One of the most strikingly apparent
instances of extrasensory perception is the precognitive experience, when a
person has a compelling perception of a coming disaster, news of death of a
loved one, or a communication from a long-lost friend, and the predicted event
then happens. Many who have had such experiences report that the emotional
intensity of the precognition and its subsequent verification provide an
overpowering sense of contact with another realm of reality. I have had such an
experience myself. Many years ago, I awoke in the middle of night in a cold
sweat, with a certain knowledge that a close relative had suddenly died. I was
so gripped with the haunting intensity of the experience that I was afraid to
place a long-distance phone call, (for fear that the relative would trip over
the telephone cord or something and m A. often coincides with reality B. often turns out to be unnecessary worries C. arises from troubled mind D. expresses a person’s secret wishes [多选题]( )情况下,应根据实测行车速度和实际牵引质量,重新计算和调整超高。
A.行车条件有较大变化 B.曲线发生木枕压切 C.曲线钢轨不正常磨耗 D.曲线钢轨轨距不良 E.曲线混凝土枕挡肩破损 [单选题]Cats are creatures of habit.They like to go to sleep about the same time every day and for a certain length of time.They seem to have a natural clock inside them that tells them when to sleep.
Cats increase their regular sleep with occasional cat naps(打盹).Some experts feel that humans could also benefit from this habit.Cat naps help to build up energy in the body.They are also a good way to get rid of trouble!Since cats have the same moods(情绪)as humans,some experts behave that people can improve their moods.People might become happier.
A number of famous people have copied cats by taking cat naps during the day.The naps would usually last from 15 to 30 minutes.
Winston Churchill took cat naps.So did Presidents Harry Truman,John
F.Kennedy and Lyndon
B.Johnson.These famous men were known for their energy.They were also able to work long hours,often into the night.Napping was their secret.
Perhaps more people learn from cats and take naps to feel better and live longer!
Naps usually last__________.
A.three hours B.less than half an hour C.forty-five minutes D.fifty-five minutes [简答题]铁路交通事故的等级是根据什么划分的?
[单选题]查看进程运行日志记录的地址为( )。
A./usr/users/sy1svc/etc B./etc C./bin/etc D./date/etc [单选题]子痫患者首选的紧急处理是( )
A.移送患者到暗室 B.专人监护并记录 C.立即行剖宫产 D.遵医嘱用控制抽搐的药物 E.留置尿管,观察尿量及性状 [单选题]措施项目清单编制中,下列适用于以“项”为单位计价的措施项目费是( )。
A.已完工程及设备保护费 B.超高施工增加费 C.大型机械设备进出场及安拆费 D.施工排水.降水费 [多选题] 依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司安全工作奖惩规定》(Q/CSG2061036-2020)第二条的规定,按照( )原则,公司安全工作实行有奖有惩、奖惩并重。
A. 精神鼓励与物质奖励相结合 B. 思想教育与考核问责相结合 C. 激励与处罚相结合 D. 过程与结果相结合 [判断题]OBU累计计费金额明显大于入出口可达路径最小费(ETC优惠后)2倍的(参考值),ETC车道自动拦截,收费员以出口车牌、车型(轴数)发起在线计费请求,根据返回的计费信息进行收费,车道系统记录特情。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列有关Java布尔类型的描述中,正确的是:
A.一种基本的数据类型,它的类型名称为boolean B.用int表示类型 C.其值可以赋给int类型的变量 D.有两个值,1代表真,0代表假 [单项选择]荞麦的品种较多,主要有()种。
A. 一种 B. 两种 C. 三种 D. 四种 [多选题]肿瘤对放射线的敏感性的临床表现( )
A.完全缓解 B.部分缓解 C.无变化 D.增大 [判断题]接地系统的单相触电比不接地系统的单相触电危险性大。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]在日常训练中,哪些技巧必需在专业教练指导下才能进行。( )
A.进入或离开安全的缓流区。 B.操作救援器材。 C.下水追逐受困溺者。 D.急流中有障碍物。 [单项选择]
Estee Lauder, a very successful business leader, died on April 24th, 2004, at the age of 97. She had sold beauty products for more than 70 years. Her business, the Estee Lauder Companies, began on the streets of New York City. [判断题]挂车时,应先撤除停留车防溜措施,再进行连挂作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题](49708)质量鉴定中车辆乘务员无证上岗扣分范围属于( )。(1.0分)
A.A B.B C.C D.D 我来回答: 提交