Questions 62 to 66 are based on
the following passage. A Census Bureau (人口调查局) survey released Thursday shows a college graduate can expect to earn $2.1 million working full-time between 25 and 54, which demographers (人口学家) call a typical work-life period. A master’s degree-holder is projected to earn 2.5 million, while someone with a professional degree, such as a doctor or lawyer, could make even more-- $4.4 million. In contrast, a high school graduate can expect to make $1.2 million during the working years, according to the bureau report that tracked the influence of education on lifetime earnings. Not all students look at college as an Investment," but I am sure parents do," said Jacqueline King, policy analyst with the American Education Council, a higher education advocacy (拥护) group. "The A. spend as much money as possible as college students B. get the most rewards from the money they have paid C. understand the influence of higher education on their lifetime earnings D. make as much money as possible before they graduate from the college [判断题]企业应建立健全安全生产规章制度,并发放到相关工作岗位,规范从业人员的生产作业行为。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]滑车不得拴挂在不牢固的结构物上。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]进风井大致位于井田走向的中央,在每个采区各开掘一个小回风井,这种通风方式叫( )。
A. 中央分列式 B. 分区对角式 C. 两翼对角式 D. 混合式 [判断题]1789年英国资产阶级革命后建立了保安官制度,即实行了资产阶级共和国的警察制度。 ( )
A.内蒙古 B.西藏 C.新疆维吾尔 D.宁夏回族 [多项选择]结晶法选择溶剂的原则是()
A. 沸点不能太高 B. 冷热溶解度差别大 C. 冷热溶解度差别小 D. 手选常见溶剂水、乙醇、甲醇、丙酮 E. 可选混合溶剂 [多选题]在确定进一步审计程序的范围时,注册会计师应当考虑的主要因素有( )。
A.审计程序与特定风险的相关性 B.评估的认定层次重大错报风险 C.计划获取的保证程度 D.可容忍的错报或偏差率 [单项选择]肿瘤放疗易损伤皮肤,护理措施正确的是()
A. 接受日光照射 B. 保持皮肤清洁干燥 C. 局部涂润肤膏 D. 肥皂水清洗 E. 外敷消肿药膏 [多项选择]在软弱围岩地段施工时,应遵守的原则有( )。
A. 短进尺 B. 强爆破 C. 早喷锚 D. 勤量测 E. 紧封闭 [判断题]采用公允价值模式进行后续计量的投资性房地产,应根据其预计使用寿命计提折旧或进行摊销。()
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