Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)(
46) For centuries the smoking of tobacco in cigarettes, cigars, and pipes has produced controversy over possible health hazards, but only since the 1950’s has sufficient scientific evidence accumulated to make possible a thorough evaluation of the health risk.
Scientific investigation of the relationship of smoking and health gained impetus after the beginning of the 20th century, then an increase in lung cancer was noted. As the use of tobacco increased, studies improved. (47) Although some gaps in knowledge still exist, the information now available is sufficient to permit making sound judgments, based on the converging lines of evidence.
(48) Investigators have directed their principal consideration to cigarette smoking because th
Employers and career experts see a
growing problem in American society--a(n) {{U}} (67) {{/U}} of college
graduates, many burdened with tuition-loan(学费贷款) debt,{{U}} (68)
{{/U}} into the work world with a degree that doesn’t mean much
{{U}} (69) {{/U}} The problem isn’t just a soft job market--it’s a(n)
{{U}} (70) {{/U}} of graduates. In 1973, a bachelor’s degree was more of
a rarity,{{U}} (71) {{/U}} just 47% of high school graduates went on to
college. By October 2008, that number had {{U}} (72) {{/U}} to nearly
70%. For many Americans today, a trip through college is considered as
{{U}} (73) {{/U}} of a birthright as a driver’s license. Employers stress that a basic degree {{U}} (74) {{/U}} essential, carefully tiptoeing around the idea that its {{U}} (75) {{/U}} has decreased. But they admit that the degree alone i A. at B. in C. for D. over [多选题]¥107,000.53大写金额的正确写法是()
A. 人民币拾万柒仟元零伍角叁分 B. 人民币壹拾万柒仟元零伍角叁分 C. 人民币壹拾万零柒仟元伍角叁分 D. 人民币壹拾万零柒仟元伍角叁分整 [单项选择]中国银行业营销人员从职责上可以分为( )。
A. 营销管理经理、客户管理经理、客户服务人员 B. 产品经理、项目经理、关系经理 C. 职业经理、非职业经理 D. 公司业务经理、零售业务经理、资金业务经理 [单项选择]男,30岁,已婚不育,超声显示:左侧阴囊内多条管状结构,CDFI为静脉频谱,管径大于3mm,最可能的诊断是()
A. 斜疝 B. 附睾炎 C. 阴囊血肿 D. 精索静脉曲张 E. 睾丸肿瘤 [单项选择]
Questions 1-4 What has the man just done during his lunch break?()A. He’s bought his wife a present. B. He’s missed an important phone call. C. He’s dismissed his new secretary. D. He’s popped out shopping. [单项选择]引起牙髓炎最常见的疾病是
A. 深龋 B. 牙外伤 C. 牙陷裂 D. 楔状缺损 E. 牙周炎 [单选题]( )对于35MP70MPa、105MPa通用压井管汇, 正常工况时压5连接( )。
A. 压裂车 B. 泥浆泵 C. 放喷管线 D. 放喷管线或放喷管汇 [判断题]钢水罐需卧放地坪时,在没有未凝结残留物的情况下,可直接放在地坪上。
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]A.消食化积,降气化痰
A.消食化积,行气活血散瘀 B.消食和胃 C.消食和中,回乳 D.消食化积,涩精止遗 E.神曲的功效是 [单选题]低供低计指的是( )
A.高压供电,在高压侧计量; B.高压供电,在低压侧计量; C.低压供电,在低压侧计量; D.以上都不对。 [多选题]有()病症之一的,不得从事接尘作业。
A.A、活动性肺结核病及肺外结核病 B.B、严重的上呼吸道 C.C、支气管疾病 D.D、显著影响肺功能的肺脏 E.E、胸膜病变 F.F、心、血管器质性疾病 G.G、经医疗鉴定,不适于从事粉尘作业的其他疾病。 [判断题]对于OMP和SMP合一的局,计费服务器和前台OMP地址在一个网段内。而对于OMP和SMP分开的局,需要创建从计费服务器经USI板到SMP的路由。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列绩效考评方法中人力、物力耗费相对较低的是()。
A. 成绩记录法 B. 绩效标准法 C. 直接指标法 D. 360度考评法 我来回答: 提交