Here are some situations where renting
makes more sense than buying. 1.Job uncertainty. If you are a professional working with a company that can, or does, transfer you to different cities in short periods of time, then it may not make sense to buy. Renting allows you the flexibility of moving at the drop of a hat. If you are a professional on the move, make sure any/ease(租赁合同) you sign is a "tenancy(租赁) at will", meaning, you can leave on 60 days (or a different agreed upon time) notice. Breaking a lease can be expensive, so keep this in mind. 2. Traveling. If you are constantly traveling with your job; particularly overseas, you may want to consider renting until you find the place you want to settle in. Owning a home requires that you are around (or someone reliable is around) to maintain your property. Being an absentee owner can be A. How to Rent a House B. Risks in Buying a House C. Renting vs. Buying a House D. Investing in the Housing Market [多选题]各级消防救援队伍党政主要负责同志为本级作战训练安全工作第一责任人,( )为灭火救援作战训练安全直接责任人,
A. 大队长 B. 分管领导 C. 业务部门领导 D.现场指挥员(训练组织者) [判断题]()过热注汽锅炉的报警项目有:辐射段出口压力高。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]若由于设备原因,接地刀闸与检修设备之间连有断路器(开关),在接地刀闸和断路器(开关)合上后,应有保证断路器(开关)不会( )的措施。
A.拉闸 B.损坏 C.分闸 D.合闸 [单项选择]营养胃底的动脉是
A. 胃左动脉 B. 胃右动脉 C. 胃短动脉 D. 胃网膜右动脉 E. 胃网膜左动脉 [单选题]电气化铁道接触网无线电辐射干扰的测量次数不少于( )。
A.6次 B.8次 C.10次 D.12次 [判断题]06CG003221 全员安全教育的目的之一是强化员工的安全意识。()
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交