设备机身、灯箱广告等进行清洁,清除非法张贴物和非法装置 B.补充打印纸、色带等耗材,处理卡钞、卡纸、吞没卡等 C.检查设备监控摄像头,防止堵塞或损坏 D.检查软件系统故障 [单项选择]装配图中若干相同的零、部件组,可只详细地画出一组,其余用()表示其位置。
A. 细实线 B. 粗实线 C. 细点画线 D. 粗点画线 我来回答: 提交