Advanced technology has already pushed
human being to edges, such as the production of weapons of mass destruction, the
destruction of Ozone by Freon, and the application of clone. The heated debate
over {{U}} (67) {{/U}} cloning technique should be used in human
reproduction must be considered as a serious {{U}} (68) {{/U}}. Clone, to a certain degree, is {{U}} (69) {{/U}} to mankind. Such disease as Parkinsons will {{U}} (70) {{/U}} be cured in the future in the hope of further {{U}} (71) {{/U}} of clone. However, the {{U}} (72) {{/U}} of this technology will bring human being unthinkable destruction. {{U}} (73) {{/U}} the declaration of the death of Dolly, we are more {{U}} (74) {{/U}} of the inefficient procedure of clone. According to "Dolly’s false legacy", the incidence of death among offspring {{U}} (75) {{/U}} by cl A. how B. whether C. when D. where [单项选择]Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
A. May 30th. B. June 30th. C. July 30th. D. August 30th. [单项选择]能进行一般的日常生活活动和某种职业工作,但参与其他项目受限属于()
A. 功能障碍Ⅰ级 B. 功能障碍Ⅱ级 C. 功能障碍Ⅲ级 D. 功能障碍Ⅳ级 E. 功能障碍Ⅴ级 [单项选择]蛋白质生物合成中氨基酸的活化部位为
A. 烷基 B. 羟基 C. 羧基 D. 巯基 [判断题]遇有五级(含五级)以上大风可以动火,特殊情况可围隔作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]某负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门,曾对安全生产事项的审查、验收中收取费用,根据《安全生产法》应如何处理?()
A.A、由其上级机关或者监察机关责令改正 B.B、责令退还收取的费用 C.C、情节严重的,对直接负责的主管人员依法给予处分 D.D、情节严重的,对其他直接责任 人员依法给予处分 [填空题]A
Visa Gold Card A Visa Gold Card guarantees you’ll be welcomed at more than 10.5 million establishments in 247 countries. It gives you access to more ATMs around the world than any other cards. It assures you of unsurpassed travel, legal and medical assistance, with just one phone call, and emergency cash if you lose your card. And it offers you Visa’s unmatched range of special cardholder services, from reserved concert seats to the Visa Restaurant Club. B MasterCard Pocket Teller It can now tell you how much money you have on your chip, as well as how much you spent in each of your last ten transactions and when. How With this Utile gem of new technology, the MasterCard Pocket Teller, available for the very first time in the world right here in Plymouth. It’s like having a mini Automatic Teller Machine in your pocket. C Smart Object Smart Object has got all the benefits of object-oriented technology without the drawbacks. Without the tim [多选题]消防图像综合管理平台由( )组成。(易)(音视频与应急通信管理)
A.部局 B.总队 C.支队 D.大(中)队 [单项选择]船舶柴油机排气管和消声器要装设冷却水套或包扎绝热材料,表面温度不得超过(),以免灼伤管理人员。
A. 500C B. 550C C. 600C D. 800C [单项选择]患者男,67岁。胃癌根治术后,遵医嘱暂进食,给予静脉输液治疗。输液时注意。为此患者输液的主要目的是()
A. 补充水分和电解质 B. 补充营养,供给热量 C. 输入药物,治疗疾病 D. 增加循环血量,改善微循环 E. 补充水分、电解质和供给热量 [多项选择]某县卫生防疫站,在进行食品卫生检查监督时,发现某饭店卫生不合格,厨房里有苍蝇,于是报请县卫生局,并以县卫生局的名义对饭店罚款2000元。饭店对罚款不服,向法院起诉,卫生局得知饭店起诉后,为保证打赢官司,责令卫生防疫站的工作人员到该饭店补作现场卫生检查笔录,遭到饭店拒绝。卫生局于是委托本局的法律顾问律师周某到饭店调查有关证据。下面哪些说法不正确
A. 卫生局无权对饭店实施处罚 B. 饭店已起诉,卫生局不能派防疫站工作人员到饭店补作现场笔录 C. 卫生局可以派其法律顾问,到饭店收集与本案有关的证据 D. 饭店起诉以后,卫生局防疫站工作人员再也不能到饭店进行食品卫生检查 [多选题]美元2004版钞票各面额中,( )面额采用了光变油墨面额数字防伪特征。
A.5美元 B.50美元 C.10美元 D.20美元 E.100美元 [简答题]HSE检查管理制度现场HSE检查包括()。
[单项选择]目前我国常规化学测定项目在室间质量评价活动中的评价标准不包括( )
A. 固定范围(例如:±4mmol/L) B. 固定百分数(例如:±10%的靶值) C. 以上两者的结合(例如:±6mg/dl或±10%靶值,取较大的值) D. 范围基于组标准差(s)(例如:±2s) E. SDI [多选题]局、总队每半年,支队每季度,至少组织分析一次基层建设形势,提出( )。
A.目标 B.任务 C.措施 D.要求 [单选题] 滴定分析中,用重铬酸钾为标准溶液测定铁,属于( )
A.酸碱滴定法 B.配位滴定法 C.氧化还原滴定法 D.沉淀滴定法 [单选题]在光缆中继段内光纤线路衰减值的计算公式中,要求单模光纤 ≤( )dB(1310nm、1550 nm)。
A.0.08 B.0.2 C.0.7 D.1.0 我来回答: 提交