To be a good teacher, you need some of
the gifts of a good actor: you must be able to hold the attention of your
audience; you must be a clever speaker, with good, strong, pleasing voice which
is fully under your control; and you must be able to act what you are teaching,
in order to make its meaning clear. The fact that a good teacher has some of the gifts of an actor doesn’t mean that he will indeed be able to act well on the stage, for there are very important differences between the teacher’s work and actor’s. The actor has to speak words which he has learnt by heart; he has to repeat exactly the same words each time he plays a certain part, even his movements and the ways in which he uses his voice are usually fixed beforehand. What he has to do is to make all these carefully learnt words and actions seem natural on the stage. A go A. Teachers and Actors B. How to Become a Good Teacher C. A Good Teacher D. How to Become a Good Actor [填空题]Authority is a type of power, and may be defined as (36) power, that is, power based on values and norms. Machiavelli (37) the use of force with the rule of law, and the latter illustrates authority. Authority tends to be a much larger (38) of most existing power than is force. The socialization process teaches us to (39) to a wide variety of norms that allow others--parents, teachers, friends, employers, and officials of all kinds--to direct our behavior.
There are three kinds of authority. Max Weber enables us to gain some (40) perspective on the nature of authority. At the same time, he distinguishes three kinds of authority: charismatic, traditional, and legal. Charismatic authority is rule based on belief in the (41) personal qualities of the ruler. Weber illustrates such authority by referring to the magical sorcerer, the prophet, the leader of hunting and booty (42) , the warrior chieftain, the so [多选题]信贷管理基本制度规定,担保贷款分为()。
A.信用贷款 B.保证担保 C.抵押担保 D.质押担保 [单项选择]The author presents all of the following as elements of contemporary chemistry that must be corrected EXCEPT
A. (A) the emphasis on chemical solutions for the immediate future B. (B) a lack of concern with human health in chemistry education C. (C) the flow of chemically spent materials into the ecosphere D. (D) the use of chemical selectivity in the development of new processes E. (E) the separation of various chemistries into "distinct" compartments [单项选择]The terrorists were told that they would be probably sent by air to ______.
A. Italy B. India C. Syria D. Nigeria [单选题] 在氧化过程中不产生余氯的氧化剂是( )。
A.液氯 B.二氧化氯 C.漂白粉 D.臭氧 [判断题]将世界上的国家和地区划分为“三个世界”的理论是由邓小平提出来的。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]特种设备作业人员一般是指《特种设备安全监察条例》所规定的各专业技术操作人员。国家质量监督机构对下述工种的培训、考试、发证及上岗的管理都建立了相应的制度和办法,其中不包括( )。
A. 起重工 B. 砌筑工 C. 钳工 D. 探伤工 [单选题]某站调车作业发生冲突,造成客运列车脱轨1辆,属于铁路交通一般( )事故。
A.A 类 B.B类 C.C类 D.D类 [单选题]若专责监护人必须长时间离开工作现场时,应由( )变更专责监护人,履行变更手续,并告知全体被监护工作人员。
A. A.工作票签发人 [填空题]福费廷业务中,一般须由包买商指定或认可的()为票据提供担保;担保方式有两种:(),()。
[单选题]下列属于影响道床路基稳定的施工作业是( )。
A.成段(连续 3 根及以上轨 枕)更换道床 B.成段 连续 100m 以上 )更换钢轨 C.无缝线路应力放散 D.成段( 连续 100m 以上 )调整轨缝,拆开接头并插入短轨头 [单项选择]330MW发电机转子一点接地保护采用原理()。
A. 采用注入并切换采样原理; B. 整流桥原理; C. 二次谐波闭锁原理; D. 比率式制动原理。 [单选题] 流脑的主要传播途径是
A.生活密切接触 B.蚊虫叮咬 C.呼吸道 D.输血或血液制品 E.消化道 [多选题]幼儿产生暴怒发作的原因有?()
A.家庭教育不当 B.过分溺爱 C.负面榜样 D.行为不当 [判断题]地面信号确认呼唤时机应遵循“信号好了不早呼、信号未好提前呼”的原则。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]根据《特种作业人员安全技术培训考核管理规定》2015年修正版第十条,对特种作业人员的安全技术培训,具备安全培训条件的生产经营单位应当以( ) 培训为主,也可以委托具备安全培训条件的机构进行培训。
A.自主 B.员工自己 C.委托 D.国家 [单选题]安装在配电盘、控制盘上的电能表外壳()。
A.A、无需接地 B.B、必须接地 C.C、可接可不接地 D.D、必须多点接地 [单项选择]眶底爆折的最佳手术复位时间是()
A. 伤后立即进行 B. 伤后1d内进行 C. 伤后1周内进行 D. 伤后7~10d E. 伤后14d以后 [单项选择]计算机应用广泛,而其应用最广泛的领域是______。
A. 科学与工程计算 B. 数据处理与办公自动化 C. 辅助设计与辅助制造 D. 信息采集与过程控制 [单项选择]根据《生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例》的规定,自事故发生之日起( )日内,事故造成的伤亡人数发生变化的,事故发生单位应当及时补报。
A. 7 B. 15 C. 30 D. 60 [判断题]A-E-H-008 5 1 3
不论是从路肩铲下的土,还是道床中清筛出的脏土,在路堤地段,应弃于边坡下面;在路堑地段,应运出路堑范围以外。 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 若专责监护人必须长时间离开工作现场时,应由()变更专责监护人,履行变更手续,并告知全体被监护工作人员。
A.工作票签发人 B.工作负责人 C.小组负责人 D.工作许可人 [单项选择]在数据:1.5、1.0e3、$1000、’2001中,数值型数据有()个。
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 [判断题]行政法规须在法律规定的给予行政处罚的行为、种类和幅度范围内作出具
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]在有回归牵引电流流过的轨道区段,应采用带 的25Hz相敏轨道电路。
A. 感染 B. 电解质紊乱 C. 昏迷 D. 出血 E. 转氨酸升高 [单选题]检修设备停电,应拉开隔离开关(刀闸),( )应拉至试验或检修位置,应使各方面有一个明显的断开点。
A.隔离开关(刀闸) B.断路器(开关) C.手车开关 D.保护切换开关 [单选题]第 273 题, 本小题 1 分
某三相高压用户安装的是三相三线两元件有功电能表,TV、TA均采用V型接线,当C相保险熔断时测得表头AB电压幅值为25V,CB电压幅值为100V,AB与CB电压同相,C相保险熔断期间抄录电量为100000kWh,试求应追补()kWh。(故障期间平均功率因数为0.88)。 A. 58100 B. 61200 C. 72100 D. 73100 我来回答: 提交