American officials have announced rules to
help prevent people from getting sick from the medicines they take.
The rules require the medicines Americans use most to have information that is easy to read and understand. The officials say the new system will help people make more informed decisions about the drugs they use. More and more people use medicines known as over-the counter drugs to treat common health problems. Americans buy 5’, 000,000,000 such products each year. About 100,000 over-the-counter drugs can be purchased in the United States without orders from a doctor. Many people decide on their own which drug to take, how to take it, and if it should be given to their children. Over-the-counter drugs are generally very safe. However, using them the wrong way can be dangerous. Officials say hospitals in t A. 2,000. B. 100,000. C. 170,000. D. 5,000,000,000. [判断题](466640)( )指示电极是测量电池电动势的基准。(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在党的历史上第一次明确提出了建立社会主义市场经济体制的目标模式是在中共十四大上。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]我国现阶段经济体制改革的一项重大任务是继续调整和完善生产资料所有制的()
A. 方式 B. 机制 C. 结构 D. 环节 [单项选择]热情要有分寸,要把握好()。过分的热情往往会导致乘客的反感,效果适得其反。
A. 尺度 B. 适合 C. 温度 [单选题]乳化液泵起动后无流量或流量不足、压力脉动原因是泵内有空气或过滤器堵塞或()无压力或压力太高。
A.冷却器 B.漏油器 C.蓄能器 D.稳压器 [单选题] 三相变压器( ),就能保证主磁通和相电势为正弦波。
A. 原、副绕组只要有一边接成星形 B. 只要其铁芯为芯式 C. 原、副绕组只要有一边接成三角形 D. 原、副绕组都接成星形 [单项选择]下列选项中,导致螺杆压缩机轴封泄漏油的因素是()
A. 介质温度高 B. 压力过高 C. 震动过大 D. 流量过大 [判断题]用人力移动机件时,人员要妥善配备多人搬抬应有一人统一指挥,工作时动作要一致。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
People often show their (36) by the body positions they (37) . These can contradict (38) you are saying, especially when you are trying to (39) the way you feel. For example, a very common (40) position, assumed when people feel (41) in some way, is to put your arm or arms across your body. [单项选择]主要用于镇咳的阿片类药是:
A. 二氢埃托啡 B. 哌替啶 C. 可待因 D. 喷他佐辛 E. 安那度 [单项选择]在( )的担保形式下,债权人占有债务人的财产。
A. 抵押和质押 B. 抵押和留置 C. 质押和留置 D. 抵押、质押和留置 [单选题]为了保持调速时电动机转矩不变,在变化频率时,也要对( )做相应调节,这种方法叫VVVF调速法。
A.定子的电阻; B.定子的电流; C.定子的电压; D.转速 [单选题]己执行的信息工作票、信息工作任务单至少应保存半年。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [单项选择]下列不属于既得权益特征的是()。
A. 在符合特定条件或履行特定义务后方可获取 B. 存在风险 C. 属于当期支付 D. 具有法律或合同依据 [判断题]晶体管特性图示仪能测量三极管的共基极输人、输出特性。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]道口工白天采用直立平举( )的黄色信号旗迎送列车。
A.展开 B.拢起 C.半展 D.卷起 我来回答: 提交