A scientist who wants to predict the
way in which consumers (消费者) will spend their money must study consumer
behavior. He must obtain data both on the resources of consumers and on the
motives that tend to encourage or discourage money spending. (3) {{U}}If an economist were asked which of three groups borrow most--people with rising incomes, stable incomes, or decreasing incomes, his probable answer would be those with decreasing incomes.{{/U}} Actually, in the years 1947-1950, the answer was people with rising incomes. People with decreasing incomes were next and people with stable incomes borrowed the least. This shows us that traditional assumptions (假设) about earning and spending are not always reliable. Another traditional assumption is that if people who have money expect prices to go up they will hasten to buy. If A. concludes that the saving and spending patterns in Great Britain are better than those in America B. concludes that the consumers always expect prices to remain stable C. concludes that maintaining stable prices is a correct business policy D. does not draw any conclusion [单选题]某电力公司电缆班组在对某220kV电缆线路2#中间接头巡视中发现其存在明显放电现象。经确认核实后,工区组织人员采用热缩工艺对该电缆中间接头重新制作。动火作业过程中应符合相关规范要求。下列不属于动火作业的是()。
A.焊接 B.喷灯 C.C打磨 D.D搬运 E.略 F.略 [简答题]问题同上
[多选题]在带电作业过程中,工作负责人发现或获知相关设备发生故障,应( )。
A.立即停止工作 B.撤离人员 C.报告上级 D.立即与值班调控人员或运维人员取得联系 [判断题]使用闸板防喷器不允许用打开闸板的方法泄压。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]统计表的基本要求包括( )。
A. 标题位置在表格的最上方,应包括时间、地点和要表达的主要内容 B. 标目所表达的性质相当于“变量名称”,要有单位 C. 线条不宜过多,一般三根横线条,不用竖线条 D. 备注表中用“*”标出,再在表的下方注出 E. 标题要概括图形所要表达的主要内容,标题一般写在图形的下端中央 [单项选择]出租汽车驾驶员内急,可寻()解决内急。
A. 大树旁 B. 公厕 C. 屋檐下 [简答题]单开可动心轨道岔,应采用________转换装置。
[单选题]有机磷农药中毒,尿液为 ( )。
A. 氨臭味 B. 烂苹果味 C. 蒜臭味 D. 腐臭味 [单项选择]Since any answer may bring()to his govenrnent the spokesman tried to avoid the question.
A. commitment B. embarrassment C. failure D. benefit [多项选择]咨询中,咨询师自我暴露的主要形式包括()。
A. 咨询师把对求助者的体验感受告诉求助者 B. 求助者把对咨询师的体验感受告诉咨询师 C. 咨询师暴露与求助者所谈内容有关的个人经验 D. 求助者公开自己的个人经历及感受 [单选题]以下不属于教学评价一类中的是( )
A.诊断性评价 B.形成性评价 C.内容评价 D.终结性评价 [判断题]传感器的传感元件通常情况下直接感受被测量
[多选题]意志是意识能动作用的反映,一般要通过( ) 来表现。
A. 语言 B. 行动 C. 行为 D. 创造 [单选题]并联电路中的总电流等于(____)。
A.各支路电阻电流的和 B.各支路电阻电流的积 C.各支路电阻电流的倒数和 D.各支路电阻电流的倒数积 [判断题]47、安全带要挂在上方牢固可靠处,高度不低于腰部。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交