Community cancer clusters are viewed
quite differently by citizen activists than by epidemiologists.
Environmentalists and concerned local residents, for instance, might immediately
suspect environmental radiation as the culprit when a high incidence of cancer
cases occurs near a nuclear facility. Epidemiologists, in contrast, would be
more likely to say that the incidences were "inconclusive" or the result of pure
chance. And when a breast cancer survivor, Lorraine Pace, mapped 20 breast
cancer cases occurring in her West Islip, Long Island, community, her
rudimentary research efforts were guided more by hope--that a specific
environmental agent could be correlated with the cancers than by scientific
method. When epidemiologists study clusters of cancer cases and other noncontagious conditions such as birth defects or miscarr A. methodological difficulties in analyzing community cancer clusters B. reluctance of epidemiologists to investigate environmental factors in cancer C. lack of credibility of citizen activists in claiming to have identified cancer agents D. effectiveness of regulations restricting the use of carcinogens in residential areas [单项选择]决定成败的系统是()
A. 结构子系统 B. 运行子系统 C. 理念子系统 D. 绩效子系统 [单项选择]
患者男性,40岁,主诉终末尿痛,尿频,会阴及腰骶部胀痛1月余,晨起后发现尿道口有白色分泌物,乏力,腰酸。前列腺液WBC满视野,磷脂小体减少。舌紫暗,苔黄,脉沉涩。诊断为精浊。 选方为()A. 五味消毒饮 B. 知柏地黄汤 C. 滋阴除湿汤 D. 前列汤 E. 金锁固精丸 [填空题]打开一个表应该使用的宏操作是______。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]体动脉压持续升高可能由下列哪些因素引起( )
A.心钠素分泌过多 B.醛固酮分泌过多 C.肾素分泌过多 D.左心室肥大 E.慢性呼吸衰竭引起的低氧 [单选题]通过古丝绸之路,阿拉伯国家和中国取长补短,互通有无,促使中阿文明走在世界前列;近年来,在“一带一路”框架内,依托具有历史积淀的文明对话,中阿双方不断深化各领域的合作。从中可见 聿怀政治 网资料 微信公众号yhzz2004
①文化具有包容性的特征 ②文化与经济政治相互影响 ③文化传播是影响文化发展的主导因素 ④文化交流借鉴是人类文明进步的重要动力 A.①② B.②④ C.①③ D.③④ [单选题]负责事故调查处理的国务院有关部门和地方人民政府应当在批复事故调查报告后()内,组织有关部门对事故整改和防范措施落实情况进行评估,并及时向社会公开评估结果。
A.一年 B.6个月 C.三个月 D.一个月 我来回答: 提交